Glass Walls at Slaughterhouses


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
I don't know if this is posted before, I couldn't find anywere on this forum,,

It's an old video, but still;

Music legend and activist Paul McCartney delivers a powerful narration of this must-see video. Watch now to discover why everyone would be vegetarian if slaughterhouses had glass walls.

NOTICE, that the video is shocking!!!


I still eat meat, I think we can still eat meat.
but we have to watch where and how it's produced.
Animals cannot be slaughtered, even if it's the ritual slaughter.
It's cruel and barbaric!!

We just take our time and do it in a humane way!!

Here let's go see a Chinese Fur Farm!!
NOTICE; that the video is shocking & horrific!!


It’s amazing at how good we humans are at destroying lifes, nature on this beautiful planet.
very shocking and sad, really... but i need be honest i will still eating.. but i think some things need change.

The meat industry is having a devastating effect on the planet and environment. One of the many reasons I became a vegetarian. Though mainly it was because I can't stand knowing what these poor animals go through. They have emotions like us and they suffer their entire lives just to provide someone with a burger? No, no, no. I will not partake in that ever again. It's a disgrace. These beautiful innocent beings deserve to live a free and happy existence just like us.
People, stop eating meat. If you can't stop eating it, then at least don't eat it more often than twice a week and organicaly farmed. I think it's atrocious that this immense sufffering is silently condoned by our consuming ways. Think about it, the next time you want fastfood or a cheap meat deal, you eat pain. That can't be good, not for the animal, but also not for you.
Horrible.. I won't open the link.

I don't eat much meat and we're paying attention where we're buying from, I do fast often tho.. And people who eat meat moderately (to live) shouldn't be blamed and attacked because of that. I, for one, eat more fish and chicken (not strangled ones, tho) and rarely ever do red meat. We need to learn more about what we eat and how birds and animals are dying in the process, but complete forbidance against eating meat altogether is extreme. Most need that protein for the body eventually. We are omnivorous beings. And I adore animals, I hate when they die, not to mention when they die being tortured. I'd throw up and would only have bad thoughts for those.. troubled 'humans', that's why I'm not even opening that link. ..

But I hate it when all people are put into the same category of heartless carnivorous when God Himself is allowing us to feed on meat (moderately). Or when we're asked to stop eating it altogether. If I asked this and that person to quit smoking, they'd be angry, or if I asked them to drink less. Or if I told someone to believe in God, they'd get infuriated, even though that's good for their soul. .. Whereas alcohol (except for wine) and tobacco and drugs should be eliminated, but I for sure won't act snobbish around people who smoke or drink (normally), though explain to them it's not healthy what they're doing, but I've no right to judge them, I've my own problems (not vices) and I'd hate being judged for that. ....
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^If people think this suffering should stop, the should stop consuming it. Simple as that. The glass wall point rings very true. Would people have to see the way there food is produced before eating it, they would think twice about it. It's a matter of if you don't see, it doesn't exist. It's not about judging, but making people aware. Not only of animal suffering, but also the impact of it on our environment, the myth of our need for meat, the risk for public health. It's bigger than your average alcohol or smoking problem, it's about immune viruses that could from into the nastiest unbeattable diseases (as they have before in swine flu, birds flu, mouth and claw disease, dse, q-fever and so on). Mass farming of animals should be a thing of the past very soon, not because you can't eat meat, but because it's dangerous for the environment and our health and uncivilised to treat animals like this.
People still drink milk but they never complain how the poor cows are treated!!!!

I am a meat eater but I have to say that free range and organic meat tastes much better then the usual stuff. There is so much space in the world that there isn't an excuse for putting animals in tiny cages.

I don't believe in vegetarianism because animal products are used in leather shoes and sofas.........or beauty products!!!!

The real problem is that the people who have to power to stop this, are the one who care the least about all this.
Animals that are crippled or too ill to walk are dragged into the slaughter house by chains, screaming.
Baby cows are ripped from their mothers soon after birth and tied in a stall away from her, or killed, leaving the mother in a lot of distress.
Birds beaks are filled with nerves and the ends are burned off in factory farms, leaving them in constant pain.

Not to mention the fact their entire life is endured caged, confined, suffering abuse from the workers, and living in horrible conditions, before being brutally slaughtered. Very few have the slightly better fortune of being killed in an independant abattoir, where they are properly stunned before their throats are cut. Most animals are sent to the larger factory style abattoirs where people don't care enough to make sure the animals are unconscious before their throats are cut, so they bleed out screaming.

This slavery - because that's what it is - slavery, of other species is disgusting.

Not to mention the fact that vegetarians have a substantially lower rate of heart disease, lower cancer rates and longer lives, because human beings are not meant to eat meat. Unlike carnivores, who's stomachs can break down meat quickly and pass it without infection, meat actually starts to rot inside humans before it leaves your body, because our bodies are not designed to break it down properly.
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^ Great Post, Anna! The gravity of this issue really has to be spread around, and if that makes us preachy or snobby (first time I was ever called that, it happened in this very thread) so be it. The truth should be out there and hopefully more and more people will let these facts influence their consuming ways, in eating less meat, organically produced meat, or even better no meat at all. We have to give the suffering animals a voice and it's about time that things get better for them.
OK, this thread has gotten to be very ridiculous. Extremely, unnecessarily off topic. I am going to clean this thread and will only leave a few posts. Afterwhch, I will explain my reasoning for doing so.

Thank you.
I don't know where we got off track here. This thread was not about what rights we are given by God. This thread is not religious in nature at all. This thread is sinmply to bring attention to the suffering of animals. Please everyone can we not focus on what are our rights as we see them, and just focus more so on the dialogue about what happens to animals in order to make a burger or steak? That means that it is not ok to down people who still choose to eat meat. This is not a bash thread for either side. You have to be able to have a respectful dialogue while simply agreeing to disagree. We are not all going to think the same. We are an international community from so many backgrounds.

It is a shame when people cannot put aside their personal differences and attacks to focus on the bigger picture, which is the education of consumers about what happens to animals before they reach their tables. Please think about this before you decide to completely derail an important thread by your arguments and attacks on one another.
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I respect keeping the thread on track, but I'm surprised my post about the risk of diseases due to mass farming of animals in response to Alma was deleted. I put a lot of time an thought in it and did not derail the thread in the slightest. Oh well...
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In order to live, a sacrifice has to be made, whether plant or animal. The energy we receive from their corpse is like fuel, we need it to survive, so no matter which choice we make, we ultimately end up killing something. There is no "humane" way of killing--we have no way of knowing how painful even the most quick-acting lethal injection is--we only deem it "humane" because it spares the bystanders the trauma which would follow a more conventional death. It is all to protect the ego, these illusory concepts of 'humane' killing. The entire thing seems like an oxymoron.

Vegetarians do similar things to spare their own egos. They refuse to eat animals because most of the animals in question express pain/emotions in similar manner to us. They identify with them due to the similarity in expression, so they are able to empathize with them because they recognize a 'oneness' with them, a similarity, and we are inclined to look favourably upon anything which reminds us of ourselves. This is how we communicate--we understand animals, therefore, we must not kill them, because killing them makes us suffer.

Plants, on the other hand, receive far less sympathy despite their overall benevolence, only because they are unable to express pain and emotions in a manner we would recognize, so vegetarians erroneously rationalize that it must be 'ok' to kill them, since the ego is spared being sent unpleasant messages, and the entire death seems less "real." Who are we to decide which life form is superior to the other, though? How do we know plants do not suffer to the same degree animals do, but are unable to express it in terms we comprehend?

This is why I don't bother with any of that self-righteous b.s. and just eat indiscriminately. :p I always found human beings' musings over the fate of their prey to be silly and amusing. No other animal has ever given so much thought to something it is debating to eat, so I really do find it quite comical.

I do not mean to advocate animal torture or anything of that sort, but if people want to eat meat, let them. That's why I hate when vegetarian/vegan parents try to shove their beliefs down their kids' throats. I think they should let them decide for themselves. I honestly believe anyone who is forcing a small child to be vegan (vegetarians too, to a much lesser degree since some of them will still eat eggs, milk, etc.) needs to have CPS take their children away from them, since there have been too many unnecessary deaths stemming from malnutrition in small children where a parent-enforced vegan/vegetarian diet was at fault.

With that said, I'm all for doing what you want to do without having people criticize you for it. Vegetarian adults should be allowed to pursue that lifestyle without being ridiculed, and omnivores/meat eaters should be able to consume what they want without some schmoe/schmoette getting on their moral high horse and ranting nonsense at them.
In order to live, a sacrifice has to be made, whether plant or animal. The energy we receive from their corpse is like fuel, we need it to survive, so no matter which choice we make, we ultimately end up killing something. There is no "humane" way of killing--we have no way of knowing how painful even the most quick-acting lethal injection is--we only deem it "humane" because it spares the bystanders the trauma which would follow a more conventional death. It is all to protect the ego, these illusory concepts of 'humane' killing. The entire thing seems like an oxymoron.

