Gamble and Huff era


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


Simply beautiful... :wub: Look at the runs at 2:59

Let Me Show You The Way to Go


His voice is silky fine.....

Keep on dancing


Check out the robot....


Anyone else love this era? I AM IN LOVE WITH IT!

Please any other fan who can discuss with me about this era... PLEASE!! :cute:
Enjoy Yourself


One of my favourite songs....

It makes me sad that many of these songs are not known anymore. I think they are simply divine. They are lost masterpeices of Michael's brilliant and long career. People especially fans should familiarize themselves with Michael's earlier works. Trust me, it's like finding a new treasure... I just LOVE Michael's voice during these years...
Good gawd awmighty!!!! Great quality video, hadn't seen these before!

Though they're lipsynched, as was standard for those TV shows, it's a great way to watch them dance and to introduce these songs, which I didn't know. The unfortunate part is that it left poor Michael having to keep crying "Come ON! Get UP! Clap your hands!" to a group of people quietly sitting at tables, who were obviously never going to get up, much less clap their hands. Keep on Dancin' is some great funk. Let Me Show You is a really, really great song, just classic. And yeah, Michael's Aaron Neville-style vocal runs on Dreamer are chilling. Many thanks for posting!

I was all rocker and funk during this era and missed too much Jacksons, though I did see the Victory tour... so many, many thanks for posting!
Good gawd awmighty!!!! Great quality video, hadn't seen these before!

Though they're lipsynched, as was standard for those TV shows, it's a great way to watch them dance and to introduce these songs, which I didn't know. The unfortunate part is that it left poor Michael having to keep crying "Come ON! Get UP! Clap your hands!" to a group of people quietly sitting at tables, who were obviously never going to get up, much less clap their hands. Keep on Dancin' is some great funk. Let Me Show You is a really, really great song, just classic. And yeah, Michael's Aaron Neville-style vocal runs on Dreamer are chilling. Many thanks for posting!

I was all rocker and funk during this era and missed too much Jacksons, though I did see the Victory tour... so many, many thanks for posting!

I know.... The audience was soooooooo LAME! If I was there, I'll be rockin and dancing and showing my appreciation to such beautiful songs...
Love these songs. Actually I think Goin' Places may be my favorite album from the Jacksons. Absolutely love these tracks

Goin' Places-Fun, talking about all the places they visited around the world
Find Me A Girl-Sexy song
Even Though You're Gone-Love Michael's vocals on this one
Jump For Joy-This one always cheers me up if I'm feeling down

Heaven, Knows I Love You Girl, Man of War, and Different Kind of Lady are great too

I like how Michael says "England"

Though they're lipsynched...

There is no way 'Show You The Way To Go', the one posted, is lip synced. He's adding adlibs and he's speeding up the song. Unless you man the back up vocals?
Nice thread!

Show You The Way To Go is up there with the greats. It's so jazzy with those Ayers-like vibes and Mike just puts the funk in it with his ad-libs.

There is no way 'Show You The Way To Go', the one posted, is lip synced. He's adding adlibs and he's speeding up the song. Unless you man the back up vocals?

Well, I hope you're right. I'm no expert at this, and just assumed it, given the way each song fades out at the end, the lack of a band, and what was typical for some TV shows at the time. Would love to be wrong!
Already love this thread.
I love this era and "Show you the way to go" is one of my faves of The Jacksons.

EDIT: Just read the title... LOL... just realized it's just about one show :D
Good Times – The Jacksons (1976)

This is just LUSH from start to finish – and the brothers give such a class vocal performance. I heard this at a Crate Diggers party in Shoreditch a few months back, got great response. The song was also nicely covered 'lovers rock'-style by vocal trio 15 16 17.
Love these songs. Actually I think Goin' Places may be my favorite album from the Jacksons. Absolutely love these tracks

Goin' Places-Fun, talking about all the places they visited around the world
Find Me A Girl-Sexy song
Even Though You're Gone-Love Michael's vocals on this one
Jump For Joy-This one always cheers me up if I'm feeling down

Heaven, Knows I Love You Girl, Man of War, and Different Kind of Lady are great too

I like how Michael says "England"

Girl, I love all those songs you posted.

*Heaven Knows I love you Girl.... Just so breathtakingly sweet!

*Find me a girl- I love that one too! :music:I'm gonna find me a girl..... Yup, my jam!

*Even though you're gone- A bit depressing listening to this now though... but still very beautiful....
Good Times – The Jacksons (1976)

This is just LUSH from start to finish – and the brothers give such a class vocal performance. I heard this at a Crate Diggers party in Shoreditch a few months back, got great response. The song was also nicely covered 'lovers rock'-style by vocal trio 15 16 17.

I love this song too!

Good Times... Those days were definitely good times in the industry.

Song like these transport me to another era.
Hey! Guys, check this out!

The faster and more energetic version of Enjoy Yourself
During the Destiny Tour in '79.


Look at the smiles. They look so happy.. Bless!



I know it's not Gamble and Huff! =p and I dont care. I just love this song! I love love it so much. His voice is just so beautiful! Destinyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

Things I do For Yu

Gosh, I lurrve this song too! Don't you think it has the vibes of 'Working Day and Night'? Randy is a beast on those bongos!

Feel free to discuss the Destiny and Triumh album too.
On a side note, I really love their choreography. It's simple yet intricate.

Also, why are these albums so underrated? It makes me sad! People tend to forget about the wonderful works Michael did before Off the Wall. Even the Jackson's Motown albums has a few gems in it. Mike's solo albums in Motown were pretty good too....

I think I posted half the replies to this thread.. :lol:

C'mon show some love to the classics!

Wow! This video made me so happy!

Did you see how both Black and Whites, Men and women were jamming together?

That's the power of music.

I also adore the hat Michael wore.. :lol: I love the way he was moving his neck and dancing all over the place... Also, did anyone see Randy's goggles? OMG! (dead) And people say that Kanye West or Lady Gaga's fashion sense were unique. The Jacksons did it first AND THE BEST, b*#@*S!!

Check out the girls screaming Mike's name at 5:35.. Ever the Cassanova, Mike... =D
I also adore the hat Michael wore.. :lol: I love the way he was moving his neck and dancing all over the place... Also, did anyone see Randy's goggles? OMG! (dead) And people say that Kanye West or Lady Gaga's fashion sense were unique. The Jacksons did it first AND THE BEST, b*#@*S!!
There's nothing really special about these outfits. Typical 1970s funk band jumpsuits/spacesuits, lol.
o wow, i hadn't seen those videos before.
i love especially the first album, every Gamble & Huff's song actually, and not much the rest (Keep On Dancing, Strength Of One Man, Living Together)

and from Goin' Places my favourite are Find Me A Girl and Music's Takin' Over (vocals :wub:).

Oh, and Even Though You're Gone is very sweet too.
This is an era that I've grown to really appreciate since MJ's passing (really, ALL of his work I've enjoyed more since his passing), but especially this era. And, even more specifically, after seeing Thriller Live.

Also, I never knew MJ wrote "Blues Away". It was the only track off that album I listened to until recently, and now I know why.

"Show You The Way to Go" is the specific track that made me take another look at the album. I've got the Musikladen performance of this, great stuff. I need to get around to "Goin' Places" now.
Love, love, love this era so much. The other day I think of many of those overviews of MJ's career shown through the collection of clips, you know, the ones shown at award shows right before giving him awards. WHY THEY FORGET TO PUT THE JACKSONS ERA and the importance of the music??:smilerolleyes:
-ending my rant here...and back to the music....

I was playing Different Kind of Lady last week and getting a bit of comfort. I'm living with a heavy heart all the time these days, so once I lighten up with songs like this, I fear going back to the usual mood. But the song has to stop at some point. Just can't shake off that feeling. So...when I was listening to the song, I wasn't excited as much as I used to be when he was here.

Goin' Places-Luv it. Gotta love the parts where Mike go "Gary, Indiana!" and "Yes indeed!"
Oh, and Even Though You're Gone is very sweet too.

Absolutely LUSH ballad with Gamble & Huff sprinkling Mike and his brothers with their special Philly soul magic. Louisa Mark’s lovers rock lick is also good. Michael gives one of his most amazing vocal performances, like CaptainEoLove85 commented above.