Francis Ford Coppola:Michael was eager, joyful and innocent..

Rasta Pasta

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Jul 25, 2011
Milan Itlay
Michael Jackson: Francis Ford Coppola remembers the pop star as 'innocent, eager and joyful'

Jun 27, 2009, 03:36 PM | by Dan Snierson
Categories: Legacy

Francis Ford Coppola -- who directed Captain Eo, a 3-D fantasy film starring Michael Jackson that was shown at Disney theme parks -- issued this statement to about the pop star: "I knew him slightly, mainly during the time I worked on Captain Eo. Every Friday, I'd buy him a present -- something small and fun -- and he'd be very excited about what it was. He was very sweet, but also very deliberate. He loved to learn and during rehearsal he had fun learning how to properly salute and do an about face. He got a kick out of being military. He reminded me of a kid -- innocent, eager and joyful." Jackson died on Thursday at the age of 50.
I would give my life to be this guy !

He had the chance to offer Mike a present every week !
Every single person who actually met Michael always say the very same things about him. He was kind, sweet, shy. etc.

The media peeps, who didn't know him always talk trash.
Thanks for posting. Captain EO is one the my favorite this Michael ever did, and I'm happy to hear Francis Ford Coppola has a high opinion of Michael.
Every single person who actually met Michael always say the very same things about him. He was kind, sweet, shy. etc.

The media peeps, who didn't know him always talk trash.
sooooo true!
I dont understnad how ppl are listening to the media, but these reporters didn't even know Michael! duh, listen to the people who actually knew him
That was nice of Francis Ford Coppolla. It would be nice if Captain EO was re-introduced into the Disney theme parks as a tribute to Michael, he absolutely loved Disney.
Every single person who actually met Michael always say the very same things about him. He was kind, sweet, shy. etc.

The media peeps, who didn't know him always talk trash.

I know, I said something similar earlier today in another thread. EVERYONE who has met Michael raves about him, talks about how kind he was, how down to earth he was, etc. I'm glad a lot of them are telling their stories about him now.
Every single person who actually met Michael always say the very same things about him. He was kind, sweet, shy. etc.

The media peeps, who didn't know him always talk trash.
SO true. Everybody who actually spent time with him and didn't become disgruntle says the same thing about michael.

hearing this story made me smile that is SOOO mike. And yes he LOVED military. God If only I could have had the pleasure of meeting michael. I love all the love in michael. So sweet. And funny.
Disney shouls bring Captain EO back!

I haven't been to Disneyland in years and I have had no desire to go back there but if they brought back Captain EO I would be there on the first day of its reintroduction.
Every single person who actually met Michael always say the very same things about him. He was kind, sweet, shy. etc.

The media peeps, who didn't know him always talk trash.
Yes, I know this. innocent, sweet, kind
i've always said tht too!!!!
Where's wannabe21? she has that perception of mj too.
it's the real MJ anyway.
Hello everyone. Hope you all are coping well under the circumstances. I haven't been here in a while, but knew that the fans were grieving as I am . . . but what really caught my attention is that one of my favorite posters is in mod que. I don't know under what circumstance she was placed there; but in my opinion, noone should be in mod que at a time like this. We all need each other to lean on. Perhaps she should be permitted to sign back on. jmo
I'd buy him a present -- something small and fun -- and he'd be very excited about what it was. He was very sweet, but also very deliberate.

^^oh this is good