Glenn Miller


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I guess many of you don´t know who he was.
He was born 1904 and disappeared 15 dec 1944 and was never found again,dead or alive.

Glenn Miller did military service as an orchestra leader in the U.S. Army Air Force during World War II. He was killed in a plane crash en route from the Twin Woods military airfield outside Bedford in England, bound for Paris, France, where his own military orchestra was waiting for him in the newly freed French capital. The aircraft, a C-64 Norseman, was never found, despite several attempts.

He was one of the best-selling recording artists from 1939 to 1943, leading one of the best known "Big Bands".
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I found this comment on youtube

"I am 81 got up put on my dancing shoes and danced like I was 18 again Yes the msic made me dance it was sooooo good Happy New year to all who read it and may 2012 be good to you. Thanks for a delightful remembering and experience Yes woman found their legs but it were the boys who won the War in 1945 who tought us to dance and they came from America & Canada they were our Heros and for me they will always be.&#65279; They gave me back my freedom. I am a Holocaust survivor Hetty - Perth Australia"

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"I guess many of you don´t know who he was."
That's an interresting question - how many? I've always thought everyone knew him, but I'm Old Fashioned, you know... :p

Thanks for the post - didn't know he disappeared.