from this to this: Whatever Happens Demo


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Great Britain
Demo 1997 written by Gil Cang and Geoffry Williams

Later recorded by Michael jackson on Invincible
The difference is simply amazing. I just wish in more recent years Mike didn't rely as much on other producers and other people's songs but his vocals always make other people's versions sound so inferior!
Wow, big difference. Whatever Happens was one of my favorite songs off of Invincible.
I don't think it's the real demo. just someone sing the song, the real demo should be Michael's voice on it. This is mainly composed by Michael.
^^Apparantly not! This is the demo of the song, before it was handed over, by the songwriters, to Teddy Riley, who turned it over to Michael!

A bit of a bummer really, as therefore Michael's input has been mostly production wise!
^^Apparantly not! This is the demo of the song, before it was handed over, by the songwriters, to Teddy Riley, who turned it over to Michael!

A bit of a bummer really, as therefore Michael's input has been mostly production wise!

how do you know this is the demo? is it official? according to you, I think Michael would have put all his name on the songs he produced. well, I think you must be so surprised Michael didn't put his name on cry, butterflies...
This is real - but it is the songwriter singing the demo, not Michael.
how do you know this is the demo? is it official?

Well... go to Youtube and check out the comments and the account... it's been put on there by the writer.... it's on there since a year already! There is no reason to not believe it!

according to you, I think Michael would have put all his name on the songs he produced. well, I think you must be so surprised Michael didn't put his name on cry, butterflies...

No need to get defensive now, but if you listen to the song you will see that almost everything is already there! Of course Michael's version is much better, but still it is only the enhanced version of what supposedly has been presented to him! So I'm not quite sure what the writing credit is for! But then again, I do not know by which criteria they give song writing credits!
Well... go to Youtube and check out the comments and the account... it's been put on there by the writer.... it's on there since a year already! There is no reason to not believe it!

No need to get defensive now, but if you listen to the song you will see that almost everything is already there! Of course Michael's version is much better, but still it is only the enhanced version of what supposedly has been presented to him! So I'm not quite sure what the writing credit is for! But then again, I do not know by which criteria they give song writing credits!

I listened this "demo", and I questioned its credibility because if it was real, Michael, Riley and Quay's name shouldn't be in the song writing credit. And you are using "bummer?" when the song were made by five people.
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Well... it really depends on the songwriters, I guess... some bands go by the rule that basically whoever is in the room, when working out a song, will get a songwriting credit! Maybe it was the same here! But whatever it was... the input was little or more of a enhancing work than an creating work!
and this is what gets so many fans into fights(people keep saying he shoulda written by himself, he shouldn't get credit for what he didn't do, etc). there is an element that MJ brought, that is like an x factor. and it's more valuable than writing, singing, producing, or anything else. and that's why i always saw him as exec writer on anything, he had anything to do with..even if all he did was sing. because unless someone was in the studio with him, they couldn't understand what he brought...but then again, they shouldn't have to be in the studio...just listen to the comparison recordings. it's obvious to anybody willing to receive it, why so many people around him felt like svengalis. he really is the epitome of genius(and here is where that word is not thrown around so haphazardly). and that's just being objective, because i felt like turning the original demo off, and felt life being injected into me, by MJ's version. so he had every right to take better than a writer's credit, for whatever he was a part of. if someone has that special something, they shouldn't be penalized for it. and i am the outsider saying this about him. i'm in the position of envying him, but i have no problem acknowledging this about him. when somebody's got something, i needs to concede and give props to that somebody.
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