For Those Of Us Who Were Part Of The THRILLER era...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Springfield, MO
This is NOT meant to exclude anyone. This is just to join together and reminisce and celebrate that incredibly magical time in the early-mid 80's when the Thriller album and all it's radio hits were on top of the charts. This is not meant to discount the Bad, Dangerous, History, or Invincible eras at all.

I'm just sitting here watching ABC's 20/20 Special : Michael Jackson - After Life and it made me really want to talk to other people who were around in the early 80's and caught up in the excitement and magic of the time. I was a little kid and I just remember being TOTALLY caught up in the excitement of the Beat It and Billie Jean videos...shortly followed by my owning the Thriller audio cassette tape! :D

I'll never ever forget playing that Thriller tape in my family's cassette tape recorder (a small, portable device with a speaker) and singing along to every single song on that album word for word....and jumping up on my bed with my brown multi-zipper, multi-pocket jacket I called my "Beat It jacket", singing along with the ENTIRE album (cassette tape both sides).

WHAT A TIME THAT WAS!!!!! It literally felt like magic. I've NEVER felt anything quite like that before or after. Since then I've done a lot of things...had many rewarding jobs and married an incredible, beautiful wife and become the father to two absolutely wonderful daughters. I mean a LOT has happened (obviously) since then. And absolutely NOTHING will ever, ever be as awesome as my kids....and I mean that seriously. They're challenging at times...but Michael or no kids are THE happiest part of my life.

But what I'm saying really, REALLY hold this part of my life close to my heart. The early 80's were an absolutely freaking amazing time to be alive, and better amazing time to be a Michael Jackson fan! But honestly, I think it was hard NOT to be a Michael Jackson fan at this time. My generation (30-somethings), whether most of us want to admit it or not...almost all of us were Michael's fans back then. But then some of us (many of my friends in fact) "grew out of it" when gangsta rap and alternative rock came around especially.

Let's be honest with ourselves, 30-somethings. The impact the Thriller era made on us was absolutely friggin HUUUUUUGE. I remember when Bad came out I first starting hearing other kids ridiculing him for his lighter skin and I defended him. And then when Dangerous came out, my peers felt like they'd "outgrown" his music as they moved on to depressing alterna-rock and gangsta-rap. And then the allegations during the Dangerous tour and all the defending and logical thought I had to put was troubling.

But point is....we KNEW Michael was innocent because we had come to know who he was. I know when I was listening to the Thriller album (tape actually), I felt like I sort of knew his soul. I felt like I knew who he was. And around that time I started reading books about him and of course watching absolutely everything I could find relating to him and his music on TV. Back then I knew he was a good soul. I knew he had a kid heart. I knew that. I felt it in his music. I felt it in his interviews and his acceptance speeches.

That's part of what the "Thriller" era gave us. We learned even more about who this Michael Jackson guy was. Of course there were a lot of blessed people who were able to realize this before Thriller, but unfortunately I wasn't born until after Destiny and right before Off The Wall so Thriller was my time to learn about and appreciate Michael.

I want to hear about other people's Thriller experiences in the early 80's. I know we're a minority on this board, but I want to get together with you all.

Let's hear about when you first bought Thriller in the early 80's. I want to hear about when you first saw the new videos for Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller, Say Say Say, and Somebody's Watching Me.

How about Motown 25? Remember watching that as a little kid on live tv? Please guys and gals...if you remember watching that, please say something here. I never get to talk to other fans who remember watching Motown 25 live on network tv. Personally, I'll never forget it. It was a MAJOR part of my MJ fan history. Seeing him do the moonwalk live on tv for the first time was.....I said it over and over but I have to say it was magical.

I don't want to just talk about myself here so please....those of you in your 30's who remember the Thriller era (roughly around '82-'85) please respond. I want to connect with the rest of you who experienced this. It was an absolutely amazing time.

EDIT: Remember seeing or hearing the videos for the first time? Did you have cable or did you watch them on Casey Kasem's Top 10 show like I did? Remember being surprised by Say Say Say? If you were my age, do you remember when you got hooked and had to hear everything Michael ever did? Remember watching the replays of the J5 cartoon show during the Thriller era? Remember when Alvin & The Chipmunks sang Billie Jean and Beat It on Saturday morning cartoons? Remember watching Billie Jean and thinking how cool it was that his feet lit up the tiles on the sidewalk? Remember trying to copy the Beat It and Thriller dances? Remember when you heard "Somebody's Watching Me" and going crazy over Michael singing in the chorus? Remember when you first saw the sparkly glove? The sparkly socks and black loafers? Let's talk about that!

Did you ever get any of the merchandise that was released during the Thriller era? My parents bought me one of the posters that came out (the "Human Nature" poster with the yellow vest). I remember seeing crap-loads of Michael stuff in the stores back then but my parents couldn't afford much of it. What do you remember getting? Did you have MJ school folders like I remember other kids having? Did you get an MJ doll? Did you get one of the official MJ sets I used to see at Wal-Mart that had the sparkly glove and socks? There was so much cool stuff coming out back then. I remember I had a "Beat It" shirt from Wal-Mart. I looooved that shirt. I still have a portrait taken of me where I was wearing it. I demanded that if I was gonna take a picture, I had to wear that shirt. :)

But I don't just want to talk about merchandise. Let's talk about the entire era and everything that went along with it. Please, I know there aren't that many of us here....there just always seems to be so much talk about the Bad era and later (which is great too!)...but I want to talk (for at least a second) about THE era that I will NEVER forget....THE era that made me a Michael Jackson fan....the era of Thriller, Billie Jean, Beat It, Human Nature, Wanna Be Startin Something, The Girl Is Mine, The Lady In My Life, P.Y.T., and Baby Be Mine.

I looooooved the Bad era as a kid...and the Dangerous and History eras as a teenager...and the Blood on the Dance Floor and Invincible eras as an adult...but NOTHING and I mean absolutely NOTHING in the history or future of music will ever compare to the magic, the discovery, the charm, the innocence, the talent, the majesty and the love during the Thriller era. I mean NOTHING. Nothing was or ever will be quite as awesome as that. It was Michael-mania in it's truest form.

Let's hear your memories!!!!!
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hahaha..this post made me smile! Well, I'm 28 years old, so I don't have as many memories as you do, (so hope you don't mind me responding) since I was so young at the time Thriller came out...But I do remember trying to learn the Thriller dance, I remember my Dad calling my sister and I downstairs, yelling "Girls, Thriller is on!!!" on Halloween while were getting ready to go trick or treating. I remember being terrified of Thriller, but SOOOO captivated at the same time...I remember as a child NEVER being able to take my eyes off Michael, he was so enthralling (he still is) I remember when my Mom bought me an MJ doll, I am looking at it right now, on my computer desk :D I remember wearing a Beat It jacket and pretending to sing into a little microphone I had. I was too young to remember the moonwalk for the first time, I was only a year old, but I do remember years later, my parents talking about it, and them talking about it with other people. They were saying it was just the coolest thing anybody had ever seen, and people were talking about it forever after it happened. So, even though I wasn't of the age to truly remember everything so vividly, I still do have fond memories of the Thriller era. :D
Oh yes..I was 13 when Thriller came out. And that was it. I was destend for life.
Growing up in the 80es was sooooooo amazing. Playing Michael"s music in disco-clubs...everybody literally screaming and running to the dance-floor when his music was playing..omg.
All those cute boys trying to look like Mike :)
It was Michael all over.I was hysterical about any news or pictures of him, crying while watchim him on TV ( well, that hasn"t changed untill today )
Crazy and wonderfull times. The best.
Thriller...the era of sparkles, magic light, high energy, when the body moves expressed every emotion..when Thriller hit the dance floor all the world seem to phase out and we were sky rocketed to the stratosphere!
I was in high school back then and it was the time of my first falling in love.Colors were everywhere, we were dancind our lives with Michael, he was us and we were him..It's not easy to describe. His songs marked the growing of my soul, step by step, and Thriller marked my passage from adolescence.
And this was a magical time. We were the generation that was boosted to other levels of energy, freedom, understanding..we were releasing our powers and you could see the auras radiating everywhere!
Oh what memories you brought back..Thank you!
well I am 42 and let me tell ya..I remember those Thriller days..I remember begging my mom to get the making of Thriller from the video store..everytime she went to get was already rented,,:lmao:....I had every single tape that came out by Michael is the 80's...I played them so much I actually wore them out and had to replace them. I was 16 when my sister bought me as a birthday present the Thriller album...I played that thing over and over and over....It had so many scratches on it that it became inaudible....good times. I also has the Off the Wall cassette..I played that so much it broke...however I am the proud owner of a new one..thanks to GAZ and his e-bay sales..:)..I play that thing non-stop in my car..I have a cassette player..not cd. But anyway..I remember when Billie-Jean came on MTV...I was at my aunts house and jeez Michael was like a beautiful God to me...he could do no wrong as far as I was concerned
he was amazing. Beat it...absolutely loved it...I could go on about the 80's all day...I could just keep typing...but I am afraid I will type pages and pages,, I guess others would not be able to posts..I would take up the whole thread..:lmao: ....Thank you for starting this thread..its great..:)
I'm 43 and remember that time so well too. I remember when I first got my Thriller album and I played it so much I wore it out! I remember watching the Thriller video for the first time. Man, that was the coolest thing ever! I remember going to a Thriller video party at the Tacoma Dome in WA state. LaToya was there (though we were hoping for Michael!). MJ was just part of everything back then. I can't explain it exactly...but he was just on everyone's lips. He was IT. Know what I mean? One of my friends bought me a Thriller picture disc, which I still have. I had never seen a picture disc before. And I just remember watching all his videos and feeling his magic every time I watched. It really was magical.
well I am 42 and let me tell ya..I remember those Thriller days..I remember begging my mom to get the making of Thriller from the video store..everytime she went to get was already rented,,:lmao:....I had every single tape that came out by Michael is the 80's...I played them so much I actually wore them out and had to replace them. I was 16 when my sister bought me as a birthday present the Thriller album...I played that thing over and over and over....It had so many scratches on it that it became inaudible....good times. I also has the Off the Wall cassette..I played that so much it broke...however I am the proud owner of a new one..thanks to GAZ and his e-bay sales..:)..I play that thing non-stop in my car..I have a cassette player..not cd. But anyway..I remember when Billie-Jean came on MTV...I was at my aunts house and jeez Michael was like a beautiful God to me...he could do no wrong as far as I was concerned
he was amazing. Beat it...absolutely loved it...I could go on about the 80's all day...I could just keep typing...but I am afraid I will type pages and pages,, I guess others would not be able to posts..I would take up the whole thread..:lmao: ....Thank you for starting this thread..its great..:)

