Geldof Admits That WATW is One of the Two Worst Songs of All Time :/


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
New Zealand
Geldof admits responsibility for worst songs ever

Bob Geldof
has admitted he feels responsible for two of the worst songs of all time.

The singer told Australia’s Daily Telegraph: “I am responsible for two of the worst songs in history. One is ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ and the other one is ‘We are the World’.”

‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ was released 26 years ago today to raise money for famine-hit Ethiopia. The song, which featured the likes of Sting, Bono, George Michael and Phil Collins, became the biggest-selling single ever at that time and its success led to the release of ‘We Are the World’, which featured Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Diana Ross.

Speaking about the Band Aid song, he added: “Any day soon, I will go to the supermarket, head to the meat counter and it [‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’] will be playing. Every f***ing Christmas.”

He also claimed it irritates him when carol singers perform the song:
"They think 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' is as old as 'Silent Night'. Sometimes I think that's wild because I wrote it. Or else I am thinking how much I want them to stop because they are doing it really badly."

It's certainly not the best but it's not the worst by a long shot and was for a good cause. Oh well.
In those days I'd say George Michael and Wham are responsible for the worst song of all time - I mean "Last Christmas" :D Its season on the radio/tv/shopping moles has started. And it's not that this song is bad, it's just the frequency of hearings. Maybe it's just me, but in June or August all Christmas songs sound great ;)
I like "Do They Know It's Christmas" and I love originally version of WATW. I don't care what Mr Geldof thinks :)
Disagree, but I can see where he is coming from. I can totally understand how some would see WATW as incredibly cheesy etc. so I think it's a very love/hate relationship song. Do They Know It's Christmas is the same, I expected that to be the second song he mentioned.

I don't get why he seems so surprised/angered that DTKIC is played every year. It's a Christmas song. Surely he wrote it for the purpose of the holiday season. The song and many others get re-released year on year in Christmas compilations, it's not like you write a song for a specific year...
WATW is probably one of the most recognizable song in the world. It doesn't matter what language one speaks, one can easily hum along. The song's simplicity is its beauty. That's what Michael aimed for. A simple and easy melody which people of all races and ages can sing along.

Like the song of not, WATW was a success and served its purpose. It raised and continues to raise money for charity.

Is it the greatest song ever? Probably not. But, the song is far from the worst song ever created.

I'm tired of sensationalism. If one doesn't like the song, switch to another channel. It's easy as 1-2-3.
i disagree simply because he looks like he had a few to many acid trips around those times.

WATW is a truthful song that has meaning.

Do They Know Its Christmas... well read the lyrics to that.
But say a prayer,
Pray for the other ones.
At Christmas time it's hard
but when you're having fun...
There's a world outside your window
and it's a world of dread and fear
Where the only water flowing is
the bitter sting of tears
Where the Christmas bells that are ringing
are the clanging chimes of Doom
Well, tonight thank God it's them instead of you.

hmm kinda dont like this song really but WATW is true talent and TRUE artists.
Geldof should appreciate that his song will live on forever and long, long after he is gone people will be listening to that song on the holidays. So will Michael's (sadly, that has come true much too soon). I don't think these songs are bad. Maybe he's speaking from the point of view of a rock & roller. I could think of a hundred worse songs. WATW (the original) is a good song when taken in small doses. It's a song I cannot listen to repeatedly or else it's like, enough already, heh. Because it ends up repeating in my head 24/7 and I can't get it out...hehe. When the original came out 25 years ago it was played so often on the radio and everywhere that after a while I never wanted to hear it again. Fast forward 25 years later to WATW #2 and history repeats itself (well, almost)...I heard the song so often I had had enough, lol. Only thing is the remake was just awful. But the original is a good song and was for a good cause.
In those days I'd say George Michael and Wham are responsible for the worst song of all time - I mean "Last Christmas" :D Its season on the radio/tv/shopping moles has started. And it's not that this song is bad, it's just the frequency of hearings. Maybe it's just me, but in June or August all Christmas songs sound great ;)
I like "Do They Know It's Christmas" and I love originally version of WATW. I don't care what Mr Geldof thinks :)
I love all 3 songs, with Last Christmas being my favorite of the 3
Ok, first of all, WATW inspired people from all ages and all races. What's so cheesy about that? I'm tired of that way of thinking: "being in the good side means being cheesy?"

Second, don't feel so responsible Bob, yes WATW came after DTKIC but MJ and LR wrote that song.

you know? I could read all this like some sort of false modesty.
In those days I'd say George Michael and Wham are responsible for the worst song of all time - I mean "Last Christmas" :D Its season on the radio/tv/shopping moles has started. And it's not that this song is bad, it's just the frequency of hearings. Maybe it's just me, but in June or August all Christmas songs sound great ;)
I like "Do They Know It's Christmas" and I love originally version of WATW. I don't care what Mr Geldof thinks :)

By the way, I love Wham's "Last Christmas"! :)

And I'm easily annoyed by Christmas music (if it's too soon or overplayed).
I never liked "Do They Know It's Christmas" because of the lyrics. It gives such a stereotypical view of Africans as poor, sad, hungry people who don't even know what holidays are. I know several people who have been to Africa around Christmas time (including my uncle who has lived in Kenya for 12 years) and they told me Africans celebrate Christmas just as much as we do. It may not be in a material sense, but they get together and sing, dance, eat (believe it or not) and just celebrate. I know it's meant to create sympathy so that people will donate money to a good cause, but I can't help but cringe when I hear sentences like:

"There's a world outside your window
And it's a world of dread and fear
Where the only water flowing is the bitter sting of tears
And the Christmas bells that ring there are the clanging chimes of doom
Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you" (wtf? :unsure:)

"And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time
The greatest gift they'll get this year is life
Where nothing ever grows
No rain nor rivers flow
Do they know it's Christmas time at all?"

