FYI:Learning Disabilities -


Proud Member
Feb 7, 2008
Thank you for posting this!
I have a learning disability called dyscalculia, which makes math comprehension extremely hard.

Everyone needs to be more aware of learning disabilities and what it's like to have them. I hate my LD, but I love making people more aware of it.
Thanks for this...

I grew up with a Learning disibility too. If you've ever heard of Dyslexia which is seeing words all jumbled up, I have something like that except mine is with numbers. I cannot comprehend them. I have worked as a cashier before and I'd have to just memorize where the keys are because if I don't I just stare at them until my brain tells me "this is #5" I often get some numbers confused too like 6 and 9 I see backwards or 5 and 3. It's kind of embarrassing.. And a lot of people look at it as "just a excuse" I hate that...

This thread reminds me of this video..
I hope you can watch this :angel:
Dear MJJ Luv and Amber Dawn,

First and Foremost I, WE would like to say..."WE Are "Very" Proud Of Both Of YOU..~

Second: Thank YOU....for "just" Being YOU..!~~~

I have a 26 year old "beautiful" son that is learning disabled.

WE like you...have had many trials & tribulations throughout time...WE like you...have accomplished things that "most" said WE could not...

WE want YOU to know from the bottom of "our" hearts~~~

Therefore, the video that Amber posted...IS "absolutely" BREATHTAKING~~~

Love Always

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Everyone needs to be more aware of learning disabilities and what it's like to have them. I hate my LD, but I love making people more aware of it.

I so totally agree with you. Especially since I too am learning disable. I had to be in special education classes during most of my years spent in school. I'm not sure what kind of learning disabilities I had. But I did know I couldn't keep up with the other kids in the regular classes. And I had such trouble of learning what the other kids were learning in the regular classes. Plus getting held back didn't help either. I think I was held back twice but I'm not sure. I was was suppose to have graduated from high school in 1998. But because of my learning disabilities and getting held back I didn't graduate from high school until 1999. I was 19 years old when I had graduated with kids that were mostly 18 year olds. But the one thing I still have trouble with. Is saying what I want to say. I know what I want to say. But I have such trouble of saying the words that I want to say.

Growing up with a LD was a really big challenge I'm sure many would agree. I almost didn't graduate the State of Indiana has this thing called GQE it's a test of english and math skills you learn throughout your school years. It only started in 2000. You HAD to pass this test in order to graduate, NO Exceptions they said! I passed the english portion with flying colors but Math I took it grade 10,11, & 12 and NEVER passed. We had to fight it through the school board my parents & several other children with learning disiblities. They let us pass with a Graduation "waiver" . Some kids with LD they didn't allow to graduate they either got too low of scores, bad attendance, lack of credits, or something else.. Luckily I tried to be involved with school as much as possible I had tutors which showed I was trying. As result many kids dropped out of high school because the school board told them they wasn't going to graduate anyway.. :no::no:

Growing up with a LD was a really big challenge I'm sure many would agree. I almost didn't graduate the State of Indiana has this thing called GQE it's a test of english and math skills you learn throughout your school years. It only started in 2000. You HAD to pass this test in order to graduate, NO Exceptions they said! I passed the english portion with flying colors but Math I took it grade 10,11, & 12 and NEVER passed. We had to fight it through the school board my parents & several other children with learning disiblities. They let us pass with a Graduation "waiver" . Some kids with LD they didn't allow to graduate they either got too low of scores, bad attendance, lack of credits, or something else.. Luckily I tried to be involved with school as much as possible I had tutors which showed I was trying. As result many kids dropped out of high school because the school board told them they wasn't going to graduate anyway.. :no::no:

Amber, I'm from Indiana, too. I didn't pass the math part of the GQE sophomore year but I took it again the next year and finally passed it. English is very easy, but math is so hard. One of the symptoms for dyscalculics is that their English/literature IQs are excellent, but the math is very low. I got a 600/800 on the SAT in Critical Reading, but I only got a 325 on the math portion.
Which high school did you go to?
what is all about i don't understand cause way in my learning disablility i don't understand & i can't read very well to understand so what is all about? just asking :)
Can someone explain to me what are SATs? Because I could never understand them. Mainly because I never had to take them when I was in high school. I guess it wasn't require cause I was learning disable and in special education classes. But I could never understand the purpose of them.
Can someone explain to me what are SATs? Because I could never understand them. Mainly because I never had to take them when I was in high school. I guess it wasn't require cause I was learning disable and in special education classes. But I could never understand the purpose of them.

SATS I think it might stand for Scholastic Aptitude Test it's a test students have to take in order to get into college. There's a math portion, writing portion, and also reading.. I think colleges look at your scores the higher score you get the better chance you have of being accepted into certain schools.
Thanks for this...

I grew up with a Learning disibility too. If you've ever heard of Dyslexia which is seeing words all jumbled up, I have something like that except mine is with numbers. I cannot comprehend them. I have worked as a cashier before and I'd have to just memorize where the keys are because if I don't I just stare at them until my brain tells me "this is #5" I often get some numbers confused too like 6 and 9 I see backwards or 5 and 3. It's kind of embarrassing.. And a lot of people look at it as "just a excuse" I hate that...

Similar things like that happen to me. I've always suspected I had some kind of learning disability but was never tested. Is there a test I can take online or is that something only a doctor can diagnose?

I just happened to see Orlando Bloom and Tom Cruise talking about having learning disabilities on TV earlier this evening.
Hmm I don't know if a online test could really diagnose it. When I was 7 they made me take a apptitude test a very long one. This test wasn't just on paper I remember they had me read, do special flash cards, test my math skills, test my memory.. It took several days to complete.

When I was finished my parents had to take me out of my regular school because at this time not all schools offered special education. I lived in a community where there was 6 different elementary schools but only 1 offered. Of course it was a bit far and I had to take like 4 buses every day to get back and forth. I actually had to ride back and forth with the High Schoolers! I was finally mainstreamed in the 6th Grade with only Math that I wasn't able to attend regular classes.
I also have an L.D. I also have discalculia . I have the maths age of an 8/9yr old and am 31 and slightly dyslexic in english too.
This website will help with any questions you may have...

Learning Disabilities Information Page:

National Institute of ...
Information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. › Disorders A - Z - Cached - Similar

In the State of is mandated by law that each child that is diagnosed with a learning disability have done an IEP (Individual Educational Program)...

Learning Disabilities Association of America

Autism finding could lead to simple urine test for the condition

ScienceDaily (June 5, 2010) Children with autism have a different chemical fingerprint in their urine than non-autistic children, according to new research published tomorrow in the print edition of the Journal of Proteome Research.

Love Always

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Check This Out...

Medialexie Toolbar - Tools for dyslexia (spell check, dictation and speech synthesis)

Medialexie Software - Remedial tools designed for people with dyslexia or dysorthographia. Reading and writing aids using natural language processing.

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless

As Always

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Thank you for posting this!
I have a learning disability called dyscalculia, which makes math comprehension extremely hard.

Everyone needs to be more aware of learning disabilities and what it's like to have them. I hate my LD, but I love making people more aware of it.

That sounds an awful lot like me! =O

And they never believed me back when I was in school. I just can't do math--even the simplest equations! I always read the numbers wrong, or somehow screw up no matter what I do!

Yet I have a pretty much genius capacity for language/arts. I got tested at school for it, and indeed Math was the weakest link. I scored above average in everything except mathematics...
That sounds an awful lot like me! =O

And they never believed me back when I was in school. I just can't do math--even the simplest equations! I always read the numbers wrong, or somehow screw up no matter what I do!

Yet I have a pretty much genius capacity for language/arts. I got tested at school for it, and indeed Math was the weakest link. I scored above average in everything except mathematics...

You are very welcome...

Try the link maybe it will help you...yes math is difficult at times for me too...I am totally not a math person either its way TOO logical for me...

I Enjoy English and the Arts way better cause it allows US to look outside the box..!

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E

God Bless

having learning disablilty people teat me like i'm stupid or wried or they teat me like i'm baby but i like that :giggle:

when i go in stores people look at me like hello :waving: help me with my money please they look at me that i'm stupid
what i told my worker Maggie that i should create sayying on my shirt & wear it were ever i go that people understand me who i'm & look at me in different way but not in mean way i hope not :thinking:
i don't understand people are so mean :yes: :mat: :cry:

having learning disablility i'm so smart in my music then anything else :thinking: :eek:
having learning disablilty people teat me like i'm stupid or wried or they teat me like i'm baby but i like that :giggle:

when i go in stores people look at me like hello :waving: help me with my money please they look at me that i'm stupid
what i told my worker Maggie that i should create sayying on my shirt & wear it were ever i go that people understand me who i'm & look at me in different way but not in mean way i hope not :thinking:
i don't understand people are so mean :yes: :mat: :cry:

having learning disablility i'm so smart in my music then anything else :thinking: :eek:

Dear Rockstar,
Don't you pay any attention to them. Society tends to be cruel to others that seem/are different...

Look how they crucified (were very mean) to Mr.Michael Jackson?

Each and everyone of us has our "own" unique qualities to offer the world. It is not our fault that they are the "ignorant (stupid) ones" that take Gods precious gifts for granted..!

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless

Love Always

Can someone explain to me what are SATs? Because I could never understand them. Mainly because I never had to take them when I was in high school. I guess it wasn't require cause I was learning disable and in special education classes. But I could never understand the purpose of them.

The SAT's are these bulls#!t exams that people are forced to take if they want to get into college. It's just another way for CollegeBoard to capitalize off of the desperate, snot-nosed brats who want to follow the path to corporate hell by going to college. They make you pay to take the exam, and if you're silly enough to give in to their fear tactics, you pay for the SAT handbooks too. All in all, if you fail miserably, not only will you probably not get into any college, but you'll have the satisfaction in knowing that you've been thoroughly robbed of your money as well. No consolation there.

There are also the ACT's, which are an alternative to the SAT's. Same thing, really.
having learning disablilty people teat me like i'm stupid or wried or they teat me like i'm baby but i like that :giggle:

when i go in stores people look at me like hello :waving: help me with my money please they look at me that i'm stupid
what i told my worker Maggie that i should create sayying on my shirt & wear it were ever i go that people understand me who i'm & look at me in different way but not in mean way i hope not :thinking:
i don't understand people are so mean :yes: :mat: :cry:

having learning disablility i'm so smart in my music then anything else :thinking: :eek:

The ignorance of others shouldn't be your concern at all, rockstar. You've got your music and your crafts, which you love. Those people who think you're stupid or whatever are just empty shells with absolutely no redeeming qualities who are just too goddamn thick to comprehend that not everyone will fit that idiot cookie-cutter mold they hold so dear. You've got your music, like I said. They've got nothing, which is why they must snub those whom they perceive to be "different." It's nothing but an attempt to escape the sickness of their ordinary, thoroughly pathetic lives. Pay them no heed, and pity them instead, for they have not the riches you have.
Thank you for posting this!
I have a learning disability called dyscalculia, which makes math comprehension extremely hard.

Everyone needs to be more aware of learning disabilities and what it's like to have them. I hate my LD, but I love making people more aware of it.

I have this too! So nice to hear of someone else the same as me! L.O.V.E to you x People with disabilities can find local resources and information at

Information by State

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Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless

Love Always
