Forbes Yearly earinings for Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is a thread dedicated to listing MJ's earnings according to Forbes over the years on their Highest Paid Entertainers List. All of this info is from Lisa D. Campbell's book "Michael Jackson: The King Of Pop" and Adrian Grants Book "Michael Jackson: The Visual Documentary".

Basically the way the list is compiled is Forbes totals and estimates entertainer's 2 year earnings and rank them in the list. But they only base their estimations on public record.

I think the first time MJ appeared on this list was 1987.

1987 (Sept. 1986- Sept.1987):

Rank- #9

Estimated Two Year Earnings- $43 million

Background info- Not a bad amount for a singer who had no new albums, singles, or tours for almost the entire two year period. The Bad album was only during the las four months of 1987.

1988 (Sept. 1987-Sept. 1988):

Rank- #1, Michael moonwalked past the previous years highest paid entertainer, Bill Cosby, by $5 million.

Estimated Two Year Earnings- $97 million

Background info- Forbes estimated that $37 million was earned in 1987, with the remaining $60 million being earned in 1988 from the sales from the Bad album and its singles, proceeds from the Bad tour, sales from his autobiography Moonwalk, his Pepsi Commercials, and earnings from music publishing. The Magazine estimated Michael's earnings from the Bad Tour at $40 million. Estimates of his fee for the Pepsi endorsements were $15 million. Royalties from Bad sales, if assuming the same royalty rate he received from Thriller would be $32 million, since Bad had sold 16 million copies by the end of the year. Rolling Stone estimated he would earn $5 million from ownership of ATV publishing, leaving $5 million from Moonwalk sales and other royalties, not bad!

1989 (Sept. 1988- Sept. 1989):

Rank- #1, Bill Cosby placed #2 for the second consecutive year.

Estimated Two Year Earnings- $125 million

Background info- The magazine estimated MJ's earnings for 1988 at $60 million with the remaining $65 million being earned in 1989. Money was earned from sales and money from Moonwalker, The Legend Continues, sales from the Bad album and the rest of the Bad World tour, the $20 million deal with LA Gear, music publishing right, royalties from other album sales, selling licensing rights such as his image/likeness and name to Blackthorne for Moonwalker comic books which never took off.

1990 (Sept. 1989- Sept. 1990):

Rank- #2, behind Bill Cosby.

Estimated Two Year Earnings- $100 million

Background info- Michael's earnings in 1989 totaled $65 million and the magazine estimated his 1990 earnings at $35 million. I don't know the full details this year on how he earned this money, but my guess would be from music publishing rights, and royalties from his record sales.

1991 (Sept. 1990- Sept. 1991):

Rank- #5, Madonna was ranked at #4 with a two year earning of $63 million.

Estimated Two Year Earnings- $60 million. (I do wonder though how this could be when he signed a $65 million deal with Sony at this time period. PG, any ideas?)

Background info- Special attention seemed to be paid by the media to the fact that Madonna placed higher than MJ. What was conspicuously absent from many of the comments was that Madonna earned relatively little more than MJ during this 2 year time period. She stared in Dick Tracy, released an accompanying soundtrack album, and a greatest hits compilation, The Immaculate Collection, an accompanying video cassette and a video cassette single for the roof-raising "Justify My Love". A tour documentary film, Truth or Dare, was released documenting her Blond Ambition tour. Michael's projects during this same time period totaled 0. Again I don't have the full details on how he earned this money, but I can assume it was from music publishing, and royalties from record sales. Plus the new record deal with Sony. But thay totaled $65 million, so I'm confused on how Forbes only estimated $60 million for MJ. Again, PG, if you have any insight, I would be happy to know.

There is no mention of the list for 1992. I'm sure MJ ranked highly that year, becuase of all the stuff what was going on with the Dangeorus album, tour, selling of film rights, other royalties and publishing rights, etc.

1993 (Sept. 1992- Sept. 1993):

Rank- #12

Estimated Two Year Earnings- $42 million

Background info- Michael's 1992 earnings were estimated at $26 million, and his 1993 earnings estimated at $16 million. Again no mention in detail of how he earned the money, but my guess is sales from Dangeorus, the rest of the world tour, and other royalties and publishing rights.

There is no mention of the years 1994 or 1995.

1996 (Sept. 1995- Sept. 1996):

Rank- #4

Estimated Two Year Earnings- $90 million

Background info- Earnings came from the HIStory album and world tour, publishing rights, and royalties.

After this there is no other mention anywhere on MJ ranking on Forbes 'Highest Pair Entertainers' list. If I have for gotten a year, or missed any info, PLEASE let me know.
This is an interesting thread and I'm also interested in why those anomalies occurred. I have found that these kind of lists are often compiles in a way that makes MJ look bad. I'm not saying this is some kinf of conspiracy, but it's not right.
The recent Rolling Stone list is a particularly good case. MJ only comes in a No.20.

As for the Forbes lists you mentioned, I don't have any information to add. Hopefully somebody else will.
forbes have always been a joke when it comes to mj. they admitted they have no clue about what ppl earn just base it on guess work.considering what mj earned from the music cats alone he would have always been up there but forbes always like to ignore things like that.
But thats another thing I don't understand. Why he wasn't on the list for 83', 84', 85', or 86'.

Was the list even around then?
Do not take FORBES as something relevant!!!!

There are many pieces of evidence that Forbes lists were not complete or objective, many times not considering all kinds of earnings, for example during HIStory tour.

Ive got somewhere some info about that....

But thats another thing I don't understand. Why he wasn't on the list for 83', 84', 85', or 86'.

Was the list even around then?

Not only in those years...

(at least, Forbes estimated only US market..., but... )
Do not take FORBES as something relevant!!!!

There are many pieces of evidence that Forbes lists were not complete or objective, many times not considering all kinds of earnings, for example during HIStory tour.

Ive got somewhere some info about that....

Not only in those years...

(at least, Forbes estimated only US market..., but... )

Yea, your right. Like I stated above, the year 1991 confuses me the most considering how MJ signed the $65 million contract with sony. Yet they only list him as earning $60 million.
u know something is fishy when the magazine knows that Mj never relinquished ownership of a lucrative music publishing multiple catalogue, and they act like he didn't earn anything for so many years. the cold hard fact is Forbes is political and biased..not objective..and they and the rest of the media hated MJ through all those 'absent' years(out of envy). i was around, then. i saw it, for myself.

Forbes isn't financial. they know nothing about finance. they have been giving advice to a nation that is deep in financial trouble, and financially fucked up, while they claimed that Michael was in deep financial trouble..which he never was, is or will be.

he's never been in financial trouble. cash cows don't get in financial trouble.
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u know something is fishy when the magazine knows that Mj never relinquished ownership of a lucrative music publishing multiple catalogue, and they act like he didn't earn anything for so many years. the cold hard fact is Forbes is political..not objective..and they and the rest of the media hated MJ through all those 'absent' years. i was around, then. i saw it, for myself.

Forbes isn't financial. they know nothing about finance. they have been giving advice to a nation that is deep in financial trouble, and financially fucked up, while they claimed that Michael was in deep financial trouble..which he never was, is or will be.

he's never been in financial trouble. cash cows don't get in financial trouble.

Estimated Two Year Earnings- $60 million. (I do wonder though how this could be when he signed a $65 million deal with Sony at this time period. PG, any ideas?)

Background info- Special attention seemed to be paid by the media to the fact that Madonna placed higher than MJ. What was conspicuously absent from many of the comments was that Madonna earned relatively little more than MJ during this 2 year time period. She stared in Dick Tracy, released an accompanying soundtrack album, and a greatest hits compilation, The Immaculate Collection, an accompanying video cassette and a video cassette single for the roof-raising "Justify My Love". A tour documentary film, Truth or Dare, was released documenting her Blond Ambition tour. Michael's projects during this same time period totaled 0. Again I don't have the full details on how he earned this money, but I can assume it was from music publishing, and royalties from record sales. Plus the new record deal with Sony. But thay totaled $65 million, so I'm confused on how Forbes only estimated $60 million for MJ. Again, PG, if you have any insight, I would be happy to know.

Actually that is a common misunderstanding. The $65 million contract, was not $65 million per year, it is $1 million per year for 15 years and $5 million per album also that MJ made around a 25% royalty from each album sold
Estimated Two Year Earnings- $60 million. (I do wonder though how this could be when he signed a $65 million deal with Sony at this time period. PG, any ideas?)

Background info- Special attention seemed to be paid by the media to the fact that Madonna placed higher than MJ. What was conspicuously absent from many of the comments was that Madonna earned relatively little more than MJ during this 2 year time period. She stared in Dick Tracy, released an accompanying soundtrack album, and a greatest hits compilation, The Immaculate Collection, an accompanying video cassette and a video cassette single for the roof-raising "Justify My Love". A tour documentary film, Truth or Dare, was released documenting her Blond Ambition tour. Michael's projects during this same time period totaled 0. Again I don't have the full details on how he earned this money, but I can assume it was from music publishing, and royalties from record sales. Plus the new record deal with Sony. But thay totaled $65 million, so I'm confused on how Forbes only estimated $60 million for MJ. Again, PG, if you have any insight, I would be happy to know.

Actually that is a common misunderstanding. The $65 million contract, was not $65 million per year, it is $1 million per year for 15 years and $5 million per album also that MJ made around a 25% royalty from each album sold

No. He was paid $65 million that year. And the potential worth of the contract in years to come was between $890 million to WAY over a billion.

Either way MJ made WELL over a billion form this contract.
At least, imagine, Michael was the biggest star in the world since the 80s, if he sold in the year of a newly released album, then Tour, and was the biggest money machine...., its impossible that anybody could earn more the (following) two years ... + there has never been anything official confirming MJs earnings..., and as today, USA or UK doesnt mean the whole world - Europe, Asia, South America.... + annual earnings of Sony/ATV and his music... and remember, Michael in the 80s and 90s was the biggest star in the world!!!