Frank Dileo interview on Behar show

Behar has a big mouth. Even when Michael died she said bad things and Whoopi had to quite her down on the view.
Now see that is what i do not understand, Gail said that when she looked at the movie and saw what a kind person Mike was it made her become a fan again.

But frankly for me this movie shows nothing new about MJ we always knew he was kind and sweet. I recall seeing footage of him prepiping his crew in the bad era and talking about some technical error that occured. And at the same time reassurring someone who must of been at fault, that it was not your fault.

These ppl were so judgemental of Mike when they did not need to be.
can you believe this woman, she didn't have michael's music prior to what happened and talking about his "sad" life...
she's the sad one
Ewwww! Joy and gayle! Their both sad! One has lame ass jokes and the other one is Oprhas bitch LMAO!

I mean damn, frank is the one who knew MJ yet the questions were to mostly gayle? Who never met MJ, her opinion means NOTHING!
Now see that is what i do not understand, Gail said that when she looked at the movie and saw what a kind person Mike was it made her become a fan again.

But frankly for me this movie shows nothing new about MJ we always knew he was kind and sweet. I recall seeing footage of him prepiping his crew in the bad era and talking about some technical error that occured. And at the same time reassurring someone who must of been at fault, that it was not your fault.

These ppl were so judgemental of Mike when they did not need to be.
I agree. Michael is no different in this film as he was when he was alive. he is the same dead as he was when he was alive. These people are full of it. Joy is just pissed that MJ beats out Frank Sintra in everything.
I saw when Whoopi put some whoop a** on Joy. These people did not know him but they would speak about him as though they did. If you want to know how Oprah feels about MJ Gayle can give you a glimpse into that window. Gayle called him wierd right after he died on XM radio now she is taking up for him. Saying it makes me angry when people say bad things about the movie because this footage really was not supposed to be seen blah blah blah. Now they want to come around. Tough. You two missed out on a beautiful person and you finally regret your ignorant thoughts about him. Oh yeah now he was kind. What happened to weird and pausing all that mumbo jumbo.
Oh Gayle, you hypocrite. You and your lover..opps! I mean "best Friend" Oprah...really STFU :rolleyes:

LOL! That's hella funny!

I don't care about Joy Behar or Gayle King and their "change of hearts" at all or whatever. To me they are in the same category as Bill O'Reilly and on the cusp of a Diane Diamond.

Anyways, can someone post what Frank had to say? Anything important?
Joy is such a hater and has been that way for years.....and it pains her to talk about a success for Michael...that she has to scrap the barrell for something negative...
Joy is such a hater and has been that way for years.....and it pains her to talk about a success for Michael...that she has to scrap the barrell for something negative...

I know! I happened to catch a bit of The View the day after TII came out. Sherri Shepherd went to a premiere in NYC and she was soooooo excited to talk about it. She loved it and said that he looked great and all these positive things. Joy was sitting next to her with the most sour expression on her face, seriously! She didn't even want to look at Sherri while she was talking, she kept looking out at the audience. Whoopi and Elizabeth were both looking at Sherri while she was talking. I also remember seeing the episode where LaToya was a co-host on youtube and Joy had the same expression the whole time LaToya was there. . . she's just an ugly person inside and out.
Ugh, ugh, ugh. They are embarrassing. Gossips, that's all. They try to pull Frank in and he's all "(fake laugh) I don't know..." Good for him for not feeding in. They baited him several times. Then, they wouldn't even let him get a word in. And the way they talk about that disrespectful! He's more than a product...
I loved it when Behar said that Joe is mad because he isn't making money with the film.
all these talk show hosts that hated Michael, are now interviewing people about him, post June 25...
