Get Yourself A Will Written

Prince Of Pop

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
For everyone here, with everything going on in life, we all realize that life is short.

That said, if you don't have a will written, I suggest you should....especially anyone who has a spouse and children.

My wife and I have been married for almost 3 years (July 14th is our anniversary). We have a 2 year old daughter. We've been talking about making our wills with what's been going on with all the celebrity deaths, and people we have known that have died, we're working on our wills.

I think in the best interest of everyone here, if you don't have a will written....get one!

Best wishes!
I had a will made up when my grandmother died. Although, this has reminded me I should probably update it, there are people in it I don't even talk to anymore.
That's a great idea. Writing your will makes you look back what you've achieved and what you should have done.

I will write mine this weekend
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im only 23 but im going to make a will ASAP and leave everything to my mother and brother and a percentage to a charity
Even single people should write wills out...when they meet someone and get married, get it updated. :)
i agree. but you know what, my greatest assets are LOADS AND LOADS of Michael related stuff-news paper /mag clippings from the last decades that are dearer to me than any other possession lol and I'd like to be cremated with them(my other option was to donate them to an exclusive museum donated to Mike!) That option is still open though :)
My stepmum was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2006 and we were fortunate enough that she had a will and power of attorney. She had also shown us exactly where it all was in the house so it was easy to find. It was a hard but necessary lesson we learned from her.
A few months after I had a living will and power of attorney assigned as well as making my wishes known vocally. There is a lot more involved than just your possessions. What if you are critically injured would rather not survive if you weren't at full capacity? What if you want organ donation? What kind of service do you want, where to be buried or ashes spread? It's all things you don't really want to think about but you know makes things much easier for your family. I highly recommend it. It's a weird discussion to have with your family but it's a good thing to do.