"Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company"... probably a fake site?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi, friends!

I just got this email from "The Michael Jackson Company":

Please, visit the site for a special artwork for you the fans, to download for free ;)

Best regards


Copyright © 2010 The Michael Jackson Company, LLC All rights reserved.

Now... it's just a nice pic (I still don't see the use in adding dates to this, as if we didn't know about 2009 :no:).

I wonder if this means their new official website is finally comming? Any news on this? (there's nothing else there yet, just the pic)

I got this mail (and I understand this must be a masive mail, not a personal mail), because I had contacted them months ago. Funny thing is they actually answer my previous mail with this info.

Well... nice... share. Wait and see :)
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Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

we'll see
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

Its a beautiful picture but the dates ruin it. I don't want have to reminded of it.
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

Its a beautiful picture but the dates ruin it. I don't want have to reminded of it.

really... no point in adding that date... what for?? :no:
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

When you look to that website's whois info , you see that it's registered by an individual in Norway.

I personally do not think that it's an official site.
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

so is it illegal?
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

The pic appears to have a bit of a horizon/sunrise in it. Hmmm... Another Day perhaps??
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

I sent an email to the contact at the bottom and got an immediate and obviously automatic response:

Thank you for your interest in The Michael Jackson Company.

As of now, the website is only up due to protecting it's trademark.

Sincerely yours

Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

Its a beautiful picture but the dates ruin it. I don't want have to reminded of it.

I cant have nothing with the dates on it. Its sad because i see a lot of beautiful thing on sale or the internet but with the dates, and i just dont want them
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

I cant have nothing with the dates on it. Its sad because i see a lot of beautiful thing on sale or the internet but with the dates, and i just dont want them

I feel exactly the same. I thing I did notice, though is the 2 new calendars for 2011 don't have any dates which is wonderful and I will be purchasing both!

Maybe we could e-mail them and express our concerns about the dates. I think that is exactly what I'll do.

Thank you for sharing this info.!
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

looks like we've seen the cover for the new album ?
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

I just e-mailed them and expressed my concerns and many of our concerns about the dates. We'll see what happens. I also told them that some of us don't buy things because of those dates. Anyway,hopefully they heed our advice and feedback.

I love the pic though!
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

Hi, friends!

I just got this email from "The Michael Jackson Comany":

regardless of the email and what they say in it, I will still say it's fake website. I really do not think that an official website of Michael Jackson would be owned by an individual living in Norway.

this is the copy of the whois information.

owner-contact: P-LWH455
owner-organization: WARESEAL
owner-fname: Lars Haakon
owner-lname: Hansen
owner-street: ***********
owner-city: Hvam
owner-state: Akershus
owner-zip: 2165
owner-country: NO
owner-phone: +47 *******
owner-email: larshaakon@mjjackson.com

Thanks to Dangerous Incorporated you can see that this person does several other websites


one of which is designed to sell Mission T-shirts (Red Lion King shirt) that Michael wore at TII.
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

regardless of the email and what they say in it, I will still say it's fake website. I really do not think that an official website of Michael Jackson would be owned by an individual living in Norway.

this is the copy of the whois information.

owner-contact: P-LWH455
owner-organization: WARESEAL
owner-fname: Lars Haakon
owner-lname: Hansen
owner-street: ***********
owner-city: Hvam
owner-state: Akershus
owner-zip: 2165
owner-country: NO
owner-phone: +47 *******
owner-email: larshaakon@mjjackson.com

Thanks to Dangerous Incorporated you can see that this person does several other websites


one of which is designed to sell Mission T-shirts (Red Lion King shirt) that Michael wore at TII.

I guess the estate will be going after him for using Michael's name and image.
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

Yes this is fake. The estate needs to become aware of this site.
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

I just e-mailed them and expressed my concerns and many of our concerns about the dates. We'll see what happens. I also told them that some of us don't buy things because of those dates. Anyway,hopefully they heed our advice and feedback.

I love the pic though!

Hope they'll listen to you!
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?


Perhaps the thead title could be changed?
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?


Perhaps the thead title could be changed?

Done! Title updated.
As for this being real/fake... I have no single idea, since the message they answered to me, was actually the one I sent back then, when we were informed here, at the forum, about this new website and we were all like... is that real? is that fake? why in Norway? etc, etc. Remember all that talking? Looks like things have not changed since then.... :doh:

and yes, since that very first time we contacted them, they will always give the very same instant message about this being protected and so on.

I have no idea if the Estate knows, but this makes me think of the issues with the fake HTW Foundation, Melissa and all the domains registered and how the Estate is trying to get those, so... they should be aware... I guess :scratch:
There were in the morning, 1958 - 2009. Now you can download the picture from this site, in the morning you couldn't do that.

oh I see. I guess they listened to the fans and changed it then... I don't like seeing those dates either...
Re: "Gift" by "The Michael Jackson company".com... a new site is coming?

but you've got it on your signature too :D

my EPIC FAIL!!!!

LOL!!! :toofunny:

I think I started using that so long ago, I had almost forgotten about it. Damit... shame on me! I'll change it!!
This website is fake and we should stop giving it hits!

I have already Contacted John Branca's office and informed them about this.

They will take cation against the fraud!
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