

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I remember that last week he said on his show that he was SO sure that the concerts were not going to happen because Michael didnt even have a choreographer, where the hell did he get that from? i am so glad AEG released that clip.
Am suprised by Geraldo's comment, like a stab in the back after the interview in 2005. Didn't Geraldo start losing work as a result of sticking up for MJ?
On the day that M.J. died, I was flicking through a few different news channels and I was shocked that Geraldo was saying nothing but negative things about M.J.
Going on about his money, his health etc.
What a contrast to the interview he did with M.J.! He was positive about M.J. around that time and rightly so.
What changed his mind? It seems rather spineless!
geraldo just as fake as the rest of them he supported mj through the trail then when he realised he wouldnt be getting no interview as thanks he went back to being negative
That has quite upset me. I did hear that after sticking up for Michael and interviewing him, Geraldo was moved around. Can't believe he went back to that, after Michael called him the King of Journalism. What a slap in the face for poor Michael.
He did say that Michael was an excellent father and the allegations were bull.
Has William Wagener said anything about Michael's death? I always liked what he did for Michael at the trial.
Geraldo is a Murdoch puppet, he has the Fox execs hands up his backside working his mouth. I don't like him at all, not one bit. He did stand in Michael's corner, he was probably as fake as Bashir and only did it to get the interview.

I am not recording his shows any more. I feel weary now, the emotional storm of the last week is catching up with me, and I am not going to get myself irritated or saddened by watching these people taking swipes at Michael, bad enough when he was alive but dispicable now that he is dead.
Geraldo. Using a dry erase board to tell the news. I also rest my case. (lol!)
Again, a simple Google search would have cleared things up for Geraldo. Many of these in the media hear rumors, gossip, and smears from people who should be given the simple question of "How would you know that". The either want to believe it or don't care and simple want to talk. Either way, their upholding ethics of reporting is sad.
I bet Fox News got down his back for the time that he defended Michael and made him change his tune.