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Feb 7, 2008
Mali: Muslim Conservatives Blocking New Family Law

Global Issues News Headlines

A new family law has raised tension in Mali. This controversial law, intended to give greater freedoms and rights to women, has been sent back to the National Assembly for a second reading after protests from Muslim radicals.
Published: 19 May 2010, 10:00 am


As Always

Egypt: Historically Apolitical, Sufis Now Side With the State

by Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani
(Cairo)Friday, May 21, 2010
Inter Press Service

Although Egypt's many Sufi orders have traditionally been known for keeping a safe distance from politics, recent events suggest they are now closer than ever to the ruling regime.

'The Sufi orders have practically become part of the state apparatus,' Abdel Menaam Mounib, head of the Islamic affairs department at independent daily Al-Dustour, told IPS. 'Sufis can now be found in all branches of the regime, including the judiciary, the police and the military.'

In late 2008, the death of Ahmed Kamel Yasin, grand sheikh of Egypt's Sufi orders, ignited a succession dispute between Abdel Hadi Ahmed al-Qasabi, head of the Al-Qasabiya order, and Mohamed Alaa al-Din abu Azaim, head of the Azaimiya order. The grand sheikh is the nominal head of Egypt's 70-plus Sufi orders.

With the Supreme Council of Egyptian Sufi Orders - by which the grand sheikh has traditionally been elected - locked in disagreement, the dispute languished in court for a year and a half without resolution.

On Apr. 9, President Hosni Mubarak decisively settled the issue by appointing al-Qasabi - a member of Mubarak's ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) - to the post. Al-Qasabi's father had served as grand sheikh during the 1970s, making the appointment the first time for the position to pass from father to son.

On the same day, the heads of 20 different Sufi orders urged the president to reconsider the decision. In a letter to the president, they challenged the legitimacy of the Al-Qasabiya order, noting that it was not included on the list of accepted Egyptian Sufi orders issued by president Gamal Abdel Nasser in the early 1960s.

The plea, however, fell on deaf ears, and al-Qasabi maintained the post.

According to experts, Mubarak's choice of al-Qasabi - who is also a member of the Shura Council, the upper house of Egypt's parliament - was based primarily on the latter's known loyalty to the regime.

'Al-Qasbi was known to be more loyal to the regime than Abu Azaim,' Diaa Rashwan, deputy director of the semi-official Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, told IPS. 'Not that either claimant opposed the government. On the contrary, both are well known for their loyalty.'

'Mubarak also moved to settle the issue because Egypt is entering a period of significant political change, with parliamentary and presidential elections just around the corner,' added Rashwan. 'The regime didn't want to enter this period with the Sufi orders in a state of disarray.'

Mounib agreed that both claimants to the post were 'entirely loyal' to the ruling party.

'The dispute between them is similar to that between the old and new guards of the NDP: at the end of the day, both belong to the same party,' he said. 'Al-Qasabi just happened to be the more loyal of the two.'

'Abu Azaim was also passed over because he had said good things in the past about Shiite Islam and Iran,' Mounib added.

The Egyptian government has an adversarial relationship with Iran, frequently accusing the Shiite republic - with which it has no diplomatic relations - of attempting to expand its regional influence at the expense of Sunni Muslim states.

While there are known to be roughly 75 different Sufi orders in Egypt, the exact number of Sufi adherents remains subject to debate.

'The Sufis themselves say they have 15 million members countrywide, but this is an exaggeration,' said Mounib. 'They are probably closer to three or four million.'

Sufism has historically been described as the 'mystic' branch of Islam, which, in Egypt at least, is manifested in a spiritual - as opposed to political - approach to religion.

'Sufism, which first appeared in Iraq in the 9th century, is a means of becoming closer to God by way of asceticism and certain religious rituals,' Gamal Shaqra, head of the history department at Cairo's Ain Shams University, told IPS. 'Although the movement was initially associated with Shiite Islam, it quickly spread throughout the Middle East and soon become associated with Sunni Islam as well.'

'Sufism is marked by rituals based on religious and philosophical thought,' Rashwan explained. 'In Egypt, Sufism has tended to be apolitical; a form of 'social Islam' as opposed to the 'political Islam' associated with groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.'

Although formally banned by the state, the Muslim Brotherhood - Egypt's largest opposition movement - seeks to change the existing political order through political participation.

