Former Sony Execs Cory Rooney and Chris Apostle Interview Number 1 of 2009 on Jackson


Proud Member
Aug 2, 2011
Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Just wanted to let you know I selected the Cory Rooney and Chris Apostle interview that has been discussed across many Michael Jackson fan communities and numerous languages as the number 1 interview I did of 2009. You can see the entire top 10 that includes many other talents at

Here is the interview for those of you who haven't seen it:
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Thank You..A great listen.
I wish there was a Download link.
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One of the best interviews I've heard about Micheal since his passing. Thanks Chris!
I read than reread the whole interview ..I was engrossed to say the least, some very interesting and relevant comments ..I really like the 'Hugo car' part, seems right on point to me. Thanks for this.
These guys are speaking the TRUTH! I feel so good after listening to this. They only double-triple confirmed what I, we, already knew. And it's nice to hear this from mikes real friends.

I urge everyone to post this on their facebook with a title description so that all our friends can get some insight to this.
You know what? I so wish this interview would be written down and translated for those who are not that familiar with the English language but who still believe what they are reading in tabloid papers ... :mello:
This to me was the most interesting part of the interview....

CR: “This was years ago. I’m going to go back probably eight years ago and Michael told me, ‘Cory, I can’t tour anymore. I’m not gonna tour anymore. Ok?’ I said, ‘why Mike?’ He said, ‘Because it will kill me.’ That’s what he said to me. He said, ‘It will kill me.’ Why would you say something like that? He said, ‘Well, remember when I was preparing for my concert and I passed out at the Sony Studio?’ He said, ‘Well, it’s because when I get ready for a tour I get dehydrated. I don’t eat. I don’t drink. I don’t sleep. I put so much of myself into preparing for a tour.’

He said, ‘I’m not doing it on purpose. This is just something I don’t think about anymore. You understand? I’ve just become so driven that I can’t even think about these things anymore. They made me walk around with an IV last time. He said, ‘So I just decided, my doctors decided that maybe you shouldn’t do this anymore. He said he wanted to make the Invincible album work to the point where that was it. He’s done with the tour. He’s gonna do this Invincible album. He wanted to continue to put out albums. He said, ‘I’ll do albums till I can’t do it anymore, but I just can’t tour.’”

I think this is exactly what started happening again with MJ which led up to the tragedy that happened.

This is the type of interview that we are'nt ever gonna see on TV thats for sure!
Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Just wanted to let you know I selected the Cory Rooney and Chris Apostle interview that has been discussed across many Michael Jackson fan communities and numerous languages as the number 1 interview I did of 2009. You can see the entire top 10 that includes many other talents at

Here is the interview for those of you who haven't seen it:

wow, thank you soooooo much!! :clapping:
i appreciate all the defense of MJ and all the good things both guys said about MJ.. kudos to both guys for that part. and the interviewer did ok at first but seemed to be trying to blame MJ, in the end, in a guilty sounding way with the repeated 'is it fair to say' questions. the interviewer should be feeling guilty at that point.

i don't have to be an insider to know the man named cory is wrong about one doesn't suddenly lose their sense of greed overnight. you're gunna tell me that they went from how they treated Invincible and Michael at that time, to suddenly growing a conscience in 2009? no. suddenly, Cory sounds like he's going into guessing about why MJ suddenly was at an 02 press conference concerning a tour. and that's what it was, a residency/tour..which is twice that of a tour. after hearing the true story about MJ's chronic pains and his fear of touring, something went down that we don't know about. Cory sounds like he's going into guessing about MJ's finances. something a lot of people are into, these days. MJ said in an interview in 2003 that he's not in debt. so, he wasn't in debt. but, when a person is greedy, then, fort knox is in debt as far as greedy people are concerned, because in the eyes of the greedy ones, too much is never enough. i don't believe sony is not greedy.

Michael's particular generous, non greedy mental state, while having his type of wealth, at the same time, is a rarity.
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^ Would have to agree with the above comments as I know Michael didn't like or want to tour and he said so himself. What choice did he have in getting rid of debt? He was being sued non-stop, leeches everywhere...What's the alternative?...Sell the catalog? Neither made reference to it at all. When the question of greed came up from Mr. Yandek...who's greed was he refering to?

This interview was conducted before autopsy was revealed, I'd be interested in what Rooney and Apostle think now. Dancer's feet had nothing to do with his death. Yes I believe the industry had a hand in what happened to him, greed was a major part, but everyone keeps tip-toeing around it.
^ Would have to agree with the above comments as I know Michael didn't like or want to tour and he said so himself. What choice did he have in getting rid of debt? He was being sued non-stop, leeches everywhere...What's the alternative?...Sell the catalog? Neither made reference to it at all. When the question of greed came up from Mr. Yandek...who's greed was he refering to?

This interview was conducted before autopsy was revealed, I'd be interested in what Rooney and Apostle think now. Dancer's feet had nothing to do with his death. Yes I believe the industry had a hand in what happened to him, greed was a major part, but everyone keeps tip-toeing around it.

as for as speculating on debt, Cory did make reference to it...i don't know if you read the transcript or listened to the sound. Cory spoke about it toward the end. leehces...that's the point about it..frivolous lawsuits aren't really debt, as most of them are being thrown out, now. but MJ not being able to pay attention to his affairs cus he would have been on that grueling telling what people would have done...

the greed being referred to, was sony's. Cory spoke of how they made Invincible a no win situation, always setting the bar so high that even if Michael reached it, sony would never admit it. Cory's partner felt blackmail was involved.
Yes I heard the interview. Rooney made reference to the debt and how Sony made it almost impossible for him to profit off of Invincible. He owed Sony and they were squeezing him...I think was his point. Yet they wanted him to re-sign with I guess so he could continue to give them his music for free. (sarcasm) Ironically now they have it. I find it curious they didn't mention assets like ATV, or his own catalog. Yandek asked Rooney if it was greed as to why Michael would be touring and made reference to the money Michael would've made on this tour. Record companies aren't usually a part of tours. Again, Michael did not want or like to tour, so he must have had a reason to cave to Philips and sign with AEG. Why, if not debt? The amount or numbers is semantics and doesn't matter to me. According to Rooney Michael told him he would DIE if he went on tour again. I think that is a very telling statement and I don't think Rooney would exaggerate about something so serious. He had to have felt backed into a corner if he agreed to do something he said would kill him.

Most of the suits were and are bs. Where were everyone who was on Michael's payroll, Weisner, Bain, Tohme, etc...Collecting a paycheck for doing what exactly? Selling him out? I agree if Michael were to go on tour, he'd not be paying close attention to what was going on. He paid others for that. Unfortunately, what was or wasn't being done for him on his behalf by those on his payroll, fell back on Michael always. When I say leeches, I don't just mean frivolous lawsuits, like Prince of Bahrain, SM Hospital, EMT's etc...If you have people in your inner circle who are ripping you off or suing you such as managers like Weisner, Bain, Tohme, accountants, lawyers, and they continue to be long before you are in debt again or money earned is missing? I don't say their behavior is his fault, fraud is fraud, but it did fall on him to watch their behinds. It's his cash. He did weed out some once he found them out, but by then damage was already done. When you have that much at stake, you have to know what is going on consistently. Yes he had lots of ish coming at him by many, I don't disagree with that. Michael could have gone on tour forever to erase debt and still eventually financial woes of some kind will follow if those types were allowed to still to be hired and on his payroll. Anyway, these two were both at Sony at one time, so they most likely know some of what Michael was going through with them.
Well, Michael agreed to tour - not for 50 shows, though - for his children and fans, who were demanding for him constantly, so he didn't agree to this just for monetary purposes.Plus, he wanted to get his messages across, more clearly than ever, about the environment and probably the evil music industry. For he was in tune with the state of the world and cared for much more than just himself. Matter of fact, I think he often came last. I really believe he only agreed to do 10 shows, not even 31, based on his dislike of going on tour, his fears of not being able to make it. He showed up totally stressed out and quite upset at that fateful press conference in March, 2009.. It sort of seriously forebade evil, that press conference that he was pressured to do. But could he refuse to do more shows and risk infuriating his already hot-blooded fans? Could he risk losing them? Of course he had rather and should have, but that was not Michael, the one giving himself at beck and call.

Michael would have paid his debts (often, very often increased by being sued left and right) by doing 10 shows only, and by releasing that much anticipated new album. And he was to make another one, a classic album. And he intended to work on directing films, too. And he just had plenty of projects he worked on, when most thought he was lazying around, doing nothing. Lots of money was to be made really easily, especially since the world was hungering for him anew. AEG, and Thome Thome and other so many shady characters were out to make him sell Neverland and so many of his items, and everybody was making decisions on his behalf, but often without consulting him. He even expressed his disbelief in and fear of Thome, and fired him. Then fired Rowe, another leech. Then Dileo and Branca and Weisner came on board. One leech upon the other - who all now hold brave discourses laying the blame one on the other and saying how they were Michael's best friend.

Jackson indeed intended to cancel some shows further on, as he told that fitness trainer two weeks before he passed, and he appeared very upset to her, repeating "They were so mean.. Just so mean". "Do it or die", in the words of Philips. And there's no need to hear others' testimonies, to know it was just plain obvious they were sucking him dry, the life out of him. When watching This Is It, I really felt how life and strength was becoming to leave him... he was so frail and cold.

Who knows, maybe they planned to take his children away from him too. Geller and Lester and Fiddes and Klein are really serious about this now. All of a sudden? Neverland is almost dead and gone now. And I'm now just learning of alleged new attempts on behalf of Schaffel and others who were planning to get even more money from him by arranging a new child molestation trial, more devastating than ever that was sure to bury him for good - seeing as the 2005 and the 1993 attempt didn't work. And boy, all of these things happened already. Why should Deborah Rowe, who is now seeing the children, friends with one of the biggest proven schemers? Frank Dileo and his relation with that so-called AGE company - another strange connection.. Everybody wanted a piece of Jackson, their ever cash flow.

And AEG kept pressuring him to do these shows for two years. They witnessed his increased frailness when rehearsing, yet did nothing to cease with their threats and pressures. Philips himself forced Michael to appear to some rehearsals he didn't want to go to, going to his house for that and getting him ready - instead of being left to rest more, on top of having to be a father, a friend, and working on many other projects. Michael needed things done properly and on a longer period of time. Yet the rehearsals only lasted a month. Tickets went out for sale immediately after his press conference. I think he had no real friend.. No one to help him.

I was mentioning them witnessing Michael's increased frailty, and they saw him a liability, thinking to themselves how they'll lose serious money and how their reputation will get soiled. And now they're doing so very well, that even people who weren't fans before came to see their This Is It documentary and bought their DVD's and CD's, also falsely claiming "This Is It", the song, was new. Sales were so high that these people are bathing in money, eating money, burping money. And they just don't care about anything else. I think they may have gotten him to sign a 3-year tour too, according to dancers and other staff members that thought they were going to be on the road for 3 years. What they were really wrong about is that Michael was in agreement with this and was capable of honoring it. When he clearly expressed how he wanted to focus on films, and told even members of his family about this, such as one of Tito's sons. But everyone liked/likes to put words into his mouth, and that, oh, he was so eager to go on tour everywhere. And people wondered why he couldn't sleep and call him a drug addict, even though he could have been, given his life filled with lawsuits and enemies and false friends, but he wasn't, which the autopsy proves.

I'm sure there are many many other details making one convinced that Michael's demise was only a matter of time, and that June 25 was no accident. This must certainly have been told a whole lot, or so I guess, but it's never being mentioned enough.
Yes I heard the interview. Rooney made reference to the debt and how Sony made it almost impossible for him to profit off of Invincible. He owed Sony and they were squeezing him...I think was his point. Yet they wanted him to re-sign with I guess so he could continue to give them his music for free. (sarcasm) Ironically now they have it. I find it curious they didn't mention assets like ATV, or his own catalog. Yandek asked Rooney if it was greed as to why Michael would be touring and made reference to the money Michael would've made on this tour. Record companies aren't usually a part of tours. Again, Michael did not want or like to tour, so he must have had a reason to cave to Philips and sign with AEG. Why, if not debt? The amount or numbers is semantics and doesn't matter to me. According to Rooney Michael told him he would DIE if he went on tour again. I think that is a very telling statement and I don't think Rooney would exaggerate about something so serious. He had to have felt backed into a corner if he agreed to do something he said would kill him.

Most of the suits were and are bs. Where were everyone who was on Michael's payroll, Weisner, Bain, Tohme, etc...Collecting a paycheck for doing what exactly? Selling him out? I agree if Michael were to go on tour, he'd not be paying close attention to what was going on. He paid others for that. Unfortunately, what was or wasn't being done for him on his behalf by those on his payroll, fell back on Michael always. When I say leeches, I don't just mean frivolous lawsuits, like Prince of Bahrain, SM Hospital, EMT's etc...If you have people in your inner circle who are ripping you off or suing you such as managers like Weisner, Bain, Tohme, accountants, lawyers, and they continue to be long before you are in debt again or money earned is missing? I don't say their behavior is his fault, fraud is fraud, but it did fall on him to watch their behinds. It's his cash. He did weed out some once he found them out, but by then damage was already done. When you have that much at stake, you have to know what is going on consistently. Yes he had lots of ish coming at him by many, I don't disagree with that. Michael could have gone on tour forever to erase debt and still eventually financial woes of some kind will follow if those types were allowed to still to be hired and on his payroll. Anyway, these two were both at Sony at one time, so they most likely know some of what Michael was going through with them.

