getting on wikipedia's frong page


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi guys,

I haven't come onto MJJC for a long time. I've been doing a lot of soul searching since June 25th. And I feel i'm in a better place now. I hope you all are too, I'm sure you are :)

I'm here because I have a favour to ask. You see, many years ago I wrote an article on wikipedia that became a featured article. This means it's classified as one of the best articles on wikipedia, and it must go through a rigorous process to get to this stage.

So that was three years ago. Now, I decided the other day that it's been long enough, and I want my article to be on the front page of wikipedia. The article is called "Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne", and it's about a computer game of that name, which draws inspiration from the stories of Jules Verne. It was a game which I loved, and it was a joy to write about it. I always found Jules Verne's stories so imaginative and they always captured me :)

However, the voting is *tough*! Currenly there are 8 people saying "put it on the main page" versus 8 people saying "don't put it on the main page". So that's why I'm here. I'm asking those of you on here who have a wikipedia account to go to this link:'s_featured_article/requests , and to add a "support" for "Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne".

Is it selfish for me to want to see something I wrote on the main page of an internationally famous website? Perhaps, but at the same time, I feel after three years I deserve such a privilege. It would be such a beautiful thing if even one person here took the time to look at my article, and to add a "support" on the page I have linked above.

Even if you don't like my article and won't support, thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate even if you do that much :)

God bless, and L.O.V.E. to everyone :D
I don't have an account either. I made one just to support your cause, and I think I voted right. However, you do wrong by not specifying the process to those of us who have no interest in making an account other than to support you in your endeavour.

Edit: You misspelled 'front.'
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