For Michael Fans too Distraught to Post


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i know there are Michael fans reading this that are just too distraught to post.

let's all talk to those fans we love so much....we know they're reading our posts but literally cannot say anything because they're in shock, it's numbing.

it will take time and they'll be back because they love Michael....okay, and us too :laugh:

:huggy: :better: :friends:
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I have tried to cope by thinking about other things but I am still thinking about Michael as well is that wrong
i hope everyone is okay.
i still cant get myself to type anywhere else on the forum besides the news and death threads. i cant think anything else now.
I have tried to cope by thinking about other things but I am still thinking about Michael as well is that wrong

No, it isn't wrong at all. In fact, you probably need to think about him to begin to accept it and to eventually be okay. When you think about him, it's okay to cry. I've cried so much, and sometimes it's hard to stop crying. I am still in shock myself. I just keep trying to think of anything positive I can to help or to hold onto. People have told me I shouldn't be depressed because he is in a better place, he won't have to endure what he went through in this world anymore. Also, he lives on in all of our hearts and memories and minds. If you don't allow yourself to think about him, then you are denying yourself something beautiful. Do think about him. Think about how great he was and tell other people how you feel about him and about what happened. Writing can be cathartic and help us to get through things, so even if you can't talk to someone, write about how you're feeling (even if it's just for you to read yourself). Try to let Michael's music and thoughts of him comfort you if you can.
We are all here for you, and we understand what you're going through.