Former Jackson Nurse(Cherilyn Lee)Says Michael's Kids Are "Doing Great"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Former Jackson Nurse Says Michael's Kids Are "Doing Great"

Today 11:55 AM PST by Aly Weisman

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Michael Jackson's former nutritionist and nurse Cherilyn Lee may no longer be employed with the family, but that doesn't mean there are hard feelings.
In fact, Lee told spoke to E! News at Friday's MMPA Oscar Week Student Filmmakers Luncheon, and had nothing but glowing things to say about Prince, Paris and Blanket.

"The kids are wonderful. They're very intelligent, they're very alert, they speak more than one language," she said. "They're well disciplined children. They're very loving, well adjusted kids."
Lee, who still "communicates" with the Jackson's, told E! News the children are doing well after the loss of their father due in large part to their expansive support system. "For any child losing a parent is very difficult, but they have a strong family and they have their cousins. They're actually doing great."

And while she couldn't comment on that stun gun story from earlier this week, Lee said with a laugh: "All I can say is that boys will be boys."
Lee also believes that matriarch Katherine Jackson is "most definitely" the best possible guardian for the three children, and sees big things in their future. "They're very creative children. They have that from their father," she said. "Whatever they do is going to be very special."

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"The kids are wonderful. They're very intelligent, they're very alert, they speak more than one language," she said. "They're well disciplined children. They're very loving, well adjusted kids."
Lee, who still "communicates" with the Jackson's, told E!

Somehow I kinda thought that they would be fluent in other languages. Did'nt realise though that she had any contact with them, but if true, its nice to hear they are doing well.
Raymone Bain already stated back in summer that they knew foreign languages, she said they knew 2/3 foreign languages beside their native (Michaelish) ENGLISH lol
Raymone Bain already stated back in summer that they knew foreign languages, she said they knew 2/3 foreign languages beside their native (Michaelish) ENGLISH lol

well I apparently missed that bit when it was stated.
Oh please. I could have said all of that from reading all the articles on the kids.

I doubt she has contact with the family.
If any contact was made I'm sure it was done so during the investigation. The family wanted to know who she was and what her last contacts with Michael were so, who knows really. Remeber, they keep in contact.

I wonder what languages the childern speak? No doubt their living in Bahran gave them some insight, then there's Ireland and england... maybe some French or Spanish? I could see Spanish certainly given it's in the L.A area etc. Nice to know the childern are doing well, regardless of what the media want to portray. Also like the fact that she didn't get roaped-into that 'stun-gun' comment. Kill them with kindness... you're humility and class always win that way.
I pray the kids are doing well....but she's almost right, she could have said, kids will be kids because girls do some wacky things too, lol.
Yeah actually, I wonder if they do pronounce some words just as Michael did. He had his own special accent. Humm, I wonder lol

I always wondered that too and after seeing the Grammys, yeah, Prince, for sure, definitely does. 'humanity', 'planet', 'love', all of his 'L' s actually, and just his pattern of speech in general.

Okay, resume topic, haha. Sorry. =P
Well people here who know them mentioned before that they took language lessons and Michael knew French so it makes sense.
I always wondered that too and after seeing the Grammys, yeah, Prince, for sure, definitely does. 'humanity', 'planet', 'love', all of his 'L' s actually, and just his pattern of speech in general.

The way Prince pronounced the word "world" in his eloquent speech reminded me of Michael...with the strong "r" sound. Cute.
Yeah actually, I wonder if they do pronounce some words just as Michael did. He had his own special accent. Humm, I wonder lol

Prince does definitely. He sounds a lot like Michael when he says certain words. When he said 'world' he sounded exactly like Michael!
Read this - Trouble Maker Inside Jackson Estate

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Yall have to remember that NOT everyone is going to be made public who are friends with the Jacksons. Maybe she is friends with them, maybe not however you can not say she is not. The Jacksons, just like Michael, does NOT tell the public and fans everything.
I hope the children are doing well. I really do, they are so beautiful.
It doesn't surprise me that they can speak other languages. They are very smart and Michael raised them wonderfully. It's very interesting that they can speak a few different languages at such a young age though. Makes me wonder just how many different languages Michael knew. I'm sure he knew quite a few.

Hearing Prince speak was just like listening to Michael.

Bless Michael's beautiful children...they are very bright and articulate just like Michael....he was a wonderful father. Now nurse Lee...I hope she stays as far away from them children as possible.
Hearing Prince speak was just like listening to Michael.

Yes. :wub: I was so delighted with the Prince. His voice is so beautiful, soft, sweet and has incredible strength. He spoke so beautiful at the Grammy. Paris is like Michael. She has all the sweetness of Michael. :wub:

They will do great things in life. I'm sure. :yes: