Going As MJ For Halloween?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Anyone else going as Michael for Halloween? What kind of costume have you got, pictures? I will post pictures of mine on Halloween
Yeah! Smooth Criminal suit with Aviator sunnies and a Fedora! OWWWWW! :D
Has anyone here gone as Michael in previous years? Just wondering... I know I'll see a lot of MJs this year and I plan to take pictures on the streets of NYC! Hopefully they will all be done to love and honor him.
Im awesome at doing zombie make up so im going to do that and i really want to buy the thriller costume to go with it but it costs £50 and i cant really afford it lol
For my costume I just put things together that I felt were Michael's style, I tried it on and showed it to my sister and she knew straight away who I was without me telling her so it must have worked! I have the black hat, sunglasses, a silver sequined jacket, black pants, white socks, black shoes and I'm putting tape on my fingers like he did. I have my hair in plaits right now so it will curl for tomorrow. The long part of my hair I'm tying up and probably going to try tuck it into my hat, and the shorts bits I'll leave down curled like Michael's.
This is so cool! Im not dressing up for halloween :( but if I were I would go as MJ probably in TWYMMF or Black or White, would LOVE to have the outfit from Bad though but i figure it would be really expensive! I would also have to wear a wig because my hair is bleached and so people wouldnt get IT lol.
I aleady had the Halloween Party.I was as MJ.
Haha the professors from my school loved my dance on billie jean.I'll perform on the other school parties :).
I am.
I'm kind of doing a mix of all the eras. I'm wearing my Beat It jacket with the white shirt from Billie Jean and his sequined glove. I have the tape for my fingers, a fedora, black pants, his black shoes, an innocent bracelet and glasses. :)
I even won best costume at my school!