German-Turkish rapper copies Michael's Dangerous album cover


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
His name is Eko Fresh and it's the Nr 1 album in Germany right now:


The cover of "Eksodus" by Eko Fresh provides not only by the tribute to Michael Jackson's "Dangerous" artwork for attention, but a special, loving the incorporation of Eko's career stations by the graphic designer ADOPEKID . decomposes the Cover for you in his mosaic pieces.

Here are more details about the album cover:
Wow, what shameless! One more to be processed by the Estate?

I'm pretty sure it's meant to be a hommage. In the left corner there's a picture of him as a child holding the Dangerous album. The Dangerous cover art is so famous (especially in Germany) that I doubt he did this with the intention of passing off MJ's work as his own.

Still, it's poorly done. The whole point of the Dangerous cover was to only show MJ's eyes because "the eyes are the window to the soul" and that reflects the autobiographical nature of the album. This rapper misses the point by showing his whole face.
Michael's Dangerous album cover looks so artistic and estethically beautiful, however the crappy copycat looks so tacky and over the top. I hope the Estate sanctions him by removing his cover.
can't even come up with original idea's so he has to choose Michael's creative vision for artistic Geniusness, very dissapointed in what artists are doing to be completely honest.

completely agree. it's shameful to see. but that's not a word lol
I see nothing wrong with it. Think of it as a nice tribute, and some nice promotion for Dangerous. This happens a lot more than you guys probably think, but it doesn't usually happen unless the original album cover is iconic. That's a good thing IMO.

One of many, many, many examples...

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Imagine if someone like Justin Bieber did it. the uproar would be insane. rightly so, this is actually cringeworthy, like the Unity tour shows where Jermaine was wearing an eBay HIStory jacket... be original. that's the best homage to Michael because that's what he taught himself.
Not that I like it or anything, but it's like an obvious copy of it. Not really a spoof or parody, but kinda?

Kinda like the rapper Tech Nines album "Killer" was him doing the "Thriller" album cover.

Not that I like it or anything, but it's like an obvious copy of it. Not really a spoof or parody, but kinda?

Kinda like the rapper Tech Nines album "Killer" was him doing the "Thriller" album cover.

I have never heard of this rapper but I looked at the cover and agree that is more of a homage. I looked at the German cover art and had to blow it up to see him as a little boy holding Dangerous (actually, I wish that small part would have been the cover), but because of that I think he definitely meant it as a homage too-and I'm glad his whole face is showing. Looking at Michael's eyes on Dangerous made that album cover even more special-his soul was bound to his work in this album, so to speak. As if to say, this is the "real me behind the magic facade"
It's probably meant as a homage and I don't think it's illegal. At least it happens a lot with iconic album covers. For example:

The famous cover photo, of multiple images of Elvis wearing the gold lamé suit designed by Nudie's of Hollywood,[SUP][3][/SUP] has been copied many times. Album covers so inspired include:,000,000_Elvis_Fans_Can't_Be_Wrong#Homage




I like it.
It's a homage, a tribute.
Nothing wrong with that IMO.
Weird Al's is a parody. Daft Punk's just mimicked Michael's pose in Thriller and its lettering on the album title but they didn't make it tacky and over the top.
I just noticed how important Michael's eyes were in the original one. Seeing someone replace that with their own face really upsets me. Ever since Michael passed away, other artists have been copying his work and tricking lots of little kids today into thinking its their own. If they wanted to really show respect to Michael or make a homage or whatever, they wouldve done it when Michael was alive. But no, instead they made fun of him. This is messed up, i wish someone would write a song about Michael, try to express how important he means to them and to the the world, not copy him!
This seems to be a homage to me (albeit a bad one at that), just look in the corner of the album and you'll see a little him holding the actual Dangerous record. It's not offensive at all and this happens a lot. Many have pointed that once an artwork becomes iconic, many people after it pay tribute to it. Look at that aforementioned Elvis artwork, or the Thriller pose, or the Jaws poster artwork for heavens sake. I've seen those artworks homaged more times than I can count. While I'm not a lawyer, I don't believe it would be illegal as it appears to be a homage, and even then lawyers of the rapper could argue it is a parody of Michael's work, in which case it would be fair use. Nothing the Estate can do really.

Personally, I think the artwork for this rapper's artwork looks tacky and shit.

If they wanted to really show respect to Michael or make a homage or whatever, they wouldve done it when Michael was alive.! But no, instead they made fun of him.

Oh come on, really ? That's just stupid.
1) Michael passed away nearly half a decade ago and many new players have entered the music industry. They couldn't pay tribute to Michael when he was alive because they weren't releasing material back then, so how exactly do you suggest they pay attention to Michael when he was alive ? Hmm ?
2) Many people discovered Michael AFTER he died.
3) I'm really failing to see why it is so wrong to pay homage to Michael once he has passed.

This is not making fun of him. I would consider it making fun of Michael if there was something, say, about his nose or the child molestation allegations, or something else negative about Michael.

It's alright that you don't like artwork (I don't like it either) but artists should definitely be allowed to pay homage to him once he has passed and no, it is not making fun of Michael.