George Maloof, Zoe Thrall confirm Michael Jackson song is authentic

I really doesn't get this article.. There never has been any doubts about the accuracy of Hold My Hand, so why would this guy go public to rebuke claims that never existed?
What...? o_O I just read the article! "Hold My Mand" w/Akon was not one of the songs some of the Jackson Family commented on as being not MJ! It was BN and the other two from the Casio's they only complained about! lol
Tabloids trying to stir ish again as usual :rolleyes:
casual people and non-fans do not really pay attention to whether the debate about the vocals for 3 songs or all songs or what the name of the songs are, they are simply confused and then you get these kind of statements
Nobody ever questioned Hold My Hand...where did he get that from?
"Breaking News" (pathetic song btw) is NOT Michael's voice, and "on Keep your Head up" is not Michael either.

now, on "Hold My hand" is Michael's voice, "One More Chance" IS original, have to hear the other ones still.