Vegetarians do similar things to spare their own egos. They refuse to eat animals because most of the animals in question express pain/emotions in similar manner to us. They identify with them due to the similarity in expression, so they are able to empathize with them because they recognize a 'oneness' with them, a similarity, and we are inclined to look favourably upon anything which reminds us of ourselves. This is how we communicate--we understand animals, therefore, we must not kill them, because killing them makes us suffer.

Plants, on the other hand, receive far less sympathy despite their overall benevolence, only because they are unable to express pain and emotions in a manner we would recognize, so vegetarians erroneously rationalize that it must be 'ok' to kill them, since the ego is spared being sent unpleasant messages, and the entire death seems less "real." Who are we to decide which life form is superior to the other, though? How do we know plants do not suffer to the same degree animals do, but are unable to express it in terms we comprehend?

This is why I don't bother with any of that self-righteous b.s. and just eat indiscriminately. :p I always found human beings' musings over the fate of their prey to be silly and amusing. No other animal has ever given so much thought to something it is debating to eat, so I really do find it quite comical.

I do not mean to advocate animal torture or anything of that sort, but if people want to eat meat, let them. That's why I hate when vegetarian/vegan parents try to shove their beliefs down their kids' throats. I think they should let them decide for themselves. I honestly believe anyone who is forcing a small child to be vegan (vegetarians too, to a much lesser degree since some of them will still eat eggs, milk, etc.) needs to have CPS take their children away from them, since there have been too many unnecessary deaths stemming from malnutrition in small children where a parent-enforced vegan/vegetarian diet was at fault.

With that said, I'm all for doing what you want to do without having people criticize you for it. Vegetarian adults should be allowed to pursue that lifestyle without being ridiculed, and omnivores/meat eaters should be able to consume what they want without some schmoe/schmoette getting on their moral high horse and ranting nonsense at them.
Ugh. What a disgustingly ignorant post. Firstly, plants do not have nerve endings or brains. They do not feel pain, they don't have emotions, they can't suffer.
Secondly, your suggestion that parents who raise their children vegan or vegetarian are bad parents is appalling. My step-mother is vegetarian and is raising her children the same and they are happy and healthy children. Malnutrition has nothing to do with vegetarianism. It has to do with bad parents! Try reading up on the facts before making such ridiculous judgements about things you clearly know nothing about.
And to think the feelings or suffering of another creature is unworthy of consideration or not important is shameful.
It's people with attitudes like that who are going to end up destroying this entire planet with their ignorance.
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^ Mikage: With this reasoning all things cruel should just continue to exist, why not eat one another? Plants have no proven emotions, animals have, so it's not illogical to eat one and not the other. I think having a conscience about how animals are treated in slaughterhouses has more to do with compassion than ego. But even if it was about ego, suffering that's preventable should be prevented. That's called civilisation. To go back on the 'we are animals too, they would eat us' stance does not even begin to compare in this industrialized industry that the meat/dairy/fur industry has become. We should know and act better than that. About vegetarian parenting: I think feeding your child badly produced fastfood is way worse. And it's a much bigger problem.
^^^^^It has been proven that plants do respond to pain (like ripping its leaves off)..........

Either way, plants and fungi are still living beings..........

I really think some of you are making light of a serious issue. I don't pulling a plant from the ground to make a salad can be compared with the systematic torture and brutality and breeding just so you can torture that is being performed on many animals. I definitely eat meat. But I buy cage free eggs and I try to buy free roam chicken. (I can only do this when I have extra money. Because let's be honest, they sometimes charge an arm and a leg more for this kind of meat and if you just can't afford it you just can't).

But I also think it incredulous that a person would think that all people advocating vegetarianism are doing so because they have egos and are self righteous. I don't think there is anytihng wrong with eating meat. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with being discriminate with how you choose to eat your meat.
Ugh. What a disgustingly ignorant post. Firstly, plants do not have nerve endings or brains. They do not feel pain, they don't have emotions, they can't suffer.
Secondly, your suggestion that parents who raise their children vegan or vegetarian are bad parents is appalling. My step-mother is vegetarian and is raising her children the same and they are happy and healthy children. Malnutrition has nothing to do with vegetarianism. It has to do with bad parents! Try reading up on the facts before making such ridiculous judgements about things you clearly know nothing about.
And to think the feelings or suffering of another creature is unworthy of consideration or not important is shameful.
It's people with attitudes like that who are going to end up destroying this entire planet with their ignorance.

