For fans not in the UK


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Surrey , UK
Hi Guys

I have just been to tesco on the hunt for the 2 x tribute magazine i have read on here.

I realise as a fan how difficult how it is for fans in other countrys to obtain various memorablia so after buying every magazine in tesco with Michael on I had just enough money to buy extra copies.

I have 2 x spare Michael Jackson a tribute to a legend mag 130 pgs and 2x Michael Jackson King of Pop Mags i would like to offer these to 4 fans who are unable to get hold of this magazine in there own countrys. I will post anywhere in the UK.

I do not want the money for these all i ask is that a nice donation is made to Gary and the team to keep this site which all much need alive and afloat.

Please put your name down if you would be interested and i will sort it out with a mod as i only have 4 and would hate for 10 people to pay for them.

Thanks x
whats the magazine called where can i buy it
Like I said please jsut email me your address and make a donation then I will post them - I would gladly sent you both Ian if you like as one else seems to interested x
Could i persuade you to come on the 13th and give you them there?

No probs hun just sent me an pm with your addy and ill try get them posted out today or weekend. Could you either donate into my pay pal account which i will pass on or Garys though?
Could i persuade you to come on the 13th and give you them there?

No probs hun just sent me an pm with your addy and ill try get them posted out today or weekend. Could you either donate into my pay pal account which i will pass on or Garys though?

:lol: (oops sorry! :( it's not the good moment to post a smiley like this! :()
No, sorry I think I couldn't come to London!

Umm... Can you just wait until this evening, because I'm at work at the moment! =P We could discuss about it this evening then! ;)
hi hope im not too late, can you possibly send me some i'll obviously give you money i've PM'd you aswell.
What I will do if its okay as all magazine have been allocated now is set up a paypal for these magazines and only of course ask for face value and postage costs to send them out to thoses fans abroad who would like them...........Ill just wait for confirmation from a mod to check thats ok
I would love to get those as they are not mostlikely sold around here.. I can pay for shipping if needed and i will make a donation to this site assoon as i have my own creditcard and paypal account.

But i guess i'm allready to late...
There are quite a few fans around the world asking about these. Obviously I dont have the money to buy all of these and donate it too Mjjc only the 4 copies I brought today.
Is there anyone else that could get involved to help these fans obtain this tribute issues without paying horrendous costs on ebay etc?
is any of them the special edition of Time magazine??? I want it but I wont find it here in Brazil...

can anyone help me?
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Could some reliable member help some of us out? Please? I want one...
the linked site doesn't accept paypal and I don't like paying with my credit card online