Getting to a point that i'd choose to not go to TII.

Jan 17, 2004
What is up with this?

A ticket's gonna be 17,50 euro? What the hell is up with that?
It's not even in 3D, so why the ridiculous price? A normal movie ticket
used to be 7,50. It already is 8,50 now. But for TII it's 17,50?

What you is ONLY about money in this world, jeez.
Unless there's a good explanation for this, i find this ridiculous.
oh damn. 5EUR extra you can get in breda the goodiebag. It is pretty far even for me but your giving out money in both ways.. I ain't goin there for 17,50! :lol: 3D was 12,- for me last.
I heard a ticket is 15? Still expensive and it's stupid yes but i just have to see that movie. The sooner i see it the better so i can really close the chapter a bit more somehow. Not that i stop being a fan or anything. The This Is It/ He passed away chapter I mean.
I will buy it on DVD aswell.
I understand your feeling but I will pay any amount to support MJ's vision. I know Sony and all the rest are making money off this but so is MJ's estate and I want his estate to do as well or even better than other deceased artistes. I want media to HAVE to say how MJ is still breaking records even in death. He deserves that.
The thing is ....i live in Groningen. And Breda is a huge distance for me. I simply cannot afford to go there , i'd go there with my car, but the gasoline costs is just too much.
I know about the price because another fan on MSN told me some kind of pre-sale for Breda has begun and that was 15 euros. For the fanclub...but the normal tickets were gonna be 17,50.
I can understand to some point why they'd do it because of the amount of money they lost when he erm.... well, you know. But, it's still just a movie and in their terms, it's a sale, but they know how much it means to fans and clearly they're exploiting it.
Poor Mike :( Being exploited even in death! I'm sure he would want his final production to be an affordable cost, and at enough venues that ALL of his fans could see it if they so desired! He is being held at select venues, for a limited time, at an outrageous cost! Talk about trying to 'make a buck'...I am disgusted by it and won't be going to watch it in theaters. I WILL buy it when it comes out on DVD unless they decide to do something as stupid as only make like 150,000 copies and selling it at like $150 a piece.

Hey, the way they are treating this movie it wouldn't surprise me really.
I understand your feeling but I will pay any amount to support MJ's vision. I know Sony and all the rest are making money off this but so is MJ's estate and I want his estate to do as well or even better than other deceased artistes. I want media to HAVE to say how MJ is still breaking records even in death. He deserves that.

I really agree with that because as long as Mj's estate makes money his children will be supported. And I believe that Mj would have wanted that. I have heard too many fans saying, "I'm not buying it if Mj didn't ok it". That fine but Mj's children miss out if everyone has that opinion.
I'd pay alot more to see it, but that is awful. They charge this knowing how much we want to see it. I think people who had tickets for concert should have got in free, just show your concert ticket (if we ever get them that is).
With that much money they better but in the 3D parts. Infact the whole movie should have been in 3D with that money. Hannah was $15 but it was 3d concert. I want to see it but I'm better off getting the dvd, but knowing AEG the DVD would be $30, $40 for 2-disc and $60 for blu-ray
With that much money they better but in the 3D parts. Infact the whole movie should have been in 3D with that money. Hannah was $15 but it was 3d concert. I want to see it but I'm better off getting the dvd, but knowing AEG the DVD would be $30, $40 for 2-disc and $60 for blu-ray

yeah...AEG just sucks...making people pay that kind of money is ridiculous,,,They are not stupid they know that the demand for movie tickets will be as big as the demand as the concert tickets they are gonna try to take people for all the money that they can..(but oh God it is worth every penny)....they are greedy SOB's in my book...who know maybe there wont even be enough tickets to go around just like the which case I will pay 40.00 for the 2 disc sets..
I think the prices for This Is It tickets will be the same as for any other movie. At least at my local movie theatre the tickets for every movie have the same price. This is what they say at

4. will tickets be priced at a premium?
The ticket price is determined the same way as for any other movie release.
I'm not sure here in Holland what the prices will be at Pathe. Wouldn't be surprised if it would be twice as expensive as other movies. They're trying to make a lot of money of it. It's ridicoulas, but I'll still go and see it, because I don't want to wait untill the dvd is out.

If you don't like getting money to Sony then just put your mind on the MJ Opus book that is coming out :) Michael was heavily involved in that and gave access to his private collection of photos and drawings. And to make it affordable and accesable for all fans there's a pre order open now half of the price. It's still expensive, but then again after the pre order is closed you have already doubled your money. And the book is worth it I think.
From reading the TTI FAQs it seems to me that tickets will be available as they are for ANY film at the cinema, and at the same price. Where have you all heard of these inflated prices with tickets ONLY being available online??
With that much money they better but in the 3D parts. Infact the whole movie should have been in 3D with that money. Hannah was $15 but it was 3d concert. I want to see it but I'm better off getting the dvd, but knowing AEG the DVD would be $30, $40 for 2-disc and $60 for blu-ray

Kenny Ortega said on his twitter that the film won't be in 3D.
I understand your feeling but I will pay any amount to support MJ's vision. I know Sony and all the rest are making money off this but so is MJ's estate and I want his estate to do as well or even better than other deceased artistes. I want media to HAVE to say how MJ is still breaking records even in death. He deserves that.

I totally agree.
I might even going to see it twice in the cinema.
Keep in mind that the cinema and dvd are 2 different documentaries (I heard that a few times already).

This is what Michael was working on FOR US and I just need to see this also for Michael's sake.
Sometimes you just need to forget for a moment about AEG or anyone who will profit from this and think about the work Michael put in this project IMHO
Yes, I feel you;)
I think the same way, because since Michael died, he became really a product.
€17.50 is just rediculious.
I'm not going to This Is It, I want to watch it on dvd at home.

I agree, the prices are ridiculious but I would pay it if I was going to see it in the theatres but I am going to watch This Is It at home anyway I don't want to see Michael's final weeks with other people around me I want to see it alone at home :yes:
knowing how much the fans would want to go see this, it is pretty sad
Its very expensive but they know we will pay and probably go more then once two all they care about is money not about us :(
I would pay alot to see it.. I just want to see Michael again :(
but.. this was not supposed to happen like this :(