girl trouble


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Great Britain
i have a female friend i've known for about a year now, she has a boyfriend who i know a little, he lives in London because he's at uni their so its a kinda long distance relationship for them. ever since myself and this friend started meeting up for coffees or i'd go round her house to watch films the flirting has been increasingly turning up notches.

yesterday we watched the usa v england game at her house, after the game had finished we went to her room to watch a comedic post match analysis of the game, we'd do the useless childish flirting by mimicking each other voice in high pitched ways and pinching each other laughing at each others lame jokes like it was the funniest thing ever.

this was pretty standard behaviour for us, until she sort of held my hand and i held hers too and she looked deep into my eyes. . . .
now that is a little bit more than flirting right?

is she just wanting male attention?
is she naturally flirty? (i've not seen any evidence of this)
does she want me? or is it just lust?

i love girls but ahhhhh i hate them too hahah

Can't you see that "She wanna do something keen to you,;She wanna wrap her arms all around you; She wanna do it up keep it high and Deep in the night"

"She wanna give hot jump shot and lastly; She wanna Slam dunk ha ha ha". These are clear signs .
Can't you see that "She wanna do something keen to you,;She wanna wrap her arms all around you; She wanna do it up keep it high and Deep in the night"

"She wanna give hot jump shot and lastly; She wanna Slam dunk ha ha ha". These are clear signs .

haha okay, i take you think she likes me?
There are two ways, either you go for it or you don't. And if you ain't going for it, i suggest you don't stay in a room with her alone because the more she signals to you and the more you ignore those signals, the more "sissi" you become to her.

No offense; just a suggestion.
Well hang on a minute, this girl has a boyfriend, you can't just 'go for it'.

From what you're saying, she obviously likes you, but you can't just jump for her, you need to TALK to her and just ask her, you know, "do you wanna be more than friends?" Ask her in your own way and make it perfectly clear to her nothing will happen whilst she still has a boyfriend. You wouldn't want it to be the other end of the stick would you and have your girl friend cheating on you?
Well hang on a minute, this girl has a boyfriend, you can't just 'go for it'.

From what you're saying, she obviously likes you, but you can't just jump for her, you need to TALK to her and just ask her, you know, "do you wanna be more than friends?" Ask her in your own way and make it perfectly clear to her nothing will happen whilst she still has a boyfriend. You wouldn't want it to be the other end of the stick would you and have your girl friend cheating on you?

This 100%!

I honestly would feel guilty as hell , even just flirting with someone else's girlfriend, especially if thats also a friend of yours.
Well hang on a minute, this girl has a boyfriend, you can't just 'go for it'.

From what you're saying, she obviously likes you, but you can't just jump for her, you need to TALK to her and just ask her, you know, "do you wanna be more than friends?" Ask her in your own way and make it perfectly clear to her nothing will happen whilst she still has a boyfriend. You wouldn't want it to be the other end of the stick would you and have your girl friend cheating on you?

Exactly, that's why i made the second statement . But the problem is he is also encouraging it with the flirting back; so, what do you want her to do?
My question is "does he like her". I think he does and if he doesn't, it will be better to stop the flirting back.
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I'd ask her how things are with her boyfriend. :scratch: :lol: If she says "Great" then there's your answer. It could be she just likes hanging out with you too and not all females who laugh and joke around with guys are flirting. I LOVE to joke around and I'm not flirting when I do, I just love to laugh. :lol: :lol: (And vice versa, sometimes I've had a great time, laughing with a guy and thought the guy was interested when they just liked me as a friend and just liked to laugh as well...). If she gets more direct I'd ask her directly if she's trying to flirt with you or if she's just joking around and if she admits to flirting then I'd ask how her boyfriend fits in the picture. Just keep in mind that if she is willing to cheat on her boyfriend with you....she can easily do it with someone else too if you guys become an item. Just saying...
I'd ask her how things are with her boyfriend. :scratch: :lol: If she says "Great" then there's your answer. It could be she just likes hanging out with you too and not all females who laugh and joke around with guys are flirting. I LOVE to joke around and I'm not flirting when I do, I just love to laugh. :lol: :lol: (And vice versa, sometimes I've had a great time, laughing with a guy and thought the guy was interested when they just liked me as a friend and just liked to laugh as well...). If she gets more direct I'd ask her directly if she's trying to flirt with you or if she's just joking around and if she admits to flirting then I'd ask how her boyfriend fits in the picture. Just keep in mind that if she is willing to cheat on her boyfriend with you....she can easily do it with someone else too if you guys become an item. Just saying...

she says her relationship with her boyfriend has become boring and predictable.
i've been thinking the same thing with the last part of your post
btw i wouldn't kiss her or anything until she broke up with her boyfriend
I think you should wait till she broke up with her boyfriends.. I feel sad if the boyfriend found out his girlfriend is with another person. If my boyfriend did that.. I will be broken hearted.. Let her break up with her boyfriend first.. Then you can may do something with her :)
If you're having girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a ----- aint one
Hit meh!

No but really, I agree with summer.

Wait a while for her to figure out how she feels. If she continues directly flirting, be like, in a light hearted joking way 'are you flirting with me?' and if she says 'maybe :blush:' or something, then perhaps say 'what about ------ (insert boyfriend name)?'.

I think she should break up with her boyfriend if she likes you, before anything happens.

she says her relationship with her boyfriend has become boring and predictable.
Well, that's what happens in relationships.. that's what you hear when people are caught cheating.. they say they do it because their relationship became boring. You're supposed to work at a relationship if you really want to stay in it.

Anyway, I hope she isn't using you for some excitement.
If you're having girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a ----- aint one
Hit meh!

No but really, I agree with summer.

Wait a while for her to figure out how she feels. If she continues directly flirting, be like, in a light hearted joking way 'are you flirting with me?' and if she says 'maybe :blush:' or something, then perhaps say 'what about ------ (insert boyfriend name)?'.

I think she should break up with her boyfriend if she likes you, before anything happens.

Well, that's what happens in relationships.. that's what you hear when people are caught cheating.. they say they do it because their relationship became boring. You're supposed to work at a relationship if you really want to stay in it.

Anyway, I hope she isn't using you for some excitement.

thanks for the advice everyone
i'm just going to ask her next time straight out, its defiantly not fair on her boyfriend and its not fair on me in a way.

thanks again guys
Dude if she's got a boyfriend and she flirts with you, Say she dumps her boyfriend and goes out with you then for all you know she might flirt with someone else

If she flirts, She's just skirt

yeah man i've thought of that too :/
i've decide she only ever going to be a friend, been thinking about what nirvana said its true, i can't be with someone like that.

still be friends though