'People tend to become Sufis for spiritual reasons, not to confront the state,' said Mounib, who himself spent 15 years in prison for being a member of Egypt's Gemaa Islamiya, which sought to overthrow the ruling regime through violent means during the early 1990s.

'Their numbers have grown because members know they won't be subject to government surveillance or possible arrest,' he added, 'unlike Islamic groups with political goals, such as the Gemaa Islamiya or the brotherhood.'

According to Shaqra, its politically passive nature has made Egyptian Sufism come to be seen by certain 'decision-making institutions' in Washington as the 'ideal version' of Islam.

'After 9/11, these institutions concluded that Sufism represented the most peaceful and tolerant version of Islam,' he said. 'They have even called for promoting Sufism throughout the Islamic world in order to offset what they see as more 'radical' Islamist groups.'

But the Sufi orders' historic aversion to politics, say experts, is largely unique to Egypt.

'In other countries, Sufis have actively opposed the temporal authorities,' said Mounib. 'In the late 19th century, the Mahdiya Order in Sudan fought the British; in the early 20th century, Libya's Senussiya Order fought the Italians.'

'Sufis continue to play political roles in other countries of the region,' Shaqra pointed out, noting that former Turkish prime minister Necmettin Erbakan was a prominent member of the Naqshbandiya Sufi order.

Throughout history, however, Egyptian Sufis have not always been so passive vis-à-vis the state. In the Middle Ages, for example, 'Sufis in Egypt frequently led opposition against the king or sultan,' said Shaqra.

According to Mounib, attempts to rein in the Sufi orders began with Muhammad Ali Pasha, who ruled Egypt in the first half of the 19th century.

'Since then, all of Egypt's rulers have tried - with increasing success - to co-opt the Sufis,' he said. 'And since Nasser's time, the orders have become extremely close to the ruling party.'

Notably, Ahmed al-Tayeb, grand sheikh of Egypt's influential Al-Azhar religious establishment - appointed by Mubarak in mid-March - is also a Sufi and ruling party loyalist.

Despite their current closeness to the government, last month saw a rare confrontation between Sufis and security forces.

In the last days of April, the interior ministry officially banned late-night Sufi gatherings for the performance of Zikr - a distinctly Sufi ritual devoted to the remembrance of God - at two major Cairo mosques. According to officials from the religious endowments (awqaf) ministry, the decision was aimed at 'preserving the sanctity' of the mosques and pre-empting the 'boisterous behaviour' associated with zikr gatherings.

The move triggered limited clashes between Sufis and police outside the precincts of the two mosques. No one from either side was seriously injured in the melee.

'Given their relatively large numbers, the state has no choice but to take the Sufis into account on a security level,' said Rashwan. 'It's only natural that the government would be concerned about any large assemblies of people, even if it's just a zikr meeting.'

'Egypt is a dictatorial regime,' said Mounib. 'Therefore, anything with even a remote relation to politics or public mobilisation must be kept under the direct control of the state security apparatus.'

On May 20, independent daily Al-Masry Al-Youm reported that Religious Endowments Minister Hamdi Zaqzouq had overturned the decision to ban zikr meetings. Nevertheless, he reportedly sent a formal letter to al-Qasabi laying down strict guidelines for the late-night gatherings.

Early this month, at a conference in Cairo devoted to 'Sufism and Politics,' the head of the Al-Sharnoubiya Sufi order suggested the establishment of a Sufi political party. The heads of 14 other orders, however, rejected the proposal, refusing to break with the Sufi's ostensible disdain for political participation.

In any case, said Mounib, the regime would never acquiesce to the formation of a Sufi political party.

'The Sufis have an enormous membership base, and the state only allows the establishment of parties that don’t enjoy any popular support,' he explained. 'The government is keen to ensure that the orders don't begin thinking along oppositional lines.'

© Inter Press Service (2010) — All Rights Reserved
Original source: Inter Press Service

As Always

NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) The millions of gallons of oil already fouling the Gulf could stay in the area for at least a decade, and on the sea floor for more than 100 years. We must do everything possible to make sure a disaster like this never happens again. We need a real moratorium on all new drilling, not just on new rigs, effective immediately.

Louisiana coast's battle against drifting oil expected to last months, if not years |

For those saddened by the scenes of thick oil washing into Louisiana's coastal wetlands a month after the BP oil disaster began, experts on oil spills and the coastal ecosystem have some advice: Get used ...

As Always
U.S. Coast Guard

June 1st marks the beginning of hurricane season. NOAA officials warn us to expect an “active to extremely active” hurricane season in the Atlantic.

Click the link below for valuable information on hurricane preparedness.

The Clinton Foundation is pledging $1 million for disaster preparedness and hurricane safety in Haiti. The pledge, the first financial commitment made to the Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission (IHRC), will help the country prepare for the upcoming hurricane season and be used to build and improve emergency shelter in at-risk areas.


As Always

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Humanity Healing International Response to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
11:17 PM Posted by Humanity Healing International

On 1 June, we sent out the following tweet to our network: Not in My Jewish Name- Israel attack on #flotilla,call Congress 202-224-3121. tell rep to condemn attack &cut $ to Israel

In response, IsraelMFA, the official twitter of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sent us the following message: @humanityhealing more than four naval personnel were injured, some from gunfire and some from various other weapons

Try as I can, I cannot convey my thoughts on this into a 140 character Twitter response to the IMFA, so I will post it here.

While our mission is to foster the Healing of communities with little or no Hope, Humanity Healing International had no direct participation with the Gaza Aid Flotilla other than sharing prayers for the safety of the mission and for the welfare of the people of Gaza.

As an international humanitarian organization, we support the peaceful resolution of conflict and condemn the violence and the loss of civilian life which occurred when the Israeli navy intercepted the civilian ships of the Gaza Aid Flotilla in international waters.

Humanity Healing International extends its sincere condolences and offers prayers of Healing to the families and relatives of those killed and wounded on both sides of this conflict. We also send our prayers for the Aid workers being held and express our concern that they be treated in a manner consistent with international human rights standards.

This single wanton act of violence instigated by the Israel government and illegal under international law; has the potential to ignite a world-wide collective condemnation and action against the inhumane 3-year siege of the people of Gaza.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
~Albert Einstein

The world united against apartheid. We should unite against the systematic creation of a Palestinian ghetto behind a wall and the methodical oppression of the men, women and children of Gaza.

We are One Humanity and are each deserving of human rights and human dignity. When you consider that the people of the region, Muslims, Jews and Christians, all worship the same God; there must be a Path to Peace that all can walk together.

"Governments make treaties, but Individuals make Peace."

We call upon all people of the world to bring their governments to account to demand and create the necessary frameworks that will allow the people on both sides of the Gaza wall to live in dignity and establish Peace.

Christopher B. Buck
Humanity Healing International

As Always


Misregulation Aiding Plunder Of Fish, Other Resources:
Global Issues News Headlines

The resources society derives from nature have been horribly mismanaged and this will lead to the children of the world's poorest people remaining in poverty, according to Paul Collier. The easiest of these resources to regulate is fish, but we have not even managed to get that right, he said.

Published: 2 June 2010, 8:00 am

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Washington Post

Crews working to cap a gushing oil well deep in the Gulf of Mexico used giant shears operated by a robotic submarine to cut a damaged pipe, a
senior Coast Guard official said Thursday.

Once again, BP experiment in Gulf spill hits snag

BP's latest underwater experiment in Gulf spill hits a snag, just like the other attempts

As Always

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NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) Our Smart Growth director sings the environmental praises of Dublin’s new sports venue:

Ireland's Aviva Stadium: Great example of building green

Dublin's Aviva Stadium pays attention to environmental concerns. It was built with low CO2 concrete and incorporates rainwater harvesting, heat recovery, and waterless urinals, a saving of over 20,000 litres of water per event. Patrons can easily get there by walking or public transit.

Way To Go Dublin..! :punk:

As Always

This Just In...

DATE: June 03, 2010 21:50:58 CST

The Ongoing Administration-Wide Response to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill

Key contact numbers

Report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information: (866) 448-5816
Submit alternative response technology, services or products: (281) 366-5511
Submit your vessel for the Vessel of Opportunity Program: (281) 366-5511
Submit a claim for damages: (800) 440-0858
Report oiled wildlife: (866) 557-1401
Medical support hotline: (888) 623-0287
Deepwater Horizon Incident
Joint Information Center
Phone: (985) 902-5231
(985) 902-5240

The Ongoing Administration-Wide Response to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill
Prepared by the Joint Information Center

UPDATED June 3, 2010 8:30 PM CDT

* For a full timeline of the Administration-wide response, visit the White House Blog.


Obama Administration Sends BP a Preliminary Bill for $69 Million
The Obama administration sent a preliminary bill for $69.09 million to BP and other responsible parties for response and recovery operations relating to the BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. To provide full transparency of the ongoing efforts and to ensure that the American public is not held accountable for the costs of response and recovery activities, the Administration will continue to bill BP regularly for all associated costs to ensure the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund is reimbursed on an ongoing basis.
As a responsible party, BP is financially responsible for all costs associated with the response to the spill, including efforts to stop the leak at its source, reduce the spread of oil, protect the shoreline and mitigate damages, as well as long term recovery efforts to ensure that all individuals and communities impacted by the spill are made whole.

BP Completes Riser Shear Operation and Continues to Ready Containment Device

Under the federal government’s direction, BP cut off a portion of the riser and is now preparing its attempt to lower a device over the area that will allow them to try and capture a substantial amount of the oil leaking out.
Three independent methods were used by the National Incident Command’s Flow Rate Technical Group (FRTG) to estimate the amount of flow, with the overlap between them being 12,000 to 19,000 barrels per day. Following the cut of the riser, estimates independent of the FRTG show the flow could increase by as much as 20 percent. The FRTG will be studying the increased flow closely to better determine the new flow rate. It’s important to keep in mind that small increases in the flow rate may be difficult to resolve.
Admiral Allen Provides Operational Update for Unified Area Command
National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen provided a briefing to inform the American public and answer questions on the progress of the administration-wide response to the BP oil spill from the U.S. Coast Guard Sector New Orleans in Metairie, La. A transcript is available here.

Science Summit Addresses Environmental Impacts of BP Oil SPill
The Consortium for Ocean Leadership today hosted a science symposium in Baton Rouge, sponsored by NOAA and other federal agencies, to discuss the urgent science issues involved in both short-term response actions and long-term monitoring of environmental impacts relating to the BP oil spill.

This science symposium builds on the unprecedented mobilization of science by the federal government, which has engaged the world’s brightest scientific minds from the public and private sector. Academic and research scientists from across the country discussed the unique contributions that non-federal researchers can make to help ensure that the highest quality data is collected and disseminated.

Secretary Chu and Secretary Salazar Continue Oversight of BP’s Containment Strategies

At the direction of the President, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar continued their visit to Houston, continuing their work on innovative strategies to leverage the best science and engineering minds from across the federal government, academia and the private sector to contain the BP oil spill. The trip marks Secretary Chu’s third trip to Houston and Secretary Salazar’s eighth trip to the Gulf region.

Secretary Chu and his team of scientists from the Energy Department’s National Laboratories, along with Secretary Salazar and U.S. Geological Survey Director Marcia McNutt, are overseeing the LMRP containment cap operation, conducting independent analysis of the data and operational plans to help maximize the chances of success.

EPA Administrator Meets with Local Officials on Environmental Impact of BP spill

Continuing her fourth trip to the Gulf Coast, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson provided a briefing for approximately 45 local mayors and elected officials from Mississippi and Alabama on the EPA’s ongoing efforts to protect local residents and monitor air, water and sediment quality in the Gulf Coast region. Administrator Jackson also toured the Incident Command Post in Mobile, Ala., and visited an EPA mobile air monitoring vehicle near Dauphin Island.

Secretary Vilsack Pledges USDA Nutrition Assistance for Impacted Gulf States
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has sent letters to Gulf Coast governors pledging USDA’s support and technical assistance to impacted states to provide access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for thousands of low-income individuals in the region—including those affected by the BP oil spill.

In addition, other USDA nutrition assistance programs such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children; the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs; the Summer Food Service Program; and the Emergency Food Assistance Program are available to help children and their families dealing with the economic effects of the oil spill. USDA will continue to work with the Gulf States to reach all those that are eligible.
Coastal Impact Survey Teams are Deployed in Alabama
In preparation for encroaching oil on Alabama’s barrier islands, thirteen teams were deployed—surveying fourteen miles of the coastline via sea, ground and air.

