garfield vs. spongebob

I like Garfield better. In my opinion SpongeBob is one of the most overrated things to ever appear on TV
Okay so I guess I'm the only one that's voting for Spongebob then :) Hehe.
does anybody know if they have Garfield j's meaning Jordans or Garfield air forces. if so could you upload a picture.
Okay so I guess I'm the only one that's voting for Spongebob then :) Hehe.

The coolest cat in town definitely wins over the sponge in shorts!! Plus, lasagne's much more appetising than them thar krabby patties!! The little boy I babysit is obsessed with Spongebob, so I end up watching several episodes with him when I go over there!

I love both of these characters, but I choose Garfield. More along the lines with my kind of humor.

Hehe, I agree totally! :tease:
It would be easy for me to say Garfield since he was popular when I was a little kid whereas Spongebob is more "today", but I never found Garfield funny. Ever. He's just like this... cynical depressing cat who walks around like a pretentious twat. Also, he's always sleepy and I remember it would in turn make me sleepy. Oh, and don't get me started on the Garfield comic strips. THEY ARE UNFORGIVABLY BORING.

I recall laughing many times while watching Spongebob, though, but I guess I like laughing at things that are funny. Garfield is all dry and bland, just like British humor, which I also generally find stupid. I know, I know, I just don't "get it" (even when it comes to comedy, Brits are snobs :lol:).
To be completely honest, I've never seen an episode of Garfield in my life. Wait, I lied. I faintly remember seeing maybe one episode when I was really, really young. But I don't remember anything beyond that. So I'm going to have to go with Spongebob. I grew up watching 90's Nickelodeon and nothing else. lol.