From this day forward, I plan to "pay it forward" for Michael's sake..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
Anytime I hear or see anyone dissing him, I am going to speak up about it. I may give money to the Heal The World foundation. If I become an RN, I promise to do all I can do to "heal the world".

Who's with me? Let's all try to think ahead now.

Here are some ideas:

1.) Volunteer at your local hospital.
2.) Volunteer at your local hospice.
3.) Volunteer to work for Habitat for Humanity.
4.) Volunteer to work for your neighborhood Red Cross.

Any other ideas?
I'm going to give as much money to charity as possible HOWEVER.

We must remember that the best way to heal the world is to treat the people around us better. Even the ones who are less than kind to us. We must help whoever needs our help, no matter how small. For example, the other day I saw a little girl crying at a party and I thought "Michael wouldn't ignore her, get up and go" and I asked what's wrong and she said "I'm feeling very hot" so I simply just took her with me and got her a cold drink. I did it because of Michael.
doing 3 things to 3 people.
Those 3 people need to do something good to anothger 3 people, and so on and so on...
You will get a chainreaction.........
Yup! been doing this since forever and even more so now. Sometimes I would let lil stuff fly if someone said something bad cause they were not worth my time but now people need to be put in place.

I always try to help people when I can!

Shoot! when I see trash on the street I pick it up because "Heal the world" starts playing in my head! lol!

I already work in (psychiatric) hospital but that's just my regular job.

Once at my former job (in a store) I got into an argument with my boss.
It was during the last trial and they mentioned something about it on the radio.
A costumer startet to laugh and said something like: well, I hope this b%$#rd is going to jail.
So I asked the guy if he'd ever met MJ and if not, then shut the hell up and let the man have a fair trial.
My boss almost fired me for that but I didn't care.
My future was in healthcare anyway.

I will never keep my mouth shut if somebody talks crap about Michael.
Not just saying this (I've volunteered in Africa twice before, anyway), but I only see one purpose in life now, and that is to help those less fortunate than us. I am going to dedicate my life to helping the children of the world somehow. Someday, I just...I have to. I feel it is the only thing really worth doing. I want to start a charity or something. I just have to :(

Michael :(
We all need to help the children of the world. If I could, and I had enough room, I'd start taking care of foster children. I think I may try to volunteer at a day care...maybe find the Ronald McDonald House in my neck of the woods...or give to St. Jude's Hospital....anyone else?