Former Sony Exec: “I really think he got blackmailed in that whole scandal thing.

yeah I remember reading this ages ago, not long after michael died. It's a great interview, would be good if even more people took the time to read it.
"" man, black mail, throw your brother in jail.." - michael jackson

yeah, michael knew himself.
Thank you! I bookmarked the site too to read the interview more carefully later and to generally have a closer look around.
Amazing stuff there, and so true. I only read the whole part on the website, the other 4 parts i have yet to read. But the stuff he says about the tributes and how it's really only for those artists to be in the spotlight..i think he definitely has a point there.
I think the OVERALL public knew this. This is why I had often wrote and said do not believe the media. We love you. When you complain to the media, they often did not post your comments or response (if you spoke hateful things and lies, those comments were often printed). When MJ sold out the 50 shows, I was not surpise (nobody was surprise only haters and naysayers wanted were surprise or hoping it did fail. Notice many of these kinds of people later starting saying Mj was not healthy enough to do the shows. They still was looking for something to find fault. So again, we knew.
i so agree with this. and further added to the mystery is the printed part about MJ saying he didn't feel well, the night before..would suggest he may have died of something other than propofol, though the report says otherwise..

i mean, feeling unwell, before you're supposedly hooked up at night? feelings about conspiracies will never die..

i wouldn't be surpirsed if Sony(Mattolla) told MJ to give up his moral code, before they would support Invinicble, because they and their corrupt minds probably felt that it would help his image. and since he didn't, they promised to blackmail him, and made good on their promise.

they didn't really spend thirty million. they love money too much. they offered it, but like the tape said..they probably told him to make a deal with the devil as part of the 'contract'. never mind them not paying attention to him saying that he would never tour again, cus it would kill him. i would put nothing past these snakes. and while hollywood is having the tributes..i agree with what these guys said. the only real tributes are the ones from fans.

and the fact that hollywood and the industry would support this murderer, tookie, and known terrorists, is proof that their non support and hatred of Michael is not based on MJ committing a crime. they knew he was innocent. it was based on bitter envy. and that is a true conspiracy. and that kind of isolating Michael and sentencing him, en masse, to that kind of loneliness and and subjecting him to their mass hate, contributed to his death. they're all murderers.

and if they think it doesn't affect music for the worse..think again. music has has ears. it is affected by behaviour. you spread that kind of hate, you take the soul out of music. Michael's music will live forever..but the state of the rest of the pop music industry? well.... forget about it.
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I think the OVERALL public knew this. This is why I had often wrote and said do not believe the media. We love you. When you complain to the media, they often did not post your comments or response (if you spoke hateful things and lies, those comments were often printed). When MJ sold out the 50 shows, I was not surpise (nobody was surprise only haters and naysayers wanted were surprise or hoping it did fail. Notice many of these kinds of people later starting saying Mj was not healthy enough to do the shows. They still was looking for something to find fault. So again, we knew.
They said his voice was gone he couldn't move anymore. They were wrong. He sounded great and moved great.
Thanks for posting!! I've read it before and it's so heartbreaking and true!! That brought tears to my eyes. Michael was so strong in all of this - His courage, his faith and belief in God and good, is unbelievable. Most people would have crumbled with what he had to endure. Michael stood strong, his family stood strong and we his fans stood strong behind him.
Yea I read this too...

If it's true about him saying he wasn't feeling well at the rehearsal, that hurts, that really hurts.
God Bless C. Rooney and C. Apostle for speaking the truth as they saw it,....I respect them more than I can express. It's been my belief for years that Sony (among others) were working to stop Michael from moving forward. Blackmail is a good word to describe what happened, on many different levels. Michael spoke about this too, but apparently very few listened...I wish he were here. In his absence, I hope this "truth" will spread like wild fire.
Anybody has been able to see the page where's the full interview?. That link appears down the page on the MJJ-777 link...
Since thursday afternoon, i'm no able to see it. I was reading it in the morning, but when i got home in the afternoon, for me was impossible to read it again.
Friday i was trying again with the same computer on my job. Was not a problem with my home's computer...
Anybody's able to see it?.

Anybody has been able to see the page where's the full interview?. That link appears down the page on the MJJ-777 link...
Since thursday afternoon, i'm no able to see it. I was reading it in the morning, but when i got home in the afternoon, for me was impossible to read it again.
Friday i was trying again with the same computer on my job. Was not a problem with my home's computer...
Anybody's able to see it?.


can you watch youtube? if so, I've posted the youtube link a few posts upthread.
Anybody has been able to see the page where's the full interview?. That link appears down the page on the MJJ-777 link...
Since thursday afternoon, i'm no able to see it. I was reading it in the morning, but when i got home in the afternoon, for me was impossible to read it again.
Friday i was trying again with the same computer on my job. Was not a problem with my home's computer...
Anybody's able to see it?.


Yes, the link opened for me just fine less than a minute ago. :)
Hi KayHey,
Thanks for update. Now it's working on my computer again. I don't know what happened. Anyway, i'm reding it now again.