"Gone too soon but, Never forgotten"


Proud Member
Aug 10, 2011
I haven't written my feelings down about what happened to Michael on June 25th of 2009 until now. I just couldn't find the words. Since that day, I have felt and experienced every emotion possible: sadness, hurt,anger,disbelief,shock,loneliness, and also confusion. That day left me speechless. When I heard the news that Michael was in cardiac arrest, I just knew that he was no longer with us. Even though the news was saying that he was still alive, in my heart, I knew that he had slipped away. It was as if someone or something just told me. I fell to my knees in my bedroom and started uncontrollably crying. I couldn't stop the tears from falling and I could hardly breathe. It felt like all the air that I had was knocked out of me. I heard the news while I was by myself in my house and I was absolutely devestated. Although, I couldn't believe what I was hearing and seeing on television, a part of me always feared that this would happen. I constantly had dreams that something would happen to Michael. I always worried about him and the night before he died, I had a nightmare that something had happened to him and I remember waking up from it terrified. The next day, my nightmare became reality and my whole world felt like it was turned upside down. The rest of 2009 just seemed almost like a blur to me and I can honestly say that June 25th, 2009 was one of the worst and most saddest days of my life. Five years ago on June 11th, my Best friend Danielle was killed three days before my birthday (June 14th) and then eleven days and 5 years later, Michael was taken away to Heaven. June used to be such a happy month and now, I feel it has become a very sad month. The day we lost Michael, I think all of us that loved him were forever changed. Our hearts were broken. We lost an idol, an inspiration, a friend, and someone we thought of as a part of our family. I feel that the day he died, a part of me died along with him. Just knowing that he was somewhere on earth used to make me feel safe and when he died, I felt lost, like a little girl lost in a very big world. The safety net was suddenly gone and the person that meant the world to me was no longer on earth anymore. I was crushed and I think the world was forever changed. Whether he was someone that you loved and knew or someone you just knew of, Michael Jackson was a part of everyones lives and the day we lost him, we lost a musical genius, a person with an incredibly big heart, and an amazing man. I always felt Michael was an angel, An angel that was sent to earth to inspire all of us through his beautiful music, his generosity, and through his caring heart. Michael gave all of himself and his heart in everything that he did and he donated so much of his money to charity helping children and people all over the world who needed him. He brought joy, happiness, and laughter to children who were extremely ill and disabled. but most of all, He gave us all hope. Hope that if we smiled, everything would turn out ok, Hope that we could make the world a better place if we made a change, and Hope that we could heal the world. His message was simply Peace and Love and Love is what he was all about. He will be Love forever and the beautiful music he left us, his incredible heart, and his talent will never be forgotten. His spirit will live on forever through everything that he left us and the pieces of himself that he left behind. He will live on through his three beautiful children Prince, Paris, and Blanket, and through all of us who loved him. No matter how many years pass, Michael Jackson will be with us forever. He is timeless and he will continue to inspire generations for all time. Angels are sent to earth to: show love, help others, and to teach us something and I think Michael did just that. He showed us all how to always appreciate everything in life and he taught us to never take life for granted. He also taught us to love always and to dream and believe inspiring us through his flawless talent and his kind heart. He had all of us and in the words of Maya Angelou, "We had him." We will have him forever. I know I will cherish him always. Michael, if you can read this from heaven, I love you and I always will. Thank you for everything. I will never foget you. You'll be in my heart and in the hearts of everyone who loved you. You will live forever and will always be remembered. Now you are our Guardian Angel, watching over all of us, and shining your bright light down upon us. Your light and your memory will never dim and it will shine bright forever. You will always be a part of me. You left your footprints on my heart and to myself and everyone who loved you, the imprint you left on our hearts will always stay. Michael, You will forever be missed, forever special, and loved always. I hope you have found the peace in Heaven that you sometimes were not given while you were on earth. To the perfect flower that was just beyond our reach, you will always be held close to my heart and to all of our hearts forever. RIP Michael.
That was beautiful! I miss him terribly.. I wish there's something I could do to ease my pain. On one hand I think he's better on the other side, on the other hand it hurts so much that we'll never be able to see his smiles anymore. What hurts me the most is whenever I think about all the pains he had to go through when he was alive... :weeping:
What you have written there echos my feelings almost exact. I have never written mine down. When I try I can never find the right words to say but reading that was almost as if it was coming from my own heart. I guess a lot of us feel the same way. :(

Thanks for posting. :hug:
It just feels incredibly unfair. Michael had to die to be at peace, yet his family are still pandering to the media and his children are being hounded just for being Michael Jackson's kids.

I hate the injustice of it most! Those children are growing up without their father, and his death was not necessary. He did not deserve to die. He did nothing wrong, except trust Dr. Murray :cry:
It just feels incredibly unfair. Michael had to die to be at peace, yet his family are still pandering to the media and his children are being hounded just for being Michael Jackson's kids.

I hate the injustice of it most! Those children are growing up without their father, and his death was not necessary. He did not deserve to die. He did nothing wrong, except trust Dr. Murray :cry:

My God! I couldn't agree more. It kills me that his life was such an injustice and there's nothing that we can do. Everyday I become even more angry because he just wasn't supposed to leave. I feel like I will never get over his death. I couldn't do anything then and I can't do anything now. I really feel like his death will be in pure vain. No one is going to pay the price. He died and no one is doing a damn thing about it. Murray is walking around free as a bird while Michael is no longer here. He's not here anymore. :weeping:
I hope what I wrote helped you all in some way. It came from my heart. :)
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It's hard everyday to live life without him.

I miss him sooo so so much, I cannot believe he is gone
I don't know what to do anymore.

I feel so terrible for his family and close friends.

I never want to forget Michael which is why I clinge to his music and everything about him....but lately I wish I never knew of him so I wouldnt have to be reminded of his terrible pain and how all of the haters got what they wanted...him gone.:no:

I miss you Michael.......I miss you so so much.