German fans - This Is It trailer premiere this Monday, BUT!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The German "This Is It" trailer will premiere online this Monday, September 14, 2009 at 8am exclusively at the website of Germany's largest newspaper BILD. (thanks to MJFC-Jam)

BUT, why the hell on the, the most ridiculous tabloid in Germany???

On the website there is a "promotion" for Ian Halperins book, with a video interview!

Please, add you comment and let people know that Halperin is a mother fucker exploiting Michaels name!

here is the article and video -
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lol maybe because BILD is sold everywhere?
you were even able to buy a shirt, a bag and a calender via BILD XD
i hate this newspaper!
Great, so I guess this means we're only watching the VMAs for the tribute performances, no trailer. ARGGGH.
why without the trailer? i think if they are showing the trailer on the VMAs then they will show the trailer too?
It depends on if the TII trailer is part of the VMA show itself or will just air in the US during a commercial break like a normal movie trailer would. Everything we've read so far about the premier is referring to the American broadcast of the VMAs. I haven't read yet anywhere that the trailer will premier during the VMAs in other countries. It sounds like it will be an advertisement and not an actual part of the show, especially if it's now claimed that Germany will first see it when the Bild debuts it tomorrow. That will suck. I really hope it's part of the show! But in any case, we'll be able to see it online tomorrow morning anyway (in German and in English) so I guess it's not worth stressing out about, lol. :doh:
aaaaaaah yeah you are right! i didnt think that far!!! true... well then there is no need for me to stay awake after i saw janet doing the tribute.. cuz i have to work tomorrow and i would like to go to bed after i saw janet... but i wasnt sure cuz i wanted to see the trailer.. but i guess i can watch it at work too, if bild streams it on their page....
-edited- Whoo-hoooo!!!! At the beginning of the show it said down in the corner that coming up later would be the TII trailer! And they showed the New Moon trailer as part of the show as well, so looks like we're actually going to see it :)
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the trailer is great... i am curious about the final movie... and i hope we get to see the full two hour rehearsal on dvd later this year... what do u think?
Thank God it was part of the show, but the funny thing is I saw it online about 1 minute before it started on MTV, lol.

And, if anyone's checked out the German trailer yet .... it has subtitles! It's not dubbed over! I was so afraid that we'd have to watch it with voice-overs in the theaters here and we wouldn't be able to hear Michael's voice when he's talking. Looks like the whole film will have subtitles instead. YAY!!!! I'm so relieved :),templateId=renderBuehne.html