Girls - Does she like me?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Great Britain
I need some opinions on a situation which happened this Thursday. I went to see a friend i get on really well with, shes very down to earth, witty and kind. We decided to watch a dvd on her laptop on her sofa, she sat next to me normally to begin with, we made each other laugh, then she started getting closer & closer, after a while she had her head on my shoulder and one hand on my chest. We stared into each others eyes a lot of times.

So is she flirting? or does she like more than friend? we've never been that close before.

:) please help a very naive man lol
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I believe that she does have crush on you. ;) I experienced same kind of situations last fall and now we are dating. :)
:wub: Awww.

Yes I think she definitely does! Big time. :heart:

Good luck with that!
I believe she likes you! ;)
A girl wouldn't get that comfortable with a guy that she doesn't like or trust. :)

How cute!
That's the same kind of stuff I wish I had the guts to do to the guy I like.

If she doesn't like you, she's being a little too touchy and leading you on a bit. Some girls are just like that though and don't realize it.
That's the same kind of stuff I wish I had the guts to do to the guy I like.

If she doesn't like you, she's being a little too touchy and leading you on a bit. Some girls are just like that though and don't realize it.

Girls would really do that? :/ thats so harsh!
Girls would really do that? :/ thats so harsh!

Well, it's not like we mean to lead anyone on! some of us are just very touchy-feely by nature :cheeky: But if she hasn't been this way before.. then yeah, I'd say she likes you :) Good luck! :D
Well, it's not like we mean to lead anyone on! some of us are just very touchy-feely by nature :cheeky: But if she hasn't been this way before.. then yeah, I'd say she likes you :) Good luck! :D
Yeah, he says she's "down to earth and kind".

So I doubt she's leading him on or anything.
I have 2 questions if you don't mind me asking..

1. How long have you been friends?

2. Would YOU like to be more than just friends with her?
i'm seeing her again saturday! :) i'm so nervous nowww!! i wasn't before :(

Dont be nervous ...just be your self, cause she likes you like that. You dont have to make any move now till you feel comftable and when the right time comes you will feel it! :wub: