Good software to make videos ?

Word Smith Sr

Proud Member
Jan 18, 2008
Rosé Brut, Dream On City
Hey people, how are you ? :)

I'd like to make videos but only have Windows Movie Maker (i have windows vista) which crashes all the time. Could you recommend me free quality softwares that i could download please ? By "download" i do not mean peer to peer. What i would like to do is putting several bits of different videos together and add a song to make the final video coherent.

Thanks in advance, stay safe.

EDIT: Oops, i put this in the wrong section, i had not spotted the software section, so sorry.
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WMM works well enough if you're patient. I made this with WMM about four years ago, for a school project:

This is probably the best video I've made with WMM. The program crashed about 50+ times while I was making this. But I managed to do it by saving every 2 seconds lol. Here are other WMM examples:

(I know you guys will adore this one lol). But seriously...WMM crashed like 25 times while I was making this. I suspect this was b/c of all the fast transitions and effects.

You might support this one more than the last one. =P This made WMM crash only once. 8D

There is also this program called One True Media, in which you can make videos online. Here is one I made in 2010:

One True Media:

Crashed a total of 0 times. 8D It's very similar to WMM, sans the crashing. The problem is that, unless you created an account before Nov. 2010, you now have to pay to make videos longer than 30 seconds.

Now, for actual downloadable programs (OTM works online) you might want to try Cnet's The programs there are all in compliance with legality and free of viruses/spyware because it is not p2p, nor is it a way to get a paid program for free. It's basically software developers posting their work, either to be used or tried for free, or to be purchased.
^Yes, it is. But it isn't free, so I didn't want to recommend it. =/ If you read Word Smith Sr.'s post, you will see he requests only free quality video programs, thus, Sony Vegas would be an inappropriate recommendation.
^True, but still. I would think he'd like something more permanent. Very much worth a try, though. I hear it's an amazing program.
I use Vegas Movie Studio HD 9.0 I bought at Target, I also have One True Media thats a free program but you can only use photos
I also have One True Media thats a free program but you can only use photos

That is not true. One True Media allows you to use both photos and videos. I made the Michael Jackson tribute vid with One True Media. As you can see, it is composed of more than just photos, and I used the free version.
Well, I tried it. It makes me want to kill everyone within a 1,500 mile radius of me. =|

This two minute piece took me WEEKS. o_o Weeks. Two-minute piece...weeks. And, it's not even that good. Despite its various crashes and sh-t, I think I like movie maker better. Even if it sucks and the effects/titles aren't as nice. At least I know what I'm doing.

If you want something free, then there aren't wide choice available. You can stick with WMM. But in case you are willing to pay, I'd suggest you Sony Vegas Pro. I use it myself. Amazing software with wide variety of options and easy to use ;)
^I have a trial version of Sony Vegas Platinum, that's what I used to make the above abomination. I must say I strongly prefer WMM only because I know how to use it practically by heart, whereas Vegas was more like stumbling in the dark for me.

Here is a small video I made just to screw around and try the Vegas effects:

You may recognize the song [and perhaps want to string me up by a meat hook and hang me with piano wire, if so, you've got my fullest sympathies, as I wish I could do the same].

Perhaps I ought to go back to making them WWII videos.... =P

But, he's so much fun to humiliate. xD
^Yes, it does, but it is easy to understand. I use Sony Vegas Platinum now, I'm trying to figure it out by playing with it a bit.