Forest Lawn Question


ok, this has been bugging me for a while. Since Michael has been in Forest Lawn, fans have been able to visit him. Fans have been allowed into the grounds of Forest Lawn and to outside the building where Michael is. Now as we all know, on June 25, hundreds of fans from all over the world are plannng to be at Forest Lawn on June 25. With the amount of people who could turn up, it is possible that the officials at Forest Lawn could decide not to let fans into the grounds on that day. For me, this would be disapointing but I would understand the reason why and it would not be that much of an issue, as I know how overwhelming that amount of MJ fans could be for the people of Forest Lawn.

My question is though, about if they decide to close the gates. I have seen time and again over the last few months Erin Jacobs and MJFSC reassure their members that the officials at Forest Lawn know about them. That MJFSC have organised things like a prayer circle and dove release for fans in Forest Lawn.

So does this mean that if the people of Forest Lawn decide to close the gates and not allow fans into the grounds, that the MJFSC fans will be allowed into Forest Lawn cos the people there know them and that everyone else wont be allowed in?? That fans who have travelled from all over the world will be locked out, unless they are part of the MJFSC???
I'm really not sure. Obviously MFSC have a relationship with security already but I cant see Forest Lawn not letting fans in. They know that fans are coming all over the world, I cant see them not allowing them in. Plus there has been nothing said about FL not letting fans in.
whatever they decide to do, I am sure there will be no special treatment. it will be either everybody or no one. At least, that's what I think. The FL people know that Michael has fans all over the world, and people from different countries visit him there. And all the fans are treated with great kindness and respect. They know we are grieving and they are doing the best they can. So I really doubt they would chose one fan club (especially a local fan club that can go there every day) over all the others who've come from across the world. I really hope it won't happen. I hope they will let everyone on the grounds of the memorial park.

And I also hope that the fans who are going there will ALL behave respectfully.
well from Randys tweets, Im getting the impression that Forest Lawn might close off the section that Michael is in, and that he is trying to make sure ALL fans can get into the grounds not just a select few. I have seen soo many posts from Erin Jacobs and MJFSC saying not to worry, that Forest Lawn know about the MJFSC fans, in fact Erin has been gathering a list of fans participating in MJFSC activities, as she had to give an approx number to the officials at Forest Lawn. All this is just making me question whether ALL fans will be allowed into the grounds, or just a select few. I have also posted this on the forum on and sent a link to MJFSC on twitter but as yet have had no answer from them.

I just wanted to make fans aware of what is being planned as I dont think it is right for just a select group of fans to be allowed into Forest Lawn on June 25, while the rest are locked out.
I just called Forest Lawn and they said there are no plans to close off the area where Holly Terrace is. They are aware that many fans are coming from out of state and out of the country and are just trying to coordinate security and such, but nothing will otherwise be out of the ordinary on June 25.
they cant tern people away from forest lawn.. There are many people barried there, they wont know who are fans and who is visiting there own family.. However the actual 'Great museleum' or however u spell it may be bordered off more who knows.. The thing is MJ's family will probably want to visit him on that day..
I just called Forest Lawn and they said there are no plans to close off the area where Holly Terrace is. They are aware that many fans are coming from out of state and out of the country and are just trying to coordinate security and such, but nothing will otherwise be out of the ordinary on June 25.

Thank you for calling them
FANS TAKE NOTE _ of the above