Give Michael some more airplay today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
If you feel like playing his music today open your windows and give Michael some extra airplay:yes:Unless it's to cold to open a window ofcourse.

Would be cool if people hear Michael's music everywhere today right?

At the moment I have my window open and I play Bad Tour Yokahama:)
I will be doing this, even though it's cold. But it's worth it.
I think my roomates are already used to it, so a little bit of more volume is not going to be too bad :ninja:
i'm so happy that in my country, two radio channel dedicate a day for michael. they play his musics all the time...non-stop! i looooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee it!
of course!!!! :) Right now im listening to You Rock My World
In the car today, I turned on 8 different stations in a row and ALL were playing Michael. It made smile soooo large and I totally jammed out with the windows down.
All of the stations in Barbados are blasting Michael's music today!

I am singing along loudly and out of key!
last night my friend and I played MJ real loud all in old town pasadena, and when people were nearby, we'd REALLY TURN UP THE VOLUME. hahaha it was soo fun, hearing Rock with You, Beat It, Workin' Day and Night, THRILLER (it was a FULL MOON and all the red lights at the intersections were flashing--they're all broken, and Pasadena was full of darkness and trees--perfect timing) fly around the sleeping homes. haha I'm sure someone woke up hearing some MJ!!!