Girls, tell me what you think please.


Proud Member
Aug 29, 2011
Riyadh - Saudi Arabia
Ladies, I would like to ask you your opinion since my problem is with a girl so I needed to see what girls think. I posted here to get as much opinions as possible.

I have this long distance relationship with this girl that I've known for so long. We go way back and always liked each other but only told one another that we're in love a year ago. Well, she's like a childhood friend but I loved her as long as I can remember and I've been away for four years. So, she and I met online after three years of not being able to get a hold of one another. Then she confesses her love to me and I was surprised that the girl I loved for so long actually shared the same feelings with me. So I told her that she's been the one I always loved too and that I didn't go out with any other girl for all this time that I've been away. Anyhow, we began chatting online but due to her family complicated problems she would "disappear" a week or two every now and then and I'd be worried sick fearing that something bad may have befallen her. This was a regular thing in our relationship. I told her since the beginning that it worries me a lot and that if something like this happens she should at least text me or email me so I would know what she's going through and be worried to death every time this happens. However, she never does despite her many many total disappearances. I mean how hard is it to write a one minute email in a week or two time to put your lover's mind at ease?!!! Also, many times she tells me that she'd call me at a certain time, but she tells me sorry be right back and leaves me waiting for an hour or two then comes back to tell me I can't continue or doesn't come back at all! I always tell her not to make me wait for nothing like this, but she does it again. Then we exchanged phone numbers and I always be the one to get charged for the international calls. I never let her call and pay for it. I'd send her many love text messages and emails pouring all my heart and emotion. She rarely sends me a text message. She always makes me wait and wait and I patiently do so. I never let her wait on the other hand. If something comes up, I notify her at once so she doesn't get worried. I'm not a rich guy but I never though about money when it comes to her. My monthly phone bills were so expensive due to all the international calls and texts. I try everyday, no matter what happens, to show her how special she is to me and how much I am glad and thankful that she's a part of my life. I went back home after nine months of a long distance relationship. I brought her many gifts that were costly to a guy of my finances. I even gave her my old laptop which is in good condition and works fine, but doesn't suit my need anymore. I spent so much money that I could actually use and need just to see her happy and smiling. At the beginning I didn't have a car but I didn't let that stop me from seeing her. I spent 350 dollars on cab fares to see her for a few days. I still always called her and texted her with the most heartfelt words and love. She continued her usual disappearances and promises of making it up for me. She says she's going through the worse days of her life now. I supported her and understand that. We got past these days. She said she'd make it up for me. I waited two months just to see her in video chat. today she told she can video chat with me since we couldn't meet. After all that wait and passion that I have stored in me to see her and spend some nice time with her, we begin the chat and she watches a movie that she saw a million times while we chat. I've been waiting for so long for this moment. This is one of her promised "make ups." Yet at an important moment to me and after not being able to talk much or see each other for quite some time, she, instead of being with me with all her heart, watches a movie that she actually memorizes. I told her I was shocked to see this and I've been most patient with her and yet she treats me like this. A relationship shouldn't be one sided. I, too, went through the darkest times but never let that come between us. All I want from her is that she shows me some care and passion. That's all. I always give her my all and I only ask for a little in return. She got sad and said I don't understand her and I am bragging because I asked her to put in a bit more effort and show me passion and love!!! Her excuse is that she went through bad times. I went through the worst six months of my life but never once let that or anything else come between us. She's always number one priority. That's how much I love her.

I'm not trying to paint her as evil and myself as an angel. I did some mistakes of course. She's done many nice things for me, but what I wrote is the outline of the relationship. This is the norm of this relationship. What do you girls think? If something isn't clear, please ask me to clarify. I really need some perspective. Just today, to talk about our relationship, I only got to talk to her less than an hour and wait for 6! Am I too demanding? I didn’t ask her to give to this relationship like I do. I only wanted just enough to show me that my busting my behind everyday to show her that she’s special is appreciated and that she’s got the desire to show me that I’m special to her too. There wasn’t a day in this relationship that I didn’t all that I possibly can to show her that she’s the one and only, the most important thing in my life. It's a one YEAR relationship and there wasn't a day that I didn't give her the highest level of care and attention. No matter what happens to me, there is always time for her and attention to her needs. Sorry for this long post, but please understand.
Aww... :huggy: I'm sorry you feel this way. The way I read your story I can tell you love her very very much. But you are in doubt how much she loves you. I can understand that completely by what you're telling in your story.
The only thing I can think of is this: Perhaps you are calling her too much? Perhaps she feels "suffocated" in the relationship because of that? It's hard to tell from here... Love is a funny thing. I think Michael's poem describes it the best! :yes:

Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel and yet so slippery to talk about. It's like a bar of soap in the bathtub - you have it in your hand until you hold on too tight.
Some people spend their lives looking for love outside themselves. They think they have to grasp it in order to have it. But love slips away like the wet bar of soap.
Holding on to love is not wrong, but you need to learn to hold it lightly, caressingly. Let it fly when it wants. When it's allowed to be free, love is what makes life alive, joyful, and new. It's the juice and energy that motivates my music, my dancing, everything. As long as love is in my heart, it's everywhere.

I just hope everything will work out between you two!
Take care!
Thanks for taking the time and give me your opinion. You may be right. I may be trying to be too close. I admit that I love her strongly, but my feelings are strong because of all the time we've been away. It is not like I intend to bother her. It is the worst feeling in the world to bother someone. If I known for a fact that I do bother her, I would back away immediately. It is just that I miss her so much. I have given her time on many occasions when she needed it. We only saw one another face to face 20 days in 4 years. I think it is normal to feel so much passion for someone whom you love very much and only saw for way too little. I just wanted to make up for all these long years of separation. I'm tired of always having to wait for her. The problem isn't with waiting, but with not feeling that it is appreciated enough. She's been late so many times that I couldn't begin to count how many. I'd wait for an hour, two or more. All I ever wanted is to see her take some initiative so I feel that my constant waiting is valued. She always says she'd make it up, but never does. No one likes to wait, but I do it anyway for her. When you constantly make someone wait, you'd want to show them that their patience is valued. I'm not asking for much. I don't want her to spend her every moment with me. I can't spend my whole time with her either. If I saw the slightest indication of appreciation for my waiting and my giving my all for her despite having to wait, I'd be the happiest guy. The simplest things make me happy. I waited for two months to see her on video chat, understanding what she been through lately and offering my emotional support through the rough times. She told me ok now I can. Then she's late for two hours and I'm fighting sleep to see her. And finally when she shows up for our much anticipated little moments, she watches a movie that she saw a million times while talking to me and actually getting into the movie. She know how important this was for me. How much I waited. Doesn't look very thoughtful to me. I wouldn't do it to anyone let alone the lady I love who's been waiting much too long for this. Thank you for taking the time and replying. I appreciate it. I frankly don't know what to think anymore. That's why I needed the insight.
Look, I absolutely don't want to cause any more pain or more doubts... :no:
But are you absolutely 100% sure she loves you as much as you love her? By reading your second post again it feels to me like she's not really interested (by watching a movie for example).
Sometimes it's better to let go... But I know that hurts... :cry:
I hope I'm wrong! I hope everything will work out between you two! :yes:
Take care! :huggy:
Yeah...maybe she doesn't realise that the things she does hurts you...try to talk to her about it, and ask her if she loves you as much as you love her.

If she says yes, then it's all good...if not, at least you'll know it's not worth it.
I truly think she does because for example when I saw her she'd cry when I had to leave and other things. She does love me, but her problem is in communication. Communication is key to a relationship especially one like ours where we are away from one another most of the time. I think she doesn't realize it much. Thank you it's very generous of you to offer your time, assistance and your kind words.
I just texted her "I love you more than words can possibly convey to you. It is not my intention to bother or upset you. It is not my intention to leave you or that I prefer we separate. My only true and firm desire is to be with you. I tried to explain to you what was on my mind. We're all humans with feelings and we need our lover's care. This is all I want. It is in your hands now. Take as much time as you need, then tell me what is it that you wish. I need the passion and care of the lady in my life. I declared my intentions to you. I want us together. What you wish for is what decides wether we continue together or not. May God bless you life, the one who won my heart. Peace."

We'll see when and if she replies.
I truly think she does because for example when I saw her she'd cry when I had to leave and other things. She does love me, but her problem is in communication. Communication is key to a relationship especially one like ours where we are away from one another most of the time. I think she doesn't realize it much. Thank you it's very generous of you to offer your time, assistance and your kind words.
Ok, I'm glad you know that for sure! :yes: Perhaps it's something that you have to learn to accept about her. It's hard to change a person...
I just texted her "I love you more than words can possibly convey to you. It is not my intention to bother or upset you. It is not my intention to leave you or that I prefer we separate. My only true and firm desire is to be with you. I tried to explain to you what was on my mind. We're all humans with feelings and we need our lover's care. This is all I want. It is in your hands now. Take as much time as you need, then tell me what is it that you wish. I need the passion and care of the lady in my life. I declared my intentions to you. I want us together. What you wish for is what decides wether we continue together or not. May God bless you life, the one who won my heart. Peace."

We'll see when and if she replies.
Wow... I wish my guy would send me messages like that! :D
I am sure you will get a positive reply from her! :yes: