Going to Disneyland in California and have questions about it


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey everyone! My family and I plan to go to Disneyland in California for vacation and I don't know where to start as this is the biggest trip we have done as a family. I need help in packages... That is where I am stumped. The internet has so much information about Disneyland and packages that I don't know where to start. Can anyone give me advice or pointers as to where to look?

And any other information would be helpful. :yes:
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Re: Disneyland

Sorry I was going to respond but seem to have trouble getting page to page. I live in the US so it will be the one in California.
I remember some of my friends going to Disneyland and they bought themself these VIP passes for rides. So if they would show up at 13.00 at a specific ride, they could get hop in the ride immediately without havin to wait in line. So each ride had it´s own VIP time, and if you would show up too late you would had to wait in line just like the others-

Remember California can get pretty hot in the days, but gets chilly at night. Don't forget to take a thin jacket and sunprotection.

If you don't like long lines, go to Universal studios instead. It's smaller, but the rides are fun and it isn't that crowded as in Disneyland.
I remember some of my friends going to Disneyland and they bought themself these VIP passes for rides. So if they would show up at 13.00 at a specific ride, they could get hop in the ride immediately without havin to wait in line. So each ride had it´s own VIP time, and if you would show up too late you would had to wait in line just like the others-

Yeah that's called a fast-pass, I haven't been to the one in Cali in 10 years, but I'm assuming is the same kinda thing as in Orlando.

Definitely wanna get a fast-pass for each ride, they're free and save a bunch of time.
All you need to do is go to the entrance of ride you want to get on, slide your admittion ticket (its kinda like a credit card thingy) on a machine and it'll give you a piece paper with the hour in which you have to show up, be there on the hour you were told and get right in, no lines at all, it's a life saver.
omg especially for indiana jones. not sure if they have one for space mountain. that ride is a bitch to g et on, it always breaks when im in line, and ive gone ten times and only ridden it once. so a fast pass is a good idea.
Yeah that's true, what snorlaaax says about the VIP. I've been there too but in Paris, I didn't bought the tickets cause we were in a group so one person just went. What stupid was that we didn't know they were those fastpass tix so we just were standing in the line >.< So be careful watcha buying =) lol.
ack when r u going. how long r u going for. kids or not. both parks or just disneyland? lol

lol i am going to disneyland with my husband 3 kids,mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and 2 necies. I will be going just to disneyland and it will be for 2 days. Can you help me soso since it seems to me you know the place.
Maybe try Southwest Airlines Vacation Packages. Sometimes they have all inclusive packages to destinations, airfare, hotel, transportation, activities, etc.
yes ma'am! lol well first of all, disney changes their food prices in the s ummer. during peak days and all. best times to go are middle of the week. have a purse that can carry a few water bottles b/c everything is so high priced.

disney actually has their own package for people who buy in advance. i'll find the website while at work and then give it to u. u can save that way, also if u want a jumper pass from disney to calif. adventures (so worth it!) they have those options as well.
haha actually go to their website. they ahve ticket packages for cheap. like the military prices! lol and if u can get a hotel discount book, usually at like denny's or ihop, u can get hotel coupons and get great rates!