For those who are married, or in a committed relationship...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
how does your significant other feel about your admiration for MJ? How do they feel about MJ, and how does it affect your relationship?:cheers:
My significant other loves Michael. And always says that what the press puts Michael through all the time is just atrocious.
My husband hates MJ. He constantly teases me and makes fun of him and calls him gay. He really makes me mad about it sometimes.

I personally thinks that he likes some of his stuff moer than he would like to admit, because a few months ago, I was watching captain eo and instead of leaving the living room like he usually does he stayed to watch it with me, making "gay" comments about him all the time, and not the video. He wouldn't even admit that it was a good short film.

He also thinks that all MJ fans are crazy.
He probably only calls MJ gay because he feels "threatened" by him and is jealous that you like him. :lol: He probably HOPES Michael would be gay becuase all women love MJ. :lol: :lol:
My husband feels neutral towards MJ. He doesn't love him, doesn't hate him. He doesn't care about him at all. I think he respects my adoration. And I respect him so I just don't tell him I find MJ attractive and sexy.
He probably only calls MJ gay because he feels "threatened" by him and is jealous that you like him. :lol: He probably HOPES Michael would be gay becuase all women love MJ. :lol: :lol:

well, he's already told me that he thnk I love MJ more than him. My response to that one is, "of course not, honey. If that were true, I would've married him instead:hysterical:"
My boyfriend thinks MJ is crazy! But he admits to liking his music a lot.

Then again he knows most of my friends are somehow crazy also! lol
So are his friends and our friends.
Oh and so are him :tease:and me:tease: also! :cheeky:
My husband is very negative towards Michael and that's simply his opinion. I don't try to shove Michael down his throat and the only time he really has much to say on the matter is when he's just trying to annoy me. He honestly could care less on anything that happens in Michael's life because it doesn't effect him. Michael is a major part of my life though and he respects that.

He has his boat and beer. I have Michael Jackson :yes: He doesn't mind paying for MJ stuff or MJJC stuff as long as I'm happy. But I don't as a norm watch Michael on his tv, I don't have my Michael collection in our bedroom or play Michael's music loud when he's home. I have my own space for Michael and our kids love Michael too so it's not like hubby is breeding a hate for MJ.

However, hubby does rag me from time to time about Michael. But it's mostly to get under my skin and not much to really do with MJ. He even refers to Michael as "my man" lol anytime news talks about him it's "Shannon, your man is on tv again" and yes when he's being a prick I get the nasty comments about child molesting and stupid shit :yes: I just ignore him mostly or smack him if he says anything stupid in front of our kids. He usually has better sense than that - our kids are too young to hear things like that.

But hubby and I are coming up on 15 years of marriage so even though he doesn't like Michael it doesn't mean he isn't a decent person or unliveable. Just requires respect of each other. As much as he doesn't like Michael doesn't really come into the picture often.
I wouldnt be too botherd i'd be very shallow if i only went out with someone who liked MJ luckily for me my partner likes him no fances just enjoys his Music
Well, I've been with my boyf for over 4 years. So he caught me in that MJ trial phase and I would argue A LOT with friends who would always attack Michael and he was the only one who believed in Michael and what I said about him, even before we started dating. So I really loved the fact that he was one of the few people that respected Mike and my love for him.
But as I grew more "fanatic" about him, he would always (and still does) warn me when I start getting obsessive, and then I realize I have to slow down a bit...
I would, some time ago, be babbling too much about him, about what i read, about his sexiness and good-looking and I noticed it pissed him off...duh! What man would like to see his girl drooling over another man, right? :doh:
So I stopped doing that, for the sake of our relationship! :yes:

He knows I still think he's sexy and all, he knows I love him too much and its my dream to meet him one day, but he's very supportive in that matter. Sometimes he gets jealous and make those gay comments, but thats just him feeling threatened like Summer said.
He respects the fact that Mike is a part of my life and a huge influence on me since my childhood.
About his music, I think he likes some of them, he just wont admit it.

I just always try to explain to him that I dont love him any more or any less than I love Michael, its just a different kind of love...
There's a love I feel for my parents, the love I feel for my cat, for him, and for Michael...same level of love, but in different ways! :)
My husband feels neutral towards MJ. He doesn't love him, doesn't hate him. He doesn't care about him at all. I think he respects my adoration. And I respect him so I just don't tell him I find MJ attractive and sexy.
Hahahaaa so he hasn't seen all your posts in the F1 thread? :lol: :cheeky:
I just always try to explain to him that I dont love him any more or any less than I love Michael, its just a different kind of love...
There's a love I feel for my parents, the love I feel for my cat, for him, and for Michael...same level of love, but in different ways! :)

Exactly!!! :)

Hahahaaa so he hasn't seen all your posts in the F1 thread? :lol: :cheeky:

OMG Hanna!!! You make me laugh and blush at the same time! :blush:

The answer is: hell noooo!!!! :cheeky:

It's just fan-girl imagination... :blush: He knows that I find Kimi cute (but I won't tell him that I find him not just cute but sexy...).
yeah,... i used to drool too much over Mike in front of him...and I realized that hurts him, and it would hurt me too so I dont do it anymore...
i just dream about Michael when Im by myself...when Im with my boyf i try to forget a little about Mike!
well my man doesnt mind, from what i know, he doesnt mind. its obvious how i feel about him... but hes an mj impersonator so he gets alot of girl attention from that too, so it works both ways really.
Well...I said for my husband:

"I love and always love Michael Jackson.When you knew me I was a fan for a long time,honey!!"

My husband hates MJ because I spend my time on the internet surching for news of MJ...

I'm sorry but MJ is my life!
i know u have been in hot water for this before, Dri, I think u should slow down a bit :bugeyed
u can still love Mike and all, but dont rub it in his face all the time, and give a little attention to ur man, come on! he needs love too, and Mike is already getting plenty! :p
Give a little atention???????I give more than this!You know my life,Telha!
So come on...If my husband love me I think he must trust yourself and respect me!
I close my eyes when he "eat" with the eyes a woman in the streets...Please...
I love MJ and period.If he don't like it...I'm sooooooooooooo sorry!
I used to be in a relationship with someone who completely hated Michael for no apparent reason.. it was always an argument when Michael's music was played, lol. Regardless, we learned to compromise.

Michael should never be the center of one's world, nonetheless a relationship. If you know your partner doesn't like Michael, leave them to their opinion. It's not even worth arguing about.
I used to be in a relationship with someone who completely hated Michael for no apparent reason.. it was always an argument when Michael's music was played, lol.

Yeah, once I had a boyfriend who hated him to, and when I watched any news about the trial he would start talking and it would always lead into a fight simply because he didnt respect my love for him....thats why we didnt last more than 1 month and a half...

Its not the Michael was the center of my life or our relationship, I wouldnt even talk about him, just when I wanted to see what was new about the trial he would start attacking him for no reason...:doh: that sucked!
My husband and I have both been fans since the 70's. We come from families who grew up listening to the Jackson's music and aging right along with them. Since my fandom is in check and I recognize reality from fantasy,lol, he doesn't have an issue with my love and admiration for Michael.
And if I ever want to lay a guilt trip on him, I can always remind him of what was playing on the jukebox when we first saw eachother; "Baby be mine". It works like a charm every time.
You know, I'd have to say that I am so very blessed... My husband has learned, through me and a close friend, how to love, admire, support and respect Michael the man and Michael the talent.
My b/f is jealous of Michael, so I try to respect him, and try not to play music, or speak of Michael in front of him, because my fandom of Michael has nothing to do with our relationship.
My husband dislikes MJ. Well, he was taught to. He admits to Michael being a good singer and dancer, but does not enjoy his style of music, his crotch-grabbing, or his lifestyle. He says things like, "if he showed up at our door I'd want my gun handy. I don't want that ped around my daughters", or "name me one redeeming quality that man has" or "he's a black man turned to white woman", or "did you ever think that maybe he does all that charity stuff for tax reasons only?" I have to dismiss it because it's speaking from ignorance and unappreciation and unwillingness to learn the truth. I've had to resort to not talking about MJ in his presence, nor listening to MJ music his presence. It's better for our whole family that way. For me it's a little upsetting because I don't feel free to listen to the music I like. But at the same time, my kids have never even heard about MJ's troubles throughout his life; they just think he's an awesome singer and dancer. They appreciate his ART. And isn't that what Michael wanted? Especially for the kids?
I think my Hubby (of 28yrs, Whoo) understands my fandom, he likes MJ's music and agrees that Michaels voice is the best and he even went to the supermarket for champagne when the verdict came in. I was really touched by that as he needn't have done that, but I loved him for it. I don't think he feels threatened because he knows that, in reality, Michael is not gonna turn up on my doorstep (he can't stop me dreaming though).
Anyway I try not to push MJ down his throat and I make sure he knows that I love him best (cough, cough!!)
My now ex gf was a pretty big Prince fan and didn't like Michael at all and I was completely opposite. Well it got to the point that since all I play for the most part is Michael, she would go "oh that sounds great who is it" and I'd say Michael Jackson. This would happen a lot and she soon appreciated his music and became a big fan of his more so than Prince.
My boyfriend doesn't mind his music but sometimes he calls him gay and a pedo. I don't get mad or anything 'cause I know he's just trying to piss me off.
Well...I said for my husband:

"I love and always love Michael Jackson.When you knew me I was a fan for a long time,honey!!"

My husband hates MJ because I spend my time on the internet surching for news of MJ...

I'm sorry but MJ is my life!

Do you put MJ before your husband then? :huh: