Georgia Contractor Using GPS Coordinates, Not Street Address, Demolishes Wrong House

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

CARROLLTON, Ga. — Turns out GPS isn't all it's cracked up to be.

A crew using coordinates from a global positioning system demolished a 60-year-old home in Carrollton earlier this week, but it was the wrong house. The home's owner, Al Byrd of Atlanta, said he heard about the mistake when a neighbor called him to tell him the house he grew up in — along with his family heirlooms — had been destroyed and thrown into Dumpsters.

No one was living in the house at the time.

Byrd said his father built the house by hand in 1950.

Byrd said he is talking with an attorney but hasn't made any decisions on what to do. He said he's gotten an apology from the companies who made the mistake.​
OMG I would be so pissed if that would happen to me! :eek:
Imagine if there were people living in there! So un-profissional!