Glad I'm different


Proud Member
Oct 8, 2004
okay, let me ramble this :doh:

I'm so glad I'm DIFFERENT and NOT materialistic or have a Generation 0 view

Well, my grandma passed away on March 10 :( You know the day before her funeral, family were 'plundering' her home :blink: Us NOT included, okay...

I just needed to 'ramble' this as I think it's shameful and horrific... Some people really don't have any respect...

I do have stuff of her but it has a more 'sentimental' value of her scent, her being and NOT meant for a quick buck to go on Holiday :no:

I just can't BELIEVE how GREEDY, CRUEL and COLD people... eh, family can be :blink:

So BEWARE if you granny or anyone loved one in your family suddenly passes away...
DO NOT fall into the trap of greediness... Just saying...
THANKS for reading my rant...
Daryll,Be very glad you are different,because YOU are the only one that seems HUMAN.
Try to stay away of all the war and fight going on,because it will only hurt you even more.
Your Granny is for sure very proud and happy with you.
Dear,rant away all you need.Please PM me or e mail anytime.HUGS
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. :( :hug: Yes, unfortunately I know about family members being greedy sadly. I could never be that way either. It's not in me, nor was I raised that way.
Thanks Huns :heart:
I'm trying to tell my mum that too... NOT to put oil on that fire :tease:
They were NICER when I was younger though :ermm:
oh well GRIEF hey...

Have a GREAT Sats :clap:
What if you hate them? Personally, I can't wait for my mother to croak so I can pillage like the pirate I've always wanted to be.

:blink: HATE is such a STRONG word... Sev :no:

I don't HATE anyone... as KARMA has a way that they :censored: it up on their own...
I just think it's a shame that GRIEF or is it GREED can make you EVIL like this :scratch:
Don't let the DARK SIDE 'conquer' you :tease:just saying... Cause it's NOT "Michael like"...
HATE is such a STRONG word...

It is. It also happens to describe genuine human feeling which everybody experiences at some point in their life (multiples times actually). Hate is normal, and most of the time it has it's reasons. Irrational hate and rational hate are two different things.

I'm sure Sev has her reasons for hating someone, family member or not.
It is. It also happens to describe genuine human feeling which everybody experiences at some point in their life (multiples times actually). Hate is normal, and most of the time it has it's reasons. Irrational hate and rational hate are two different things.

I'm sure Sev has her reasons for hating someone, family member or not.

I do not genuinely hate very many people. I could probably count them all in one hand and have two fingers leftover. But the feeling is applicable to them all, yes, and I do have my reasons.

Also, there is no such thing as karmic justice when small children die of starvation every day while fat politicians and aristocrats stuff their gluttonous selves and build their dreams atop another's sacrifice. How can you fathom such a thing?

The world is sick, and even more so if you're different. It will seek your destruction. And you will die.
well, we're NOT meant to stay here anyway... I'm living on 'borrowed time' for the last 2 years now so... I try to make the MOST of each day :cheeky:
Also, there is no such thing as karmic justice when small children die of starvation every day while fat politicians and aristocrats stuff their gluttonous selves and build their dreams atop another's sacrifice. How can you fathom such a thing?

The world is sick, and even more so if you're different. It will seek your destruction. And you will die.

Agreed. Just see what was done to Michael!

And the human race is overrated in my opinion.
Animals are no different. You can observe the same behaviour in other primates. The whole thing is sick.

Primates yes. I like whales though.

But the thing about humans is that despite of being no better than any other animal we consider ourselves better. At least other animals don't have the brain capacity to be arrogant like humans. Oh and animals usually kill to eat. Humans often kill to entertain themselves. We are also entertained by witch hunts, deliberate torture such as what Michael was a victim of.
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Primates yes. I like whales though.

But the thing about humans is that despite of being no better than any other animal we consider ourselves better. At least other animals don't have the brain capacity to be arrogant like humans. Oh and animals usually kill to eat. Humans often kill to entertain themselves. We are also entertained by witch hunts, deliberate torture such as what Michael was a victim of.

Animals kill senselessly all the time, it's a common misconception they kill only to eat. Some animals, like cats, "play" with their prey before they eat it (aka torture it). Or they'll kill the sickly runt of a litter, as seen with dogs. It's gory. But yes they don't have the brain capacity to think of themselves as 'better' when no evidence exists to validate that perception, I'll grant you that.

The only really decent lifeforms are plants. xD