FUNNY Michael Pranks...Lol!!!


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Ok y'all. This is kinda like trivia...something that you know about Michael in ANY Sense, it could be a music vid. or Songs or his life that you think others dont know...It could be what Michael did as a prank on others or something else like what happened to Michael when he went on tour and things like that.

Am gonna start

Michael did the "wolf" sound on Thriller when the song begines. after the door opens.:D

And ones, when Michael and his bro's were on tour in America, they had a Manager/producer(Samm). Michael wanted to fast for a week,(With out food) and Samm and Michael made a bet to see who could last longer. The fasting was to be from Sunday to Sunday(7days). It was Saturday 1day b4 the finishing day, it was at night in the tour bus and everyone was asleep. Samm wasnt and he saw the refrigirator light when it opend, and when he concentrated on the person opening the Frige, it was Michael. lolz. Mike took out a chicken and bit into it. then left. then an hour later, Mike came back again to the Frige and was eating the chicken when Samm cought him and took his picture.(He was gonna tell other that Mike broke his bet)lol.

then Mike said "am gonna get u 4 that". The same day, when they arrived at the hotel, Samm got a knock on his door and when he opend it, there were 8 waiters outside. EACH one holding a coverd food. Then they started to get in, and at that time, Michael peaked from his door and yelled aloud so his bro's could hear him "He guys, look, Samm orderd Food. He broke his bet"...lolz and Samm just laughed about it.:Dbtw. (Michael pranked called the hotel to order the food 4 SAMM)lolz

He was Amazingly hillarious.

So what about y'all?
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I love that story another one I believe involving the same producer Samm:

Samm went to Encino to meet with Michael and his brothers, he was told to go to the back door, so went round knocked on the door and heard "who is it?" he said "its Samm Im here to see Michael". Nothing happened so he knocked again and again heard "who is it" and he said "Sam here to see Mike". This happened a few times and after a while he heard some sniggering turned aroung saw mike and his brothers holding their noses to stop from laughing out loud. It turned out that Michaels parrot was the voice who had been trained to ask "who is it" when someone knocked on the door he he
I love that story another one I believe involving the same producer Samm:

Samm went to Encino to meet with Michael and his brothers, he was told to go to the back door, so went round knocked on the door and heard "who is it?" he said "its Samm Im here to see Michael". Nothing happened so he knocked again and again heard "who is it" and he said "Sam here to see Mike". This happened a few times and after a while he heard some sniggering turned aroung saw mike and his brothers holding their noses to stop from laughing out loud. It turned out that Michaels parrot was the voice who had been trained to ask "who is it" when someone knocked on the door he he

Haha...lolz i forgot about that. I love how he's soo funny at the same time cute. lol