For The Benefit Of My American Friends!

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date

Dangerous Incorporated


a lot of misconceptions happen and this is not solely a disease by Americans. People, in general, irregardless of race, tend to have some kind of misconceptions about anything and everyone and this can be cured by taking time to gather information so one can separate fact from fiction.

to dangerous incorporated...i join mello in asking what exactly is ur point because u might be touching on some raw nerves here
I get it.. but, I don't find that funny. I guess there are alot more educated Americans then you realize. How's that for a misconception? LOL
a lot of misconceptions happen and this is not solely a disease by Americans. People, in general, irregardless of race, tend to have some kind of misconceptions about anything and everyone and this can be cured by taking time to gather information so one can separate fact from fiction.

to dangerous incorporated...i join mello in asking what exactly is ur point because u might be touching on some raw nerves here

:lol: I noticed that all my Aussie friends on different boards got it but here y'all confused and take things WAY to seriously.

The rest of the world has the misconception that kangaroos run around our cities and koalas (they're not bears BTW!) are in every tree and we all drink Fosters. This was just a joke that y'all ruined cuz it went right over ya heads! :scratch::doh::tease:
The number of people with severe humor deficiencies in this thread is depressing.

Anyway, there goes any reason I had to visit Australia :(.
^^ :lol: We can arrange a kangaroo for you to ride on if you want. The authorities might have a problem with that though. Diplomatic immunity?
I get to ride a kangaroo in Australia because I'm American. I assume that that entails respect and awe everywhere I go...
Im not sure customs would let you in the country though for fear of smuggling something in that big ego of yours!! :lol:
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u know what? i knew it was meant as a joke but sadly, it fell flat. at least on me and i am not even an American!
what i am trying to say is.. pls. remember that this is a multi-racial board. one group's concept of what's funny shld not be made at the expense of another. just a little sensitivity is what i have in mind
I think the problem is the way the thread is titled, implying that all american's need this

and Sid you're welcome to try and ride a kangaroo and I must underline the word try cause they are mean buggers