Commerce Secretary Announces Fishery Failure Determination for Florida
U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke has determined there has been a fishery disaster in Florida due to the economic impact on commercial and recreational fisheries from the BP oil spill—increasing the affected area from the May 24 determination which included Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
The disaster determination was made in response to requests from Florida Governor Charlie Crist and U.S. Senator Bill Nelson based on the loss of access to many commercial fisheries and the existing and anticipated environmental damage from this unprecedented event. The determination allows the federal government to mobilize a range of assistance measures for Florida fishing communities.

Coast Guard Responds to Reports of Oil Pollution in Florida Keys

U.S. Coast Guard pollution investigators from Sector Key West are responding to reports of an oily substance and tar balls near Duck Key, Long Key, and Grassy Key, Fla. While the Coast Guard aggressively responds to all reports of pollution, it will require sampling and testing to determine if any pollution is related to the Deepwater Horizon/BP oil spill. To date, none of the previous reports have been related.
Officials Continue to Ready National Parks for Potential Impacts by Oil
National Parks Service personnel continue to conduct daily surveys and make the necessary preparations for the possible arrival of BP’s leaking oil.
Property Damage Claims Processed

The administration will continue to hold the responsible parties accountable for repairing the damage, and repaying Americans who’ve suffered a financial loss as a result of the BP oil spill. BP reports that 33,257 claims have been opened, from which more than $42.9 million have been disbursed. No claims have been denied to date. There are more than 510 claims adjusters on the ground. To file a claim, visit or call BP’s helpline at 1-800-440-0858. Those who have already pursued the BP claims process and are not satisfied with BP’s resolution can call the Coast Guard at (800) 280-7118.
SBA Economic Injury Assistance Loans Approved for Louisiana

The Small Business Administration has approved 35 economic injury assistance loans to date, totaling $1,222,800, for small businesses in Louisiana impacted by the BP oil spill. Additionally, the agency has granted deferments on 246 existing SBA disaster loans in the Gulf Coast region, totaling $982,800 per month in payments. For information on assistance loans for affected businesses, visit the SBA’s Web site at, call (800) 659-2955 (800-877-8339 for the hearing impaired), or email

By the Numbers to Date:

The administration has authorized 17,500 National Guard troops from Gulf Coast states to participate in the response to the BP oil spill.

More than 20,000 personnel are currently responding to protect the shoreline and wildlife and cleanup vital coastlines.
More than 1,900 vessels are responding on site, including skimmers, tugs, barges, and recovery vessels to assist in containment and cleanup efforts—in addition to dozens of aircraft, remotely operated vehicles, and multiple mobile offshore drilling units.

Approximately 2 million feet of containment boom and 2.2 million feet of sorbent boom have been deployed to contain the spill—and approximately 654,000 feet of containment boom and 1.7 million feet of sorbent boom are available.

Approximately 14.8 million gallons of an oil-water mix have been recovered.

Approximately 993,000 gallons of total dispersant have been deployed—759,000 on the surface and 245,000 subsea. More than 455,000 gallons are available.

125 controlled burns have been conducted, efficiently removing a total of more than 3.2 million gallons of oil from the open water in an effort to protect shoreline and wildlife.

17 staging areas are in place and ready to protect sensitive shorelines, including: Dauphin Island, Ala., Orange Beach, Ala., Theodore, Ala., Panama City, Fla., Pensacola, Fla., Port St. Joe, Fla., St. Marks, Fla., Amelia, La., Cocodrie, La., Grand Isle, La., Shell Beach, La., Slidell, La., St. Mary, La.; Venice, La., Biloxi, Miss., Pascagoula, Miss., and Pass Christian, Miss.


For specific information about the federal-wide response, visit
To contact the Deepwater Horizon Joint Information Center, call (985) 902-5231.

To volunteer, or to report oiled shoreline, call (866) 448-5816. Volunteer opportunities can also be found here.

To submit your vessel as a vessel of opportunity skimming system, or to submit alternative response technology, services, or products, call 281-366-5511.

To report oiled wildlife, call (866) 557-1401. Messages will be checked hourly.

For information about validated environmental air and water sampling results, visit

For National Park Service updates about potential park closures, resources at risk, and NPS actions to protect vital park space and wildlife, visit

For Fish and Wildlife Service updates about response along the Gulf Coast and the status of national wildlife refuges, visit

For daily updates on fishing closures, visit
For information on assistance loans for affected businesses, visit the SBA’s Web site at, call (800) 659-2955 (800-877-8339 for the hearing impaired), or email

To file a claim with BP, visit or call BP’s helpline at (800) 440-0858. A BP fact sheet with additional information is available here. Those who have already pursued the BP claims process and are not satisfied with BP’s resolution, can call the Coast Guard at (800) 280-7118. More information about what types of damages are eligible for compensation under the Oil Pollution Act as well as guidance on procedures to seek that compensation can be found here.

NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) More victims of our fossil fuel addiction -- the horrifying photos that BP doesn’t want you to see:

Caught in the oil.

AP Photographer Charlie Riedel filed the following images of seabirds caught in the oil slick on a beach on Louisiana's East Grand Terre Island.

As Always

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“Modern slavery – be it bonded labor, involuntary servitude or sexual slavery – is a crime and cannot be tolerated in any culture, community or country. It is an affront to our values and our commitment to human rights.”

With these words, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced the release of the 2010 Report on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) on June 14, 2010 – listing 177 countries around the world, with comprehensive reports on their efforts to combat human trafficking and sexual slavery. And for the first time ever in the ten-year history of the report, the United States was included.

As the Report tells us, slavery is not just a problem of the past but is a reality today: Young women who travel to other countries for what they are told will be good jobs then find themselves forced into prostitution and subjected to brutal treatment; and workers who enter a term of labor to pay off a debt or children sold into bondage to pay a family debt, and are held in servitude for years, never earning enough to buy their freedom.

The issue of modern slavery is important to us at No Limits, and we know it's important to you. But too few people realize this problem is with us still. As Assistant Secretary of State Maria Otero urged us:"Distribute the TIP Report… and make it circulate!"

And that's why we're working to get out the facts, building support for Hillary's 21st century human rights agenda. Will you join us?

Click here to become a member of No Limits.

The presence of the United States in the 2010 Report, measured by the same standards as every other country, is a historic first. "....We have to ensure that our policies live up to our ideals," Hillary explained. "This human rights abuse is universal, and no one should claim immunity from its reach or from the responsibility to confront it."

"Behind the statistics on these pages are the struggles of real human beings; the tears of families who may never see their children again, the despair and indignity of those suffering under the worst forms of exploitation."

Watch Hillary speak about modern day slavery here:

Click to watch the video.

See the State Department ceremony and meet the 2010 TIP Heroes, honored for their work in fighting trafficking, here. Learn more about brave women and men who are standing up to modern slavery, working to rescue women and children from forced prostitution and enslaved laborers from dangerous and unending work.

Read the full TIP report here.

At No Limits we work on national and international issues like the fight against human trafficking, economic opportunity for every family, and a better future for every child.

Please join us today!

In gratitude,

Ann Lewis
President, No Limits Foundation

P.S. This is such a critical issue, I hope you will share this email. Join us in our fight for a 21st century human rights agenda.

As Always

BP in the Arctic: Disaster on Ice?

Do you trust BP to use risky new drilling technology in pristine Arctic habitats? Tell Interior Secretary Salazar to reject BP’s application to drill in the Beaufort Sea -- and help avert the next oil spill catastrophe!

Dear Suzanne,

They’re BACK ...

The same company that just brought you the most catastrophic oil spill in American history is now planning a risky new project that would use untested drilling technology in Alaska’s Beaufort Sea -- the heart of America’s polar bear habitat.

BP’s so-called Liberty Project would use the biggest rig in the world -- propped up by a manmade gravel island three miles from shore – to drill up to eight miles horizontally, exposing pipes to the same kind of explosive “gas kicks” that led to the blowout in the Gulf.

In other words, this latest BP project is a disaster waiting to happen!

Please help stop it by signing this urgent Petition of Protest to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.

You might have thought BP would lay low after the Gulf disaster: focusing on the cleanup effort and repairing its dismal environmental record.

Instead, the company is planning to begin drilling this fall in one of the two Polar Bear Seas that are home to HALF of our nation’s polar bears.

Let me share a few facts about BP’s Liberty Project:

Even though it’s three miles offshore, this project is NOT subject to President Obama’s moratorium on offshore drilling in the Arctic! That’s because the operation is built on a 31-acre manmade gravel island. In other words, BP is getting a free pass based on a technicality.

BP is prepared to drill up to eight miles horizontally in search of oil, even though this type of drilling is even more prone to gas kicks like the one that caused the huge blowout in the Gulf of Mexico. In order to drill these unprecedented wells, BP has commissioned the building of the largest drilling rig in the world!

Shockingly, BP was allowed to write its own environmental assessment and emergency response plan for the Liberty Project, just like it did in the Gulf. And we know what happened there.

The Obama Administration needs to make clear that the days of BP running the show are over.

Tell Secretary Salazar to stop the Liberty Project immediately by denying BP’s application to drill. He is unlikely to do that unless he hears a groundswell of public opposition -- starting with you.

BP’s horrendous environmental record is well documented. It is already responsible for the 2010 Gulf disaster, the 2006 oil spill on Alaska’s North Slope (the largest oil spill to date in the region) and the 2005 Texas City explosion that killed 15 workers and injured 170 more.

We can’t afford a repeat performance in the Arctic. High winds, freezing temperatures and dangerous sea ice could make cleanup impossible. The nearest Coast Guard station is over 1,000 miles away, and much of the oil spill response equipment on-site is more than two decades old!

Tell Secretary Salazar to prevent a disaster on ice by saying No to BP.


Peter Lehner
Executive Director
Natural Resources Defense Council

As Always
BP in the Arctic:Disaster on Ice?

Do you trust BP to use risky new drilling technology in pristine Arctic habitats? Tell Interior Secretary Salazar to reject BP’s application to drill in the Beaufort Sea -- and help avert the next oil spill catastrophe!

Dear Suzanne,

They’re BACK ...

The same company that just brought you the most catastrophic oil spill in American history is now planning a risky new project that would use untested drilling technology in Alaska’s Beaufort Sea -- the heart of America’s polar bear habitat.

BP’s so-called Liberty Project would use the biggest rig in the world -- propped up by a manmade gravel island three miles from shore – to drill up to eight miles horizontally, exposing pipes to the same kind of explosive “gas kicks” that led to the blowout in the Gulf.

In other words, this latest BP project is a disaster waiting to happen!

Please help stop it by signing this urgent Petition of Protest to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.

Do you trust BP to use risky new drilling technology in pristine Arctic habitats? Tell Interior Secretary Salazar to reject BP’s application to drill in the Beaufort Sea -- and help avert the next oil spill catastrophe!

You might have thought BP would lay low after the Gulf disaster: focusing on the cleanup effort and repairing its dismal environmental record.

Instead, the company is planning to begin drilling this fall in one of the two Polar Bear Seas that are home to HALF of our nation’s polar bears.

Let me share a few facts about BP’s Liberty Project:

Even though it’s three miles offshore, this project is NOT subject to President Obama’s moratorium on offshore drilling in the Arctic! That’s because the operation is built on a 31-acre manmade gravel island. In other words, BP is getting a free pass based on a technicality.

BP is prepared to drill up to eight miles horizontally in search of oil, even though this type of drilling is even more prone to gas kicks like the one that caused the huge blowout in the Gulf of Mexico. In order to drill these unprecedented wells, BP has commissioned the building of the largest drilling rig in the world!

Shockingly, BP was allowed to write its own environmental assessment and emergency response plan for the Liberty Project, just like it did in the Gulf. And we know what happened there.

The Obama Administration needs to make clear that the days of BP running the show are over.

Tell Secretary Salazar to stop the Liberty Project immediately by denying BP’s application to drill. He is unlikely to do that unless he hears a groundswell of public opposition -- starting with you.

BP’s horrendous environmental record is well documented. It is already responsible for the 2010 Gulf disaster, the 2006 oil spill on Alaska’s North Slope (the largest oil spill to date in the region) and the 2005 Texas City explosion that killed 15 workers and injured 170 more.

We can’t afford a repeat performance in the Arctic. High winds, freezing temperatures and dangerous sea ice could make cleanup impossible. The nearest Coast Guard station is over 1,000 miles away, and much of the oil spill response equipment on-site is more than two decades old!

Tell Secretary Salazar to prevent a disaster on ice by saying No to BP.


Peter Lehner
Executive Director
Natural Resources Defense Council

As Always
Dedicated to ALL the Men/Woman Past, Present, and Future that help keep us Safe, Healthy, and Free...! Thank YOU for Being YOU~~~

L.O.V.E Always~~~
