for those with anti virus

elusive moonwalker

do any of you buy the OEM version of the products instead of going into a shop and paying maybe 3X the prices of the OEM. mine runs out in a couple of months and came across the OEM on the net shopping sites at incredibly cheap prices. just a bit wary. I emailed one of the companies and they said the only difference is it doesnt come in the standard box and doesnt have the manual 30 dat helpline etc. that shouldnt really matter to me as i already have the 2007 version so know how it works. any opinions?
OEM is fine, so long as you purchase it from a reputable dealer. It's the same software, same everything, just not in the pretty packaging so you can buy it cheaper. Same with computer hardware, you can spend an enormous amount of money extra buying 'retail' hardware or software than buying the same hardware or software without the retail packaging.

I used to use Norton Antivirus, but for years now I've been using AVG Antivirus instead ( It's completely free and has never let me down. But either way, there isn't anything wrong with OEM products.
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cheers tscm. ive found an internet shop that is actually pretty near me and you can buy it there over the counter instead of online. so i will prob get it from them rather than on the web from a site that could be from anywhere. i can get free antivirus from the company i get my broadband from. but tbh im not great with comps so would prefer to stick with something i know. never knew of OEM b4 doing a search cant believe how much cheaper it is just to get it without the box and manual.only thing is u dont get the 30 day helpline but as ive had norton for years its pretty easy to install and at that price is worth getting it anyway.

btw how can sites offer free antivirus.doesnt it cost them money?
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