Forgotten Michael Jackson photos could power the world, inventor says


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles (CNN) -- A Los Angeles inventor who photographed Michael Jackson 33 years ago hopes those images will now help launch an electric motor he claims could solve the world's energy problems.

Reginald Garcia will use cash from the sale of 130 unpublished Jackson photos to fund testing of the motor, which he claims generates more electricity that it uses. Garcia is in the process of getting the photos appraised and prepared for sale.

The photos show a 19-year-old Jackson and his brothers during a video shoot at a Hollywood studio in March 1978, before he began changing his appearance with surgery.

The afro hair style and 1970s clothing show "a rare glance" of Jackson in an "awkward teenage stage," one that he personally tried to bury in later years, according to a collector who sold photographs to the singer.

"If it was an image he didn't like, he was more likely to buy them than if they were images he did like," said Keya Morgan. "Were he alive now, I would definitely go to him and I'm sure he would want to buy them."

With Jackson gone, Morgan's Keya Gallery is buying the image copyrights and helping Reginald Garcia sell the original slides, prints and contact sheets that have been forgotten on his shelf for decades.

Garcia pulled the box of photos out of his closet last month when he was looking for ways to finance testing of his "self-generating" motor, Garcia said in a CNN interview this week.

"He was the greatest guy you could ever talk to," Garcia said of his day with Jackson.

Garcia was a student California Tech student and a freelance photographer when his sister's friend who worked for CBS Records asked him to take pictures of the Jackson's at Gower Studios in Hollywood, he said.

The color photos show the Jackson 5 dressed in blue tuxedos, singing on a soundstage.

The black and white images were taken during breaks in the video shoot, Garcia said.

"I sat him in front of a mirror and shot some photos, an I said 'act like you're reading a letter like you just got from your girl,'" he said. The result was a photo showing Jackson and his reflection in a dressing room mirror. Garcia said he only recently realized it echoes the singer's later hit "Man in the Mirror."

Garcia and business partner David Marohnic brought his photos and the prototype of his invention to CNN's Los Angeles bureau to demonstrate the engine and talk about their plans.

"What we're essentially looking for is trying to take the photos that Reggie took of Michael Jackson, his legacy, use those funds to try to take our prototype to the market and ultimately clean up the environment and use less greenhouse gases as a result of a motor that's very highly efficient," Mahronic said.

The motor buzzed as two volt meters measured the energy going in and the power flowing out, back to the battery.

"It's generating more energy recharging the battery than it actually draws from the battery," Marohnic said.

Garcia reconfigured the brushes and rewound the copper in a standard motor "so it captures the negative electro-magnetic field as it collapses, sends energy to a capacitor and recharges the battery," he said.

The sale of the Jackson photographs will allow them "to certify that the prototype does everything that we say it's going to do," Marohnic said.

"It's written in the stars," Garcia said. "We have a destiny of a greener earth, a door opening today that should lead us to this clean earth."
Dead at Alan Duke always peddling something for someone.

All his MJ reports are about someone selling From counterfeited belts to Fanvention to Mother's day flowers to pictures.

Is this guy a journalist?
Well on one hand it is good to see Michael helping to clean up the environment, but on the other hand here we have an exploitation of Michael for one's own end. I guess this is how it will be from now on. Michael Jackson's name sells!!!
I stopped reading here: "awkward teenage stage"
The article is creepy...and taking cheap shots at its subject while exploiting it.
The article sucks but the photos are beautiful. I like 6, 7 and 10 in particular.
I posted these photos in the rare photos earlier. :) So if anyone wants to save them for their collection, head over there!
Hmmm the article.....yeh enough said bout that but pics are too cute
So basically this man has a perpetual motion machine which I thought the laws of physics said is impossible...whatever...if it were legit, he ought to have no trouble financing it without selling the pictures...

Nice to see the pictures though. Wonder how many other undiscovered Michael pix are out there waiting to see the light of day.
I posted these photos in the rare photos earlier. :) So if anyone wants to save them for their collection, head over there!
Would someone please provide a direct link to the "rare photos" section you are referring to?
I can't find it.
Thanks in advance. :flowers:
My favorite photo is #10. :wub:
*Ignoring the article* .. *Not ignoring the obvious exploitation of Michael's name yet again*...

But I can't ignore those photos... I can't... ): Those warmest beauties are taken from the set of video 'Even Though You're Gone' . ...
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Michael jackson will always be seen as a means to an end finacially for some people.

The photos just take you back don't they?, the innocence he had back then he retained till the end.
Michael jackson will always be seen as a means to an end finacially for some people.

The photos just take you back don't they?, the innocence he had back then he retained till the end.

Sure right about that innocence. He is a beautiful soul.
There you go! :)

Yeah, the article is just full of BS unfortunately. But great that we get these beautiful photos!
Picture #10 my fave.....:wub:
This some bull. He couldn't find any other way to get money to fund his frickin motor project?
I guess he figures the clean up the environment pitch and MJ's love of the planet & healing the world,
and all, is the connection he's trying to SELL. Gimme a break!

Side note: Lovin the pics.........
Michael's stunning warm, comforting beauty, not just physical (being objective about all this), but moral and emotional.. what a rarity. ... People that abused him mentally, emotionally were jealous of that beauty and they know they have been/were. ...What a welcoming face, how both motherly and sweet, with also strong masculine features and gorgeous thick hair. ...Stunning natural beauty all-out.
The saddest thing of all is that he couldn't see it, and I don't think anybody close to him let him know that he was beautiful enough. How awful that your own family would turn on you like that and say such awful things, and lead you to do what he did later on. Its heartbreaking, because he was actually a very, handsome young man. So much so.
Aww, Michael. Even BEFORE his first nose job, he was very handsome and cute and just plain adorable. To all those dimwits who claim Michael re-did his ENTIRE face, these pictures show Michael's bone structure, eyes and mouth hasn't changed one bit. It was just his nose and of course his complexion that made a difference.

Plastic surgery or not, vitiligo or not, Michael was always a beautiful man---not just physically, but from the inside also---which enhanced his outer beauty even more.
Great pictures but don't know what to think of the article?
:wub: the pics !! beautiful man, beautiful soul :angel:
... ignore the article :dont_mention_it:
Michael's stunning warm, comforting beauty, not just physical (being objective about all this), but moral and emotional.. what a rarity. ... People that abused him mentally, emotionally were jealous of that beauty and they know they have been/were. ...What a welcoming face, how both motherly and sweet, with also strong masculine features and gorgeous thick hair. ...Stunning natural beauty all-out.

The saddest thing of all is that he couldn't see it, and I don't think anybody close to him let him know that he was beautiful enough. How awful that your own family would turn on you like that and say such awful things, and lead you to do what he did later on. Its heartbreaking, because he was actually a very, handsome young man. So much so.

you guys took the words right out of my mouth.

I'm lovin these pics...he looks so adorable.
The saddest thing of all is that he couldn't see it, and I don't think anybody close to him let him know that he was beautiful enough. How awful that your own family would turn on you like that and say such awful things, and lead you to do what he did later on. Its heartbreaking, because he was actually a very, handsome young man. So much so.
Exactly what did he do later on that they all didn't do? The biggest change in Michael had nothing to do with surgery so exactly what did he do?