hahaha....I remember my mom renting the Making of Thriller SO much from the video store, the guy at the counter just said, "why don't you just buy it from us?" :lol: so we did...along with Moonwalker on VHS...I still have them....
Thanks for making this OP. :) I've been waiting for memebers who was born in this era to come together.
I was born in 1977 so I had Off The Wall *In Me* and Thriller was when I was old enough to say for sure" I am a fan of Michael Jackson." I remember waiting for Michael's videos to come on MTV and if when didn't have cable ,I'd go to my neighbours across the street to try and catch Micheal's videos. It was an event. I remember getting the Thriller tour t-shirt and a thriller pusre & the badges/buttons. The orginal MJ doll. This era holds a special place in my heart because I was 'born into it'. lol I kinda stole my sisters bf's Thriller album. (awhh.) I loved looking at the fold out. The 80's was great.
I was born in '63 so I witnessed it all and I'm so glad I did. The Thriller era was really something. It was Michael Mania. He could do no wrong. And I was amazed that this was the same Michael I watched with the Jackson 5 as a kid. That Thriller album was such a smash - every song was a hit and was played on the radio for months and months. His videos took over television. I vaguely remember the night that the full-length Thriller video was first aired. I remember it was an "event". Even back then I read the gossip and entertainment news sections in the papers and I remember reading all the hype leading up to this big event. I really can't remember what channel the video aired on though. I wish I could. I did not have cable back then so no MTV. I remember watching Friday Night Videos on NBC and they played his videos constantly for the longest time. It got to a point where one day the host said something about yes, we are not playing Michael Jackson. There was a bit of a backlash as I recall because it was just maniacal for a while. I bought my niece a Michael Jackson record player. And I remember buying my nephews a Thriller 3-D view-master set (which I think, I hope, I might still have but they are buried in my mother's closet). I loved looking at that 3-D Thriller view-master! The ghouls and zombies looked so real! My sister taught me how to moonwalk back then also. Of course, I do remember watching him Moonwalk on Motown 25. Who could forget that thrill?? I'm just really grateful that I got to see this all happen. Sometimes I wish I could travel back in time and re-live it all because I don't think I fully appreciated it as it was happening.
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I was a tween going into the teenage years when ThrillerMania was rampant. I used to sneak in my brother's room when he was gone and listen to Thriller and just look at Michael's picture. I had it bad for Michael Jackson!! (LOL)

And suzynyc, I remember those Friday Night Videos too...looking for the latest MJ video or Jackson video PERIOD. Some of the Jacksons had albums and videos out during that time too. I was Michael Jacksonized to the max!! I am so glad I was alive during that era. Nothing has been like it since. It was a blast!! Great memories for me.
I remember my sister trying to do the Beat It dance when the video was on Top of the Pops; it's quite funny to remember that. She realized how fast he was dancing :lol: I remember hearing PYT, Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller first thing in the morning before school. I also remember that a couple dancers visited our school and actually taught us to moonwalk! The next year a group came to show us BMXs. I wasn't interested in that. I remember hearing the Thriller album at my cousin's house, and buying Michael Jackson stickers when I visited NY. As for Friday night videos, I would watch that program every Friday during the Bad era. I really missed that show when they took it off.

BTW, I think your timing for this thread is great :)
The sweetest memories of my life.The first time I heard "Billie Jean" was on the radio, and I remember I was sitting writting my homework.Those first beats of the song and my heart stopped. I didn"t know how he looks at that time I was just amazed by the song. It was few weeks later when I saw the video on TV:
Oh, I can"t describe the feelings I had...I fell in love that second. He was really my first love, I was 13 then.
And later when I was 15 and I had my dance dance-partner was the cute guy who adored Michael and he loved "Beat it". He used to dance that way.
I miss those days so much.
hahaha....I remember my mom renting the Making of Thriller SO much from the video store, the guy at the counter just said, "why don't you just buy it from us?" :lol: so we did...along with Moonwalker on VHS...I still have them....

thats what we should of still have them..thats great...:)...the memories are just cherishable.
awww! I was born in 1981 on the other side of the world, so I was a very small kid when Thriller came out & have no way of remembering all this
(I had it 'in me' like Souldreamer said about OTW, and the BAD album was when I realized I love that guy, Michael Jackson!)
so I just wanted to say BIG THANK YOU for this thread! Thanks for sharing that excitement with us that don't remember, I ALWAYS wanted to know how it felt!
I was about 6 years old at the time and I remember the Thriller video was going to be shown on TV and my parents wouldnt let me see it because it was supposed to be very scary. Of course I have watched it since and dont find it scary at all :)
You guys are so lucky to remember the Thriller Era. I was only 2 years old when the Thriller Album came out. So I really have no memory of it. And I just so badly wish I was about 10 years older than I was then. That way I could have remember that Era. It wasn't really until sometime during the Dangerous Era was when I actually saw the Thriller video for the first time. As well as Michael's Billie Jean and Beat It videos. Thank you so much for making this thread for us younger fans.
Great thread! I'm 36, so I was still very young when Thriller came out. I can remember sitting in front of the tv with the whole family watching the Thriller video for the first time! That was something! As a little girl, I remember when I heard Thriller I always was a bit scared when I heard the footsteps and the creaking door! :lol: But it was the Bad era that I really really fell in love with Michael! :wub:
Well, I was only born in Thriller era so I am not actually supposed to reply to this thread. I just wanted to tell you and other ´Thriller era guys´ how I envy you that you could experience this wonderful MJ era. I come from post communism country and I talked to some ´Thriller era guys´ in my country and I know that wasn´t easy to be MJ fan in this era for them. It was extremely difficult to get any MJ original LP/cassette/VHS. They usually copied one cassette from each other so the quality of sound was very pure (though still enjoyable and touching). Only limited MJ merchandise was available here. I think the real Michaelmania came to my country at the beginning of 90´s (that is when I became fan too), when his music was widely spread and massively accessible on radio, TV, etc. Anyway, enjoy your memories.
Waow !! I'm 45 years old and Thriller has been the first album I bought with my own money, I always have the tape (very used !)- I also remember me and my brother (he's 48 now) try to dance on Beat It and he also tried the moonwalk as he could (he tries again today:D) it was so funny !! I 'm always in love with Lady in my Life - that era was an explosion of Michaelmania, every time I turned on the radio I heard him, it was an amazing era - I have so great memories ... thanks to have opened this thread:wub:
Waow !! I'm 45 years old and Thriller has been the first album I bought with my own money, I always have the tape (very used !)- I also remember me and my brother (he's 48 now) try to dance on Beat It and he also tried the moonwalk as he could (he tries again today:D) it was so funny !! I 'm always in love with Lady in my Life - that era was an explosion of Michaelmania, every time I turned on the radio I heard him, it was an amazing era - I have so great memories ... thanks to have opened this thread:wub:

Yay! I get so excited when I see others my age here. It's so rare!

LOL about your brother Moonwalking now. I tried Moonwalking back in the day but I don't think I could do much these days...I have bad feet. :)