Former bodyguard “Michael was an Angel”

he spoke from his heart . i am going to agree with him because part of me died too with him and that too with out meeting him personally that's how he touched so many hearts.god bless him and his 3 little angels :praying:
billyworld99 thanks. Where is this man in all the MJ media tributes.?? Oh, i forgot the media does not want the truth, only controversy. Any excuse to rehash the tired, old tabloid garbage.
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billyworld99 thanks. Where is this man in all the MJ media tributes.?? Oh, i forgot the media does not want the truth, only contoversy. Any excuse to rehash the tired, old tabloid garbage.

no problem max000 and yeah the media is continuing wasting their lives while budding and making up lies about others, ridiculous
thanks for sharing. This is so beautiful and sincere. we would never hear this from mainstream media, because their genuine words don't fit Media's agenda. So sad, we always see Diana Dimond, Ian halperin, Klein, Mark Lester...those losers faces as Michael Jackson's "representives" on TV.
could anyone please tell me what he says? pretty please :)

He said that being around Michael made you change as a person for the better, that Michael got his motivation and energy from kids, that Michael was special (the "chosen one") and a part of him died when Michael passed away, because getting to know Michael is 'magic', he gets emotional because he feels Michael was "gone too soon" and had so much more to offer, and he wants people to know that Michael was an angel :)
That was very moving. What a nice man and it's so obvious how much
he loved Michael.
Awww this guy is right..michael was an angel :cry:
He spoke so beautifully. You can see the pain in his eyes, he surely loved and admired him.
Thanks for posting! very moving.
Such heartfelt words...I shed tears. A lot of pain in his eyes. This man is one of those who saw Mike the person, up close and personal. I believe it's not for the camera. He seems to be constantly looking back to the days when he was working for him... Thanks for posting billyworld99.
Thanks for posting, he is right, Mike was an angel.....
That was how he said come everyone that worked for Mike always says good things about him (except for the ones who were fired for something that they did that was wrong). And the media ignors it as a whole. oh yeah cause saying good things about someone is boring and don't sell magazines. We really live in a mess up world.