Gordon Brown Resigns as Prime Minister - UK


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Its a sad day for all in britain

Gordon Brown has resigned and it now looks as if Conservative leader David Cameron will be Prime Minister with Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats as Deputy Prime Minister.

Gordon Brown, no matter what you think, was a great assett to britain and managed to get us through one of the toughest economic times the world has faced, the country was in great form with Labour behind the wheel.... its now time to see what happens next.

And i , like many in the uk Countries are worried. But it will be interesting to see what unfolds.:)


Prime Minister Gordon Brown has handed his resignation to the Queen after walking out of Downing Street with his wife and two children.

Speaking outside No 10, he said: "I wish the next prime minister well as he makes the important choices for the future."

Mr Brown added: "Above all it was a privilege to serve. And yes, I loved the job."

In his final words to the public as prime minister, he said: "As I leave the second most important job I could ever hold, I cherish even more the first – as a husband and a father. Thank you and goodbye."

Before visiting the Queen at Buckingham Palace, Mr Brown revealed he was to advise that she should appoint Conservative leader David Cameron as Britain's new leader.

The revelations followed senior Liberal Democrat Vince Cable telling Sky a deal on forming a coalition government between his party and the Conservatives is "very, very close to being done".

The Tories have agreed a three-year deal with the Lib Dems, which would allow them three budgets to get the economy back on track, Sky sources said.
Gordon Brown was bloody brilliant.

Cameron is a fucking moron who will fuck this entire country up.

Mark my words.
Gordon brown paid for Blairs mistakes, Labour has been in a bad state this long time and as much as i hate their foreign policy as of late i would still rather them than the conservatives who have rarely been good for the Irish situation.
why is he resigning?

Its a very long and complicated process. We've just had a general election but the party that got the most votes, the Conservatives, didn't get enough votes to form a majority govt. So Brown was still PM as we had what was called a 'hung parliament.' Its impossible for a party to govern as a minority govt so the last few days have seen the Conservatives negotiate with the Lib Dems, the party that came 3rd, in order to form a coalition govt. This would then give the Conservatives a majority. Brown today has decided now a deal has been reached that he now has to resign as his party, Labour, has conceded defeat. So now David Cameron is the UK's Prime Minister.
A sad day for all in Britain? I don't think so! I am so glad Labour are not in power anymore. It's time for a change.
Everyone who isn't a 40+, married, Christian, highly educated and a multi-millionaire. I definitely fall into that category, apart from being fairly educated.....
There are bad times ahead.
Everyone who isn't a 40+, married, Christian, highly educated and a multi-millionaire. I definitely fall into that category, apart from being fairly educated.....
There are bad times ahead.
Well I fall into that category too. The idea of the Conservatives running things is not pleasing to me, but they will have the joint input of the Lib Dems, so I don't think it will be too bad. And if this coalition doesn't work there will be another general election anyway.
I always felt the media were far too hard on Gordon every little fuck up he did they came down on him like a hurricane it was a shame the way they bullied him, I didn't vote in the recent election because I don't believe in Politics but I really hope this country doesn't end up like the Thatcher years again now Cameron is Prime Minister :(
I thought that Mr.Brown has done a fine job for his country....its too bad that his time in office has to come to an end. I see trouble brewing ahead for his country. Lets hope I am wrong.
I always felt the media were far too hard on Gordon every little fuck up he did they came down on him like a hurricane it was a shame the way they bullied him, I didn't vote in the recent election because I don't believe in Politics but I really hope this country doesn't end up like the Thatcher years again now Cameron is Prime Minister :(

In all fairness, if you didn't vote then you have no right to complain who gets in or what policies they have.

And yes, Gordon is a huge loss and had incredibly bad luck as PM. The global financial crisis, the expenses scandal would both have happened no matter who was in charge.

Brown's motives were always honorable (as were Blair's) but once a Government has been in for 13 years people want change whether change is needed or not.

Also, in these days of personality led politics, Brown doesn't have a face that fits. Cameron & Clegg do.
Gordon Brown wasn't a PM for very long, only about 3 years compared to Blairs 10 year season.
I hope it won't be as bad from now on, and that a change is good.

I wish we had an election and we'd get rid of our PM. He's a twat.
Have you actually read the Conservative manifesto? I didn't vote in the elections as I didn't read what they all believed in and didn't really know who I wanted in, and my initial thought was 'oh god, as long as the conservatives don't get in again' but I spent a few hours going through their manifesto last night (sad I know) and it doesn't seem too bad. Plus it's going to be mixed in with Lib Dem policies.

I think the Conservative's have changed since the 80's and 90's though.. They seem more like the working people's party now? They're going to hopefully get us out of this recession, they're very green, they support the NHS, they're not going to higher taxes, they're going to help small businesses and less fortunate families, they're saying NO to bureacracy and YES to democracy, they also have fair ideas on the illegal immigration..

Well so they say. Read it up, I was worried at first but if they DID stick to their manifesto, I don't think that it would be too bad??
A sad day for all in Britain? I don't think so! I am so glad Labour are not in power anymore. It's time for a change.
yeah i agree. labour lost their way along time ago. a hung parliment is what i hoped for becasue otherrwise nothing will change with it always being between the cons and labour. now they have to work together to make things work. glad to see such ppl like vince cable in the cabinet. i dont support the tories (voted lib dem) but it would have been ridiculous if the lib dems went in with labour. bottom line is the cons got most votes. hopefully the voting proceudres will change as thats another joke.it should be votes that are counted not seats as it makes millions of ppls votes worthless

had incredibly bad luck as PM. The global financial crisis,
well i wouldnt call it bad luck as he helped to create it. they were warned by ppl such as cable but because the economy was booming based on fasle prentences they did nothing. u dont need a degree to know that an economy based on huge amounts of debt will crash sooner or later. but while the going was good they werent intrested
Gordon Brown was far from perfect but he's a hell of a lot better than David Cameron ever will be. I'm seriously worried now, tories only ever help the middle class, the working class are screwed.
I like Gordon Brown, I felt sorry for him. I voted Lib Dem though and I do NOT like David Cameron or the Conservatives so I wasn't happy at first that Lib Dems were going to join them.. but then I think Nick can keep them in check ;D lol hopefully
question: what is the agenda of a supporter of the Lib.Dems? What issues does he care about?

ask because i don't know
tories only ever help the middle class, the working class are screwed
well unless socialist labour get in then sadly all the mainstream parties to an extent are like that. certainly the cons and labour. labout did damage with the 10p atx rate and giving tax credits to those who earn large amounts.but yeah the cons are made up of public school boys who only care about themselves. ill give them time and hopefully the lib dems will keep an eye on them.10K tax rate is certainly a good start.when it comes in is another issue