Plants are as much living beings as anything else, though. Just because we do not understand how they communicate, we should kill/eat them? Isn't that the most ignorant thing to say? They obviously respond to the environment and are in every way living beings, just because they do not possess the nerve endings animals [including ourselves] have, it doesn't mean they cannot experience pain in their own way. By the way, who are we to decide that animals are superior to them? Like I said, it is all about the ego. You protect what reminds you of yourself--why do you think most people are more sympathetic/loving towards animals who have "recognizably human-like" traits [i.e. two eyes, one nose, one mouth, four limbs] than to those who do not? Most of the animals human beings fear: snakes, spiders, insects in general, not because there is anything visually horrifying about them [logically, it makes little sense to fear something you are significantly taller/stronger than and can squash with a shoe], but because they are not recognizably human-like. Plants, on the other hand, get similar treatment. If I were to tell you someone tortured a cat, there would be a fit thrown about it, no doubt. But if someone tortured a bug or set a plant on fire, far fewer people would be horrified. Why? It's all because of the ego, the human identification or lack thereof.

Secondly, apparently you're quite ignorant/in denial about all the harm child vegetarianism has caused to children. Older children and teens can handle it fine, but younger children [which is the group I was talking about] have died or been sent to the hospital due to malnutrition from a [almost all cases]vegan/[less often] vegetarian diet. CPS has taken children of vegans/vegetarians/lesser-known crazy diets like fruitarianism away from them due to malnutrition which was present due to things such as protein deficiency, etc. I have read up on the facts--you try researching the facts before you accuse someone else of not doing so. There have been many headline cases of children either dying or having to be hospitalized due to their parents enforcing vegan/vegetarian diets on them. Don't attempt to tell me you know what killed them better than a group of licensed doctors now, lol! Scientists have found that the more restrictive a diet is, the more harmful it is for small/growing children. If you would have bothered to really read my post instead of getting defensive about it, you would have seen that I said these child deaths occur far less in children who are permitted to eat animal products [eggs, milk, etc.] in vegetarian diets, than in children who follow more strict vegetarian diets [i.e. vegans, fruitarians]. Those diets do not permit for the proper development of children, and kids should definitely be taken from parents if they are enforcing these diets on them and causing harm. Just for the record, I would advocate the same if small children were being fed nothing but meat by their parents, which is just as restrictive/harmful.

Ignorance is definitely something you cannot accuse me of. Ignorance implies lack of knowledge--and ignorant I am not. I knew about both these videos [and many more] before coming here. I know what they do to those I eat. Unlike other omnivores, I do not look away from these facts, but I accept that this is part of life and the nature you speak of--the real, anarchic nature where anything goes (not the romanticized hippie vision), which is completely at odds with your outlook.

This is my decision to make. If you want to be a vegetarian, go right ahead, but do not get on your high horse and criticize others for the choices they are free to make. Ever wonder how much of the land your vegetarianism is destroying? Unless you purchase locally grown/fair trade organic vegetables, your hands are as stained as anyone else's.

By the way, there are omnivores/meat eaters who purchase meat at their local market, from local farmers, whose methods would not include the 'horror film' killing techniques of the giant slaughterhouses. It's more expensive, sure, but if you're that set on "saving the world," then you should advocate people purchasing locally. There is no way in Hell everyone is going to be a vegetarian, and even if they were, the harm to this planet would not stop--there are many harmful things which occur in the vegetable/fruit industry, such as the use of pesticides which harm the environment, slave labour/not fair trade in foreign countries, the destruction of forests/other habitats to make room for more places to plant the crops, etc. It doesn't just end with not eating meat [in my opinion this has nothing to do with things--animals eat meat all the time, and thus far they've failed in destroying the world], the harm extends in pretty much everything you eat that is grown/produced en masse, from meat to vegetables to those little snack foods of unknown composition.
^Mikage, you may not be ignorant, but in my view very desensitized on this topic. You have decided not to care about animal suffering. That you willingly choose to be that way is a bit scary to us people 'set to saving the world' as you call it. I remember our dear MJ was one of those, but I'm drifting off... I do applaud however all the conscious meateaters that are posting here. Every little bit helps! Two points about your post I'd like to stress. If you have two acres of land and one is used for growing corn, the other for cows and the corn if food for the cows, you end up taking up way more space and end up with less food than by growing corn on both fields for human consumption. World hunger could partially be prevented by less meat eating. And I did not even bring up the overfertilization of the earth because of all the animal droppings from cattle. Point two is to get on the problem of pesticides. Similar, but way more problematic is the constant feeding of antibiotics (with every damn meal) to animals to prevend outbreak of diseases. Bacteria get more and more resilient and it has happened several times these past few years that a major outbreak of disease (also dangerous to humans) started out at an animal farm. In my country, we have serious problem with Q-fever from goats right now, and several people have died or were severly immobilized by this disease. Solution: kill all the goats. Same has happened to pigs, birds and cows over here. It's a true tragedy, that could have been prevented if did not stock up millions of animals in confined spaces and give them a diet of antibiotics. It's just asking for problems and I really believe this should end. It's clear as day to me that this can't be right, not for the animals, but also not for the humans. One of the most effective ways is to stop consuming this horribly produced meat, but eating less or let one's discontent over these practises be heard are other ways.
^Harm comes to the Earth from both meat-eaters and vegetarians. Like I said, all that disease/etc. stuff comes from stuffing a bunch of animals in a tiny space, which doesn't mean there is anything wrong with animal consumption itself, but rather the methods big animal farms use to raise/kill the animals. The same thing with raising crops en masse--sooner or later you will need to find more space to raise more crops, and this will end up destroying habitats, etc. especially with things like irrigation. It's already an issue, as is the mass slaughtering of animals.

That's why I think everyone should go local. I think you missed my point because I'm not vegetarian [nor will I ever be]. The only real solution to these problems is to support your local food markets and farmers, not the big companies making profits off borderline slave labour [I'm surprised none of you vegetarians have even touched on this issue] in the planting of crops, etc. and the big companies slaughtering animals en masse.

For maximum Earth-saving power, I think we should find a way of making stone soup, like in that one children's book.
^I did not miss your point, but I wanted to keep it on the topic of preventable animal cruelty and the harmful bi-effects of this meat industry. But yes, you make a good point about going local and I think people are luckily becoming more and more aware of this. But still local cows eat local corn and are sometimes locally mistreated. It does not solve every problem to buy locally, but it is an important part. I'm glad to read you seem to care a bit more about the topic than I initially read in your posts. Still, I think the local food shopping is just a part of a better way of dealing with food and it's distribution over the earth and its impact. I believe preventable animal suffering is a disgrace and should stop. For them and for our own health. But I'm starting to repeat myself here...
^Fair enough. I just support people's liberties to choose whatever they want without having someone else get on their case about it. Of course, local is not always cruelty/pesticide-free in regards to both animal and crop raising, but it is far preferable to supporting big companies whose methods would be inspiration for horror films.
@ Mikage Souji ,,,,, Plants have a nervous system, I agree, but they feel not pain as we(humans or animals) perceive it.

Of course, these studies about plants can hardly be considered conclusive. Another perspective comes from evolutionary science. While it's highly adaptive for animals to feel pain and fear so that they can better avoid dangerous situations, most plants aren't able to take any action to avoid harm. For this reason, there would be no evolutionary advantage to plants feeling pain, so it would be unlikely for this trait to develop. Admittedly, that's a theoretical argument, and experimental results may or may not support it.

In order to live, a sacrifice has to be made, whether plant or animal. The energy we receive from their corpse is like fuel, we need it to survive, so no matter which choice we make, we ultimately end up killing something. There is no "humane" way of killing--we have no way of knowing how painful even the most quick-acting lethal injection is--we only deem it "humane" because it spares the bystanders the trauma which would follow a more conventional death. It is all to protect the ego, these illusory concepts of 'humane' killing. The entire thing seems like an oxymoron.

There is a humane way,,, next time when you go to the doctor or when you undergo a surgery, please ask the surgeon not to give you an anesthetic.
When you do get an anesthetic, you only feel the needle inside of you. You don't feel pain when they cutting your skin?? or do you??

There must be a way to give animals anesthetic without getting it into the meat. I do know that anesthetizing would take longer than other means. More time means more cost. Plus the added cost of the drugs.
But then the animals don't have to suffer and bleeding to death!!
There should be such a thing as animal rights, so there is a way to stand up for them. Otherwise people's liberties will keep on imposing cruelty on the species we cannot communicate with. It's not right.