From lovers to friends....


Proud Member
Jan 28, 2004
Have you ever been in the situation where you had to stay friends with someone you were once in a relationship with?

Did you find it easy, and did it last?

Did your friendship grow even stronger than when you were dating?

Or did you find it hard to get along after the relationship ended but had to see the person for other reasons regardless?

Sometimes we are put in the situation where you can't really just walk away from a relationship and never see or speak to that person again... for one reason or another, I know I have been there and for me it's not been easy...

I'd like to hear your stories on how you coped, How you made it work?

Thank you :flowers:
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Yes I have.

I was in a relationship with a guy who I thought was fantastic. I was his first girlfriend too :)
However as the relationship went on I realised that I wasn't really in love with him or even deeply attracted to him. Rather I just wanted him to be a good close friend who I could hug.
It was hard to tell him that I only wanted to be friends with him and that I didn't feel the way he felt.
We drifted apart for a few weeks as he was upset and so was I, I really didn't want to hurt him or lose him as a friend so I gave him space.

Bit by bit we stayed talking as we had mutual friends. He started seeing a girl who I always hoped he would see. They're married now :)

and the best bit? We're very close friends now :) He's one of the most dependable people I know and so is his wife and we spend a lot of time together laughing and enjoying life.
With me it depends... I haven't been in too many relationships.
With my first boyfriend I'm somewhat still in touch but not really close... so I wouldn't talk about friendship.
There were two guys in my life who cheated on me... so those relationships ended with that and I don't need friends hurting me.

So... for me... it never went really from lovers to friends!

Well my now boyfriend is not only my lover but of cuz also my closest friend. :wub: