For those who actually met Michael...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When you had preconcieved ideas on how Michael is, did your impression change after you met him? How? wht did you learn about him that you didn't know before?
he was the most amazing, kind sweet gentle person. When you talked to him he looked you right in the eyes and listened to every word you said, like it was the most important thing ever.
Aww yes I'd like to read stories, too. You lucky ones who had the change - share, please! :)
He was amazing. He still is and will be for me forever, no matter what. My perception didn't change, but he was humanized in my eyes and my love and devotion to him grew larger than life..It's still hard for me to talk about these things...but at some point I need to share my thoughts, for me, for you and for him.
cris123 ((hugs))

some memories are too painful, some too private, some are written here on MJJC on other threads, search my post history..

I was privialged to have 12 amazing years as an active real life fan, travelling to places I would never have gone, meeting people and making amazing friendships along the way. The rollercoaster of emotions and memories I will treasure always. Its hard to speak about those times, especailly the most recent, which have become the most special.

Many of the things we did and stories we posted were often ridiculed and not believed on the forums, its interesting how now people want to know our stories, yet when the opportunites were there for everyone, it was only a small minority who actully dared to take that crazy walk on the wildside and make dreams reality.
bump.....i wanna hear stories.
I'm curious, what did he smell like?? That's always been a thought of mine...

I never met him :(
But I just read where LaToya said his favorite cologne was Black Orchid. She said she could still smell it in his house after he died.

Edit: Here's the quote: "She says: ‘I could smell and sense my brother everywhere. I could smell his favourite cologne, Black Orchid by Tom Ford."

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MichaelYoureAStud, here's a description of the cologne to maybe help you imagine the smell :)
Someone described it as, "Ylang, notes of Patchouli, Incense and Vetiver Balsam and smooth Sandalwood with just a hint of vanilla."
Don't laugh, but I always think of him smelling just a tiny bit like bubble gum.

Thats sweet,
I always thought he would smell like lavender I think it is because years ago I read something about him liking the smell lavender or something along those lines...sorry my memory fails me :scratch:
i'd love also to read the stories of people who've met him..where can I search for old posts with such stories from fans?? is it in the michaelmania section or another section of the forum? thanks
Someone described it as, "Ylang, notes of Patchouli, Incense and Vetiver Balsam and smooth Sandalwood with just a hint of vanilla."

I paused right here trying to imagine the smell. :happy: Mmmm....
My experience is very personal and i dont really want to share too much, but i will tell you that he changed my life, and i owe him everything. My experiences with him later saved my life and the fact i never took the time to thank him breaks my heart every day and I cant forgive myself for that. He was and will always be the single man who made me the person I am today.
It was said that he liked "Obsession by Kalvin Kline" too. I have "Obsession"(Brown top) and "Obsession Night"(dark blue top)I SOOOO Love the smell and yes Its a female perfume/ there is also men's perfume...But It smells sooo good. I think he wore it just for the female fans...lolz...No offence Guy fans on here...but either way i think he smelled good...

I just put it on right now and I'm smelling it...and imagining Michael...
