Go climb a tree! lol


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Was just watching a clip posted of LWMJ where MJ climbed a tree.

Does anyone here climb trees? Has anyone climbed one lately? When I was a kid I did. I used to love being up there, seeing all around. Haven't climbed one in yeeears. Maybe I should...

It would be cool if everyone posted a pic of themselves climbing, or up in a tree. lol!
yeah i saw that clip too.. i used to love climbing trees back when i was young until the age of 9 or 10.. miss those days. we had an unusually large tangerine (or some sort of citrus fruit) tree that used to be my haven lol
Heck yeah! I still do! I love climbing trees. There is such peace in a tree, a very beautiful silence that you can only get up there.
I used to love climbing trees when I was a kid. I haven't climbed a tree in years, though.
I still enjoy it, but never just DO IT.. lol! like when I see good trees.. I'm all..

"This is a good one to climb." thinkin'. Strong branches, close enough to climb from one to another.. etc.. But I never just do it..
Ahahahaha great thread idea :D

as a kid I always climbed trees :rofl: I was a really bombastic hyper active kid and tree climbing was a great physical challenge that I loved. I climbed everything, fences, rooftops brick walls anything really :rofl:

I still occasionally do it, Irish Faery is right there's a beautiful peacefulness when it comes to sitting in a tree :)

I think I have a picture somewhere of me in a tree :lol: but here's one from our final day of highschool back in 2000

and yes I'm wearing a party hat :rofl:

I remember that I used to climb this maple tree on my grandfather's farm. When I was little. I have been told many times not to climb that tree. Because it was unsafe and they were afraid that the tree's branches could break. But I kept doing that any way. I couldn't help it because I never had any one to play with more than half the time when I was little. And I wanted something to do. So climbing that tree was one of the very, very few things that I could do outside. Especially since I couldn't be like my brother where he rode his bike all of the time. Where I had a bike but I couldn't ride it. Because no one ever not even once bother to show me how to ride one. I still can't ride one now.

Now that I am 28 years old now there is no way will I ever climb one of the trees around where I live. Mainly because the branches of the trees are either too weak to support my weight. Or they are too high up for me to grab on to. So climbing trees are out for me.
Ahahahaha great thread idea :D

as a kid I always climbed trees :rofl: I was a really bombastic hyper active kid and tree climbing was a great physical challenge that I loved. I climbed everything, fences, rooftops brick walls anything really :rofl:

I still occasionally do it, Irish Faery is right there's a beautiful peacefulness when it comes to sitting in a tree :)

I think I have a picture somewhere of me in a tree :lol: but here's one from our final day of highschool back in 2000

and yes I'm wearing a party hat :rofl:

Ha, well done L.J!

Not just in a tree, but upside down in a tree. lol
Ahhhhh yes!! :D I remem climbing trees when I was a kid! It was so much fun! Good times.^_^ Recently, I went back to my homeland to visit family and my old school. And I found out that the tree that us kids used to climb the most had been cut down. :( So many memories are attached to that tree. If I can find a nice tree, I'd definitely climb it!! :yes:
Might be a good birthday present to Michael: a picture of each and everyone climbing a tree, or a picture of their favorite tree/ place as a child along with a story of why its their favorite.^_^

That story with Bashir and Michael and the giving tree- its one of the examples of why Bashir is fundamentaly a uptight, stupid man- of course grown up people still enjoy things they did as a child, and people do have their ways to find peace and have fun, and find a connection to that child in them- its part of keeping us alive, having fun, being a complete person.
I think by making a lot of examples of other people making a point that they doo understand what Michael was speaking about, other people can see that being connected to things childlike is in fact NORMAL, and even good for you!:D
^ good post I agree he is very uptight mostly
like those sorts who are so pent up they make
fun of others who express themselves in what
he would think an odd manner? :) climbing trees
is therapeutic and its something everyone should
try and or do if they havent? being up there gives
one a whole new perspective on things. I used to love
sitting in the trees around our house as a child.
good memories :wub:
in childhood and when was a teen...
not now...

*imagine myself climbing the tree now somewhere in the park*

there will be the crowd watching me lol

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mmmi don't climb trees for fun anymore. I only climb up in a tree to rescue the cat or the boys, if they climb to high and are afraid to climb back down.

Might be a good birthday present to Michael: a picture of each and everyone climbing a tree, or a picture of their favorite tree/ place as a child along with a story of why its their favorite.


these two love to climb a tree. but they do get a little too adventurous and find themselves higher than they really wanted to be :lol:

this is them in their favorite tree, at a comfortable hieght
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well it's either get them down or listen to them whine all night stuck up in a tree ;)
^ good post I agree he is very uptight mostly
like those sorts who are so pent up they make
fun of others who express themselves in what
he would think an odd manner? :) climbing trees
is therapeutic and its something everyone should
try and or do if they havent? being up there gives
one a whole new perspective on things. I used to love
sitting in the trees around our house as a child.
good memories :wub:

Bashir is a very good example of a person who is very good insinuating that there is something wrong with you if you don`t fit the norm he has defined.
He plays the "shame" card very well.............thing is, people that act like that propably has a lot of shame in them, as they try so hard to be "proper" and sensible. So in a way I pity him:mello:

I loved climbing trees as a child, and i bet most grown ups would love to do it - if physical limits was less of a problem:lol: Got to face it, as we grow older we become less good at physical acchievments, if we have not maintaned our bodies and kept ourself flexible and strong. And then its the mental barrier that comes with age, the fear of failure and of people laughing at you, fear of falling down etc....

But our own fear is not a very good reason for making fun of others.
If we cant maintain our physical flexibility, its no exuse not to keep our minds and hearts flexible and open- that takes exercise too;)

I have a favorite climbing tree, and even if I cant get as easily up there as I used to, I have a plan: I`ll make a ladder, and build a tree house!!
See, for every problem, there is a solution:lol:

Chichi: very cute picture!!!!!!!!
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Yeah Chichi youre right they would cry all day but still :)
Good point MC it is so true as we grow older we grow
more afraid of letting the inner child inside of us show?
I am not afraid to! If someone doesnt like it pfffffft on them!! :lol:
my grandmother ( on my mother side ) liked to climb a trees and in her 55+ she was able to do it ( in her own garden ), she was in healthy life style, practised yoga etc...
it's all gave her inspirations ( she liked to write poetries and to make stuffed toys, etc.. )
and if someone picked on her and were saying something like: ''you can't do it in your age, it's abnormal, blah blah..''
she always replied on that: ''geniuses always are misunderstood''...
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Some really nice posts in here. :)

Nice pic Chichi; and here's another, random person who looks like he might need your help. lol


And here's a tree that looks like it might be fun to climb, so I invite anyone to join me in climbing it. Dibs on the third branch up to the left! lol

oooo a man stuck up in a tree ... where is he :lol: let me at 'em
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anyone tried climbing Palm trees? i used to try and climb this big ass tree we had to get the dates (the fruit lol) back in sunny Baghdad..


(that bedouin brother's not me)
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no :lol: never tried that, I have always swayed smaller palm trees to get the goodies at the top :)
I've always wanted to try that :D

omg like Jackie Chan in Who am I .... when he shimmies his way up the tree!!! :wild:
anyone tried climbing Palm trees? i used to try and climb this big ass tree we had to get the dates (the fruit lol) back in sunny Baghdad..


(that bedouin brother's not me)

I've never actually climbed a palm tree, but I have seen others do it :yes: I love how they slide down, it looks like so much fun! :D :p

I haven't climb a tree in years, but I did it all the time when I was a kid. We had this really big nice tree in our front yard when I was little that I used to climb. Oh... the memories ^_^ I would be so embarrassed to climb a tree now! :lol: