For Michael...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I posted two new videos on YouTube of me singing some of Michael's best songs :) For his birthday.

On another note, I won't be able to do the balloon launch :( I have to go in to work because my co-workers nephew was born yesterday, and he is dying in the hospital.

So for Michael's birthday, could we all say a prayer not only for him but for baby Christopher?? Michael wouldn't want a baby to die on his birthday... :(

Thanks guys! I'm still looking forward to the star gazing tonight though...
That is so sad, I'll definitley be thinking of Christopher as well tonight. :(
I'll check out your new videos! I'm really excited about the star gazing, it's going to be amazing! :)
i saw you videos, they were great :) and of cource i will give a though of baby christopher! :yes:

i was looking forward to the star gazing, but its really cloudy here so you cant see a thing :( but i have thought about michael all day, and i hope i made him happy with my celebration of his birthday.
Aww I sent out a prayer for Christopher. I look forward to the stargazing too, or lack there of. If there's no stars, I will look at the moon.
yea there are no stars out tonight but the moon is SO bright! im going to go out and look at that instead :)
I've only just read this post so I'm sending love and prayers for young Christopher Casey :( You're videos continue to make me feel better and give encouragement :)