Giving Away A Fortune -The Gates Foundation:


Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
"Very Very Proud" of Bill & Melinda Gates..!

"Money is not everything...Love, Health, Knowledge...Helping To Heal The World IS truly the Pursuit of Happiness~~~"

Oct. 1, 2010

Scott Pelley Finds Out How And Why Bill And Melinda Gates Are Giving Away Their Money

Gates, Buffett Prod the Rich to Donate Big Bucks

Bill Gates Checks on Polio Progress in India

(CBS) Money can buy you happiness if you use it to stop infant death in a place like India. Or to eradicate polio and malaria where it continues to kill in the Third World. Those are but a few of the goals Melinda Gates and her husband Microsoft founder Bill have in mind for their vast wealth. :punk:

And for Melinda, it provides her joy she says she gets when she's with the people her money helps. Melinda and Bill Gates talk to Scott Pelley about their vast charitable foundation in a "60 Minutes" segment to be broadcast this Sunday, Oct. 3, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

Melinda says she's not into material wealth like cosmetics or jewelry and finds more meaning in the lives of others in need. "I don't find great joy in those things. I find much more joy in connecting with people," she says. "I'm much more at home being what I call out on the ground doing this work…that's where I find meaning. I don't find meaning in material things," :punk: says one of the richest women in the world.

The Gates say the basic principle of their charitable giving - about $60 billion is the latest figure that they have to give away - is that life is precious.

"Our belief is that all lives, no matter where they are lived on the globe, have equal value, all lives," stresses Melinda. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation studies the conditions and diseases that cause the most deaths. "HIV/AIDS, malaria, mother-and-child deaths, in that order," Melinda tells Pelley.

"When you looked at where the largest number of deaths were on the planet, they were from things like AIDS, malaria and these childhood deaths," she says. "And nobody was giving voice to them…really tackling them. So, we said systematically, those are places that we want to go and work."

Pelley goes to India with her to look in on her program to help prevent childbirth death; it's the most important to her. By teaching women to use sterilized instruments and keep their newborns warm, programs funded by the Gates Foundation have helped reduced such deaths in the area by 54 percent.

Add in vaccinations against childhood diseases and some real progress can be made. "These deaths of children under five have come down substantially. In 1960 it was 20 million under the age of five that died. Now it's nine million children. That's still too many," says Melinda.

Produced by Denise Schrier Cetta
© MMX, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

May God Bless YOU Forever and Always~~~

L.O.V.E Always

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Re: The Gates Foundation: Giving Away A Fortune

Well, good to know the money wasted on crappy Microsoft products is at least going to have some positive effect on the world.
GOOD Contest: Tell Your Education Story [HD]
by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (videos)
Project: Tell Us About Your Nontraditional Education

A partnership project with GOOD and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The classic educational path is simple: go to high school for four years, graduate, and go on to college for four years. But, as everyone knows, life can be complicated and for lots of people, other important obligations—jobs, family, serving in the military—take precedence over finishing school.

But just as often, those who didn't follow a linear path toward education still end up with a college diploma. Like the video above says, those nontraditional students are undeniably impressive. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation wants all Americans to have a college degree, and for that to happen, we are going to need to help people get those diplomas, no matter how they do it.

We want to make sure everyone who doesn't yet have a college degree is encouraged to do so, and we want you to help inspire them. Tell us your stories of success and frustration as a nontraditional student trying to obtain your post-secondary degree, and hopefully others can learn from your example.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

You can submit in any any media you want&#8212;a video, a photo, a poster, a comic, anything else. Be creative. There will be three winners. First place will be featured on our home page, printed in the next issue of GOOD, and receive a GOOD T-shirt and a free subscription. Second and third place will receive a GOOD T-shirt and a free subscription. All submissions are subject to the full terms and conditions.

Find out more at:

Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless

As Always

Re: The Gates Foundation: Giving Away A Fortune

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

?"One of the most fundamental questions we ask ourselves at the foundation is this: How do you help people who live on less than $1 a day?"

Read Regina Kapinga's blog post and watch the video from ONE about small farmers growing a better future with sweet potatoes.

Growing a Better Future: Sweet Potatoes in Africa - Regina Kapinga | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Three-quarters of the world's poorest people get their food and income by farming small plots of land. So if we can make small-holder farming more productive and more profitable, we can have a massive impact on hunger and nutrition and poverty.

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless

As Always

Re: The Gates Foundation: Giving Away A Fortune

Well, good to know the money wasted on crappy Microsoft products is at least going to have some positive effect on the world.
They make quality software and hardware (although the Xbox 360 is an exception to this).

Nothing crappy about them.
Re: The Gates Foundation: Giving Away A Fortune

They make quality software and hardware (although the Xbox 360 is an exception to this).

Nothing crappy about them.

I prefer mac computers, TBH. They're a lot better than Windows computers, from my experience with them. That, and I personally find Gates to be a tad creepy. Thus, the reason for my bias.
Posted by Walt Orenstein on October 22, 2010

The Day I Met Polio

In 1988, I was assigned by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help investigate an outbreak of polio, the first polio investigation of my career.

I was taken to see the first patient, a young girl whose legs were paralyzed &#8211; she was not able to walk. I recall vividly the members of the girls&#8217; family who were there to greet me at her home. They had prepared lavish refreshments and were doting hosts. I went in to examine the girl and as I did, it dawned on me what they expected of me.

I had been billed to them as an international expert and they hoped I could cure their beautiful child of this terrible, crippling illness. As this reality set in, I felt weak and powerless. I knew I could never cure this child of polio. As the embodiment of medical capabilities, I had failed this family. I was devastated that I could not meet their hopes and expectations. As I truly realized my powerlessness to treat polio, the importance of preventing polio became even clearer. I had known it before, but at that moment in the girl&#8217;s home with her family looking on, I took to heart that I had the ethical mandate to protect other children from polio.

While I wasn&#8217;t able to cure that sweet girl, I committed myself to doing everything I could to using large scale polio immunization programs to protect other children from being crippled by polio. That same year, the World Health Assembly resolved to eradicate polio. Throughout my career, I have worked to help attain this goal, as Director of the United States Immunization Program, as chair of the World Health Organization&#8217;s Technical Consultative Group on Polio, the forerunner of the Advisory Committee on Polio Eradication, and most recently as an employee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. I am continually impressed by the progress that has been made by these organizations and others.

Polio eradication is so close &#8211; together, we have reduced the incidence of polio by 99% since I met polio face-to-face. Another key victory is that the virus is geographically constrained. But now is not the time to let up. Today, our efforts must be greater than ever to end the last few chains of polio transmission and give the ultimate gift of our generation to all future generations - the absence of this terrible illness, forever.

More to Explore

Global Polio Eradication Initiative Strategic Plan Summary 2010-2012 (PDF, 1.8MB, 5 pages)

Progress Against Polio (PDF, 1.61MB, 4 pages)

Grant Opportunity: The Poliovirus Endgate: Create Ways to Accelerate, Sustain and Monitor Eradication
Infographic: Track the global progress toward eradicating polio
Learn more about our work in Polio
Walter A. Orenstein, M.D. is the Deputy Director for Immunization Programs on the vaccine delivery team.

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless

As Always

Re: The Gates

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Do you have a passion for photojournalism? We want to hear from you. Help us share stories of the incredible work being done to make a better world. Join the foundation's Flickr photo group and submit your photos related to global health, global development, and U.S. education.

Flickr Group: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Photo of the Day

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation maintains this Flickr group to provide a forum for sharing images, ideas, and opinions regarding our philanthropic work.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Next month, PATH and the World Health Organization are partnering to make history: a promising new meningitis vaccine for Africa. The project represents the first vaccine ever introduced in Africa before reaching other continents.

PATH: Meningitis Vaccine Project: A world without meningitis

For more than a century, meningitis has swept across sub-Saharan Africa on dusty winds with unstoppable force. With each epidemic, the disease decimates communities, killing one in ten people who are sickened and leaving one-quarter of survivors severely debilitated.

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E

God Bless

As Always

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Proper diet and nutrition are key to children's health and mental development. But in the developing world, correct nutrients aren't always in children's diets. By adding those nutrients to the available food, we can make huge improvements to public health. Learn more in the latest infographic from GOOD.

Adding Iron to Soy Sauce and Other Nutritional Tricks for the Developing World - Health - GOOD

In the developing world, nutrients aren't always in diets. Adding those nutrients to the available food can be a huge boost to public health. :punk:

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless Always