well..indeed we are all speculating...but, to me, there will always be one word that gives me confidence that Michael was never bad with money. that word is 'bankruptcy'. it never happened to Michiael. i was going to reserve this article for another section of the board, but, i think it's appropriate here. i keep up this campaign, because Michael was too great a businessman to be bad with money at the same time. even with bad people around him, he executed a plan that was foolproof. the catalogues are still his. now that he is dead, NOW sony wants the rights to distribute his music(again), which is still his music. and they realize they have no choice but to pay for those rights. meaning, there is no debt, indeed. even the normally arrogant Donald Trump humbled himself to admit how great a businessman Michael was, and this is coming from a man who actually went bankrupt. to me, that's saying something.

to me, this may be one reason why most of hollywood wasn't there for his trial. perhaps they were jealous that he handled his business affairs better than they did. piece by piece, hollywood is in financial trouble. the word 'bankruptcy' HAS just been attached to one of it's major studios. hollywood's media liked to say MJ was bad with finances. maybe that's because he wasn't, but hollywood really IS bad with finances.

and as far as the one who said MJ wanted to tour..we're only looking from the outside. i agree with some of what you say, and disagree with some. he made those phms and made it clear how he felt about touring. obviously, he had a reason to publically tell us. and he could get an environmental message out, multiple ways. and those who say he wanted to show his kids...i didn't hear that from his lips. i heard that from other peoples' lips. how do we know he never performed privately for his kids?

sometimes, it's just acceptable to realize, we don't totally know all that happened to him, and who was behind it..and seeing at first glance, may not always be believing...but indeed, i believe there were greedy people who only thought one way..and that way was to insist that Michael do something he was diametrically opposed to, and sony was in on it, somehow, because they proved that that was their one track mind sort of thinking, with how they treated him, concerning Invincible.. i really don't think that he was so self sacrificial, when he had kids to consider.
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^Your point about Michael not ever filing for bankruptcy is well taken. Still he had debt however it was acquired to Sony, lawyers, accountants, managers etc. It's not a matter of just Invincible being sacrificed to Sony imo...had he re-signed with them in '03 when his contract was up, how many more future albums and or music would they have taken most of the profits for his debt to them? Why re-sign with them if he were going to be continually treated that way? I think that's a matter of principle to him. Rooney stated that Michael felt he didn't have anyone in his corner at Sony. They were not being fair in their financial setup of his music. Prince (the entertainer) wrote "slave" on his face during an award show performance. He did it for a reason, not dramatics...he was being treated like ish by WB. It's possible Michael felt the same way. He expressed it in protest against them. He bailed and they were angry at him for it, so no further promo for Invincible.

He wanted to be able to live off the catalogs and raise his children. The catalogs are the estate's for now, what happens to them remains to be seen. I do believe the debt numbers have been inflated and will continue to be by media and others to suit their own agendas...but something tells me he didn't go on tour at 50 with 3 children, just because he wanted to entertain fans.

Michael did know how grueling tours could be as he had done several in his lifetime. So something must have made him change his mind in that regard and eventually agree to it. What was it? As Alma states AEG was pressuring him to tour for 2 years. It's my understanding that Randy asked him three times over those 2 years and he rejected him the first two...yet he did agree in the end.

There are no doubts about Michael being creative, in music, films, or whatever projects he had set out to do before he passed. He never lacked in that ability ever. It's clear he still had it from what I've seen of the show. Others were always getting in his way. Yes the industry among others, took advantage of his name and fame and pressure was put on him out of their greed. Still he was not keen on it. PHM I guess we will never know the answer as he is not here to say himself. I just find his comment to Rooney about dieing if he tours again very disturbing to me. If he knew that death was a possibility then why risk it? That can't be about wanting to entertain fans, his music or creativity there are other ways to make cash...and yes he had his kids to consider.
well, the first lesson in financial success and power is having a viable product. mgm doesn't have it, as expressed in that link. Michael Jackson is forever a viable musical product. despite the 'sacrifice' of Invincible, which MJ co owns, publishingwise, the album did better than Sony ever imagined it could, with their hard hearts. that's just a smidgeon of how financially successful MJ is, dispite his enemies. it's because of his magic, which never left him. it's sort of like Michael Jordan and Nike. as long as his name is synonomous with a sports shoe, his financial viability can survive all adversity. and that is why the media did spins on how quickly Michael Jackson 'recovered' financially after his death due to his executors. too obvious a spin job, as no one can recover that quickly from what the media made him out to look like in previous years, no matter what. unless he was never in debt, in the first place.
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