For those of us who missed the VMA's, where can we watch it?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
I thought I would create a separate thread because the VMA one is enormous. I had a job interview today and was unable to stay up to watch. Does anyone know where I might be able to watch the whole show online now? I'm in the UK. Cheers very much guys.
There's probably a torrent for it. Have you searched yet? Or maybe limewire
Even when Michael appears as a video his presence knows no boundaries. I watch the video and I think to myself, am I dreaming? Where's Michael? Is this real? :no:

The look on Janet's face when she finishes her performance is badass. She also looks up towards Michael. He was surely watching her performance with pride and love.
Janet did say that she does comfort eat and she was visibly curvier, when i saw her at the memorial..But she danced just like michael..They are both angry dancers..Alot of passion and emotions went into that performance from the moment she went out..

I have to say there was one moment noone has mentioned which i was a bit fearful of and it was when janet was doing the dance sequence with michael on screen..At the momentwhere they go to their knees and push themselves back up, it did looked like she almost lost her balance and she had to resort to using her hansd to get herself back up maybe in place of the spin that was meant to happen, possibly not but she hide it very well and shows what a consumate performer she is...if you make a mistake , don't make it look like one...But it did seem her extra weight and all the stuff she had on might have lpayed a part in that moment....
For those who missed the VMA, you missed nothing, believe me. The only part worthy watching is the beginning with Madonna's speech followed by excellent dancers and finally untill Janet finishes her performance. Then you can skip the whole VMA and watch towards the end the trailer for THIS IS IT, which is excellent. All in between is yawning and boring to death overfilled with every-two-minutes interrupting commercials.
does anyone know where i can find it to post on my myspace? cant seem to find it in full on youtube. i would like the entire performance from Madonna's speech till the performace. thanks :)