I did think WATW was a bit cheesy the first time I heard it, and I still think so (same goes for Heal The World). But it's an OK song and served a good cause. It definitely won't ever be one of my favourites from Michael though.
Umm......since when does Geldof get credit for We Are The World? That's a MJ/Lionel Richie/Quincy Jones track.
What's the point in saying that? The songs helped people.
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^^I agree. The songs were for specific humanitarian purposes and worked. I do not think they were made for us to boogy to, brake dance to, pop to, moonwalk to, etc--but we can if we want to, of course.
i'm sorry, but i think Geldolf is masking envy for WATW outselling DTKIC. and he can avoid hits by saying his song is bad, too. he just said he'd like to stop the carolers, because he thinks they're doing the song, badly, so, obviously, he likes his song, and is trying to be clever.
we don't hear WATW every Christmas, like we hear DTKIC. and as Ginny Jackson said...nobody should thank God 'it's them instead of you'. talk about being condescending in the face of the suffering, while trying to convey a message of hope..

anyway, when attempting to do charity, disucssing song rating shouldn't be an issue, but, a great song that does great things is a good thing, and one should strive to have the best songs, when it comes to doing goodwill. and not write just any old thing, and say, nobody should have trouble with it, because it's for charity.

when it's all said and done, both songs combined raised a lot of money for charity, so, it just seems that Geldolf should have kept his mouth shut and made no comments at all about any charity song, just to get attention.
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exactly, Michael said it, he wanted a SIMPLE SONG, that even small children could sing to, and being simple it doesnt make it wrong... i mean it was a song simple, so everyone in the world could sing, even if they didnt talk english... :smilerolleyes:

wow, some people still amuses me, sadly in the stupidiest ways..... :scratch:
And I admit he is an idiot.

Agreed. He can diss his own songs all he wants, but it's highly disrespectful to diss a song that someone else wrote, and that, BTW, added to Geldof's fame a great deal (as an organizer of that evening).

Besides DTKIC I cannot think of a song of Geldof's own that I could recognize, so he should shut up about other people's songs which were loved by millions! I went to his Wikipedia page to see what he has done besides these charities and it says he was a punk-rock singer, whatever, but much of the article on his Wiki page is about Band Aid, Live Aid etc. - so that is what gave him much of his fame.

We are the World is a beautiful song (especially Michael's demo highlights it). A song doesn't necessarily have to be complex to be great.
The difference between Michael & Bob ...

Michael was respectful of ALL artists ... and never spoke badly about them or their work.

Love you eternally Michael!!
Geldof is full of himself. He should be thankful that the song reached so many souls and helped so many people. Instead he bashes it. Real nice of you, Mr Geldof. You can say whatever you want about your song, it's your creation and you have every right to judge it. But don't you touch We Are the World, this song helped you a lot and it's not the way to treat it now!
ok. well thats just weird.
i hav too much respect for bob geldolf to let this lower my opinion of him. it sounds like he's just ranting on in a light hearted just making fun of urself as a joke

those two songs are all about the message and as long as he doesnt regret THAT then i'm ok...
i don't think there's any meanness towards mj here either soo...wotever
"Every f***ing Christmas.", in the words of Geldoff, also looking seriously under the influence of drugs. That was the hurtful thing he said that should hit like a bullet. So he doesn't like WATW. Since when the opinion of a high person is valid or matters? He needs to cut on the drugs and darkness, he really looks terrible...
Im so tired of hearing this about WATW... that was not the purpose of the song... and damn if alot of the singers felt that way who sung on the track... then what was the reason for helping the cause in the first place? It was FOR a CAUSE not for a number one hit song but it DID succeed in doing that as well.
The difference between Michael & Bob ...

Michael was respectful of ALL artists ... and never spoke badly about them or their work.

Love you eternally Michael!!



I'm with those wondering how he can take credit for WATW. :unsure: I'm quite sure I'm missing something here.
Every time I go to the super market or the mall around the holidays I always here Last Christmas by Wham. LOL I love that song but they run it into the ground sometimes and they also play a lot of "Feliz Navidad" and I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause from J5.
Michael is so cute when he sings the part.. "I saw mommy kissing Santa clause" ..and Imma go tell my daddy. That gets me every time.. :)

And this Geldof guy reminds me of another Grinch or Ebinesor Scrooge, Maybe he got old and grumpy.
This guy doesn't matter in my opinion, Both songs are fantastic.
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DTKIC is overplayed. WATW is not. Both songs were for a great cause but I cant help detect a tad bit of envy on Bo's part that WATW outsold DTKIC.
1. "We are the world" outsold "Do they know its christmas?"
2. Geldof was in no way "responsible" for the creation of "We Are The World". Completely the wrong word to use.

- "No wonder Bob Geldof looks like famine, he's been dining out on "I don't like mondays" for years"-Russell Brand
Had to add that just because his obnoxious behaviour since that recording is definitely outweighing any